Friday, August 15, 2014

A long, cold winter is coming

Grab you gear. We're headed to the other side of the wall, where it's always winter. It'll be like becoming a Cubs fan, only without the charming park.


  1. Austria's Only Baseball FanAugust 15, 2014 at 7:06 PM

    Yes, but be sure to not carry any large metal objects with you (the following was posted on the Yankees' Web site today; I think I'll stay in Austria):

    The Yankees announced Friday that as part of Major League Baseball's initiative to standardize security procedures at all parks for the start of the 2015 season, metal detectors will be added at various entry points at Yankee Stadium beginning with their game against the Astros on Tuesday.

    These procedures, which result from MLB's continuing work with the Department of Homeland Security, will be in addition to bag checks that are now uniform throughout MLB.

    The Yanks said that they are introducing metal detection at select Stadium entrances this season in an effort to acclimate staff and fans to the new procedure. Beginning in 2015, all game-day entrances to Yankee Stadium will follow this protocol.

    Due to the enhanced security measures, the Yankees are strongly urging fans to begin budgeting extra time for entry into the ballpark when planning their trip to the Stadium.

    "Nothing is more important to us at Yankee Stadium than the safety of the fans we serve," chief operating officer Lonn Trost said in a statement. "To that end, we are committed to the procedures that Major League Baseball and the Department of Homeland Security have asked us to implement. We want our fans to feel safe in Yankee Stadium, and our staff is dedicated to maintaining the highest security standards possible."

    Beginning with Tuesday's game vs. Houston, fans will be asked to remove cell phones and all large metal objects from their pockets before walking through metal detectors at select Yankee Stadium entryways. As has been the policy of recent years, all bags will be checked, and only MLB-compliant bags -- 16 inches by 16 inches by 8 inches or smaller -- will be admitted.

    Those who choose not to go through a walk-through metal detector have the option of being manually checked with a hand-held detector.

  2. this blog contracted the ebola virus.
    John M, KD and now this Austrian bore. Alphonso, get off your bar stool and do something.

  3. Right now, we don't need Alphonso to tell how much we suck: it is obvious to all. However, should the Yanks win, say, three in a row in the near future, Alphonso will need to reappear just to tramp down my foolish optimism.


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