Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Yankees are rushing this kid, Severino, through the system

High frequency buzz in the Yankiverse today: The Yankees are moving righty phenom Luis Severino from Tampa to Double A Trenton. He's only 20, and he only recently moved up to Tampa. This week, he dazzled scouts in the Futures Game.

There is rampant speculation that Cashman is showcasing him for a butcher block trade - for a Cliff Lee or a David Price. (Other prospects would certainly go, too.) Right now - at least until the Yankees screw him up - Severino is the jewel of our farm system. Frankly, I'm not even sure we should be hoping he pitches well at Trenton.

The best thing that might happen for all of us - long range - would be for him to strain a hammy and miss the next four weeks.

Yeah, OK... I am a prospect hugger. I make no bones about this. If you have five young pitchers, one of them might make it. But that's how you build a winning team. The 2014 Yankees cannot trade themselves into a pennant. All they can do is prolong the agony - think Alfonso Soriano - and seriously mess up the future.

Come on, hammy strain!


  1. Why would the Yankees trade a 20 year old potential phenom for a 35 year old, temperamental, NYC-Hating asshole, slug?

    Cliff Lee would do what, exactly? The kid would do better in the majors than him.

    If he gets dealt for Lee, I am finished until Cashman is burned in Rouen.

  2. If u can get David Price do it prospects are suspect.

  3. Prospects are suspect? David Price was once a prospect. So was Whitey Ford, Mickey Mantle, Yogi Berra, Willie Mays, Joe DiMaggio, and Mike Trout.

    Washed-up big names are suspect.

    Yours, sir, is the wisdom of dopey fans and daily sportswriter hacks.

  4. Cliff Lee is 30 y.o. and his wife hates us Yankees fans. and then there is THIS:

  5. Don't deal the prospects & the future for a short term fix, this organization ( Cashman AND Steinspawn) operates with the rationale of a crack addict!

  6. Lee is older than thirty

  7. Thanks Anonymous. Boy, did I get that wrong. Now I'm even more concerned about a potential 3 year deal for another injured, fading superstar.


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