Thursday, July 31, 2014

Sick feeling grows, as the Redsocks reload

They rebuild their batting order, get younger, and keep all their prospects. And the worst part? I can't shake the feeling that this weekend, they'll still take two out of three against us...

This is what happens when you completely lose hope for your team.


  1. They rebuild their batting order, get younger, and keep all their prospects.

    And, they lowered their payroll so they'll be better free agent bidders during the offseason...

  2. Everything about this screams THEY DO THIS BETTER THAN WE DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Honestly cashman didn't give up shit at all in the four big trades, improved the team by ~4 wins, and we now have an actually decent 2B/3B for a few years. He did a great job this trade deadline and I don't care what Alphonso says.

    the team still stinks though.

  4. Understood that pessimism is quite the rage on this page. Still, no mistaking an utter disaster. LBJ sums it up nicely. There will be a Cuban Missile Crisis when the Yankees venture to Boston. And what has Brian done? Helped the Red Sox rectify their horrible mistake(s) of signing Steven Drew. And it wouldn't be a party without Cashman wasting a prospect on a used-up infielder who is thoroughly redundant given the current lineup. Two useless infielders. Yes, that will deliver you a World Series trophy. Billy Beane, it is so painfully obvious I needn't have to write it, should be the Yankees GM.

  5. So we get Drew to play second, where he has never played, and trade Johnson, who was always a second basemen, but who we never let play there because we played Brian Roberts, who we just cut, instead. Can somebody explain this to me?

  6. Please someone roll out the arithmetic that says that these trades have improved the Yankees by 4 wins. If you look at all the respective WAR ratings, these moves are a wash at best. More futile milling by the retard Cashman.

  7. Okay so I actually did the math, and it is a 2 WAR improvement going by average of zips and steamer projections:

    ROS WAR:
    McCarthy 0.6 - Nuno 0.25 > .35
    Drew 0.50 - roberts 0.15 > .35
    prado 0.9 - johnson 0.25 > .65
    headley 1.25 solarte .50 > .75

    total difference: 2.05

    Ok so its not 4 WAR, but a 2WAR projected improvement is not insignificant. In fact for a 500 team like the yankees, the difference between 83 wins and 85 wins could be the playoffs in their terrible terrible division.

    They gave up literally nothing at all for this improvement. Its a straight upgrade, even though they are still a broken injured boring crappy team that is hard to root for.

    Martin Prado is a legitimately useful player too for next year unlike most mid season yankees pickups (see: ichiro, soriano, etc.)

    plenty to be pessimistic about but minor upgrades that don't harm the team are good. I think this was the best possible trade deadline cashman could have had. Bad contracts (beltran, probably ellsbury soon), and inaction (see 2012-2013 off-season and "Plan $189" which still haunts us) are the problems.

  8. anyone think the yanks can possibly get past the A's or Tigers after yesterday? Didn't think so.

  9. Can we please stop this nonsense. Boston was 12 games back in the division as of the trade deadline, 11.5 behind for the second wild card, with a 0.1% chance of making the postseason. Does anyone think they would have traded away 3/5 of their starting rotation if they were still in the race?

    The Yankees this year were 184x's more likely than the Red Sox to make the postseason. Even last year, the Yankees were 90x's more likely to make the post season than Boston this year.

    The circumstances simply are not the same. Not remotely. The last time the Yankees found themselves in Boston's position at the trade deadline was a month after Jeter signed with the Yankees - and thank God for that.

    The Yankees did not have he pieces to land a Price or Stanton. They also don't have the pieces to trade away that Boston did. They are in it, and staying the course. Every move the Yankees made this July made the team better, and gave up nothing that can't be replaced. Yes, there is a chance the team will go on a disastrous losing streak and all of this will be rendered moot fast. But it is far more likely that they will again be playing meaningful games into September. How fucking horrible.


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