Thursday, June 26, 2014

This weekend, the Yankees have a rare opportunity: They could effectively knock Boston out of its season

Yeah, I know what you're thinking: Duque, put down the hair tonic. It's way too soon to call a season, that practically every team is just a winning streak away from contention, and Boston is capable of making such a run.

Yeah, OK, but think this: If the Evils this weekend can sweep the listing Redsocks, it might ignite a domino-drop of salary dumps, similar to the great house-cleaning of mid-2012.

If Redsock history reveals one thing, it is that management never shows loyalty to former Boston stars. The Socks jettisoned Fisk, Boggs, Nomar, Pedro, Youk, Papelbon, Dice-K, Damon, Manny, Beckett, Ellsbury, et al - and the bull's eye on David Ortiz's back expands with each passing week. If they slide further back, it is the nature of the franchise to seek scapegoats and roll heads. Considering the success they had after 2012 - dumping oldsters and winning it all last year - the fan base would likely offer only token protests.

In fact, part of me worries that if the Yankees do rub out Boston's hopes, it will embolden Brian Cashman to scrounge up another Soriano deal, a short-term fix that leaves us with another geezer taking up space for future seasons. Meanwhile, Boston could retool and return stronger than ever next year.

In the modern era of professional sports, it seems the worst place to be is in the middle of the pack - missing the post-season and with nothing to show for it. The last two great Yankee droughts only ended after the teams completely collapsed, bringing high draft picks.

Still... wouldn't it be nice to whack them?


  1. Ortiz seems to be reaching his sell date and we're in the market for another soon-to-be has been. Please, Cashman. Don't do it! Now I understand my recent bout of night terrors.

  2. KD, please no Big Poopi. Gardner may have a strange skull formation, but Ortiz's head is simply too gigantic. We can't do it.

  3. har har hardee hah hah. That John M, he's so funny.

  4. Bring on the Big Head!

    Our Bullpen phones will need to be upgraded with titanium steel alloy and Gardner will have to do his best Pedroia impersonation of restraining Pap, but I'd sign him just to make him shave that ridiculous beard he has.

  5. That is my official policy with regard to obtaining Redsock players:

    We should sign them, shave them, and then release them.

  6. Spite be my name.


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