Friday, September 19, 2014

Last night's walk-off win would have been exciting, had it mattered

I'm sorry, folks. Somewhere out there - or deep within our DNA - lurks the 9-year-old who is now just discovering Lawrence Peter Berra. But that was a half-century ago, and too many Lance McCullers and Ross Moschittos have floated down the Yankee river. They say that a win is a win is a win. That is not true. Last night, I wanted the Yankees to lose. I'm sorry.

But losing is honest. Losing highlights the reality of another failed Yankee season. Losing means having to make another excuse - having to erase another annoyance, though they are mere scratches on the skin to the owners, for whom entire lost seasons barely register financially as mosquito bites. Through the mere act of existing, the Steinbrenners have accumulated more wealth than most middle class communities, and why wouldn't they believe that any problem can be solved with a checkbook? Isn't that exactly how Hal Steinbrenner viewed the 2014 season? Time to grab the wallet and buy a team?

Losing is honest. Losing means your $20 million cleanup hitter doesn't go on a 10-game hitting streak against Triple A starters and finish the season with a statistical bump that implies he did something, when in fact, he was a pulsing black hole, sucking entire rallies into his maw. Do you want Mark Teixeira to hit five HRs next week, so he can tell his critics that - no, he doesn't need to hit to all fields; he can just swing harder and try to the drive every ball into outer space, Ron Kittle-style. Do you want the Yankees to sign Chase Headley and Chris Young to three-year deals, based on the final two weeks of a nothing season? Should we get excited about "carrying momentum into next spring?"

Losing is honest. Losing is performing the entire play, in perfect character, all the way to the final death scene. Losing is what the 2014 Yankees did best. Losing was their genius. Last week, the game when Young homered against Baltimore, and then Adam Warren filled the bases without a hit - dear God, that was brilliant, a veritable masterpiece of pathos. No. This team needs to keep the losses going. No momentum for 2015. No padding of stats. I want every statistic frozen, so nobody can someday claim this team was anything but a giant stink bomb unleashed in the center of New York City.

Yes, there is one last game to win - Jeter's final home game. Let's win that one. But throughout his career, Jeter played an honest game of baseball. So let's be honest now. The truth about this team is that Lawrence Peter Berra wouldn't recognize it under a spotlight. The truth is simple and painful. This team needs to lose.


  1. This post, plus your Cano comment yesterday, are prime examples of why this blog is so important to me. You always challenge my notions and I'm better for it.

    However, PLEASE use your juju for a Yankee win tonight. My last game of the season and, most important, my last chance to see The Captain take the field. I've probably seen him play in over 200 games and I don't know if I can keep a dry eye tonight.

  2. It ain't no sin to be glad you're alive, Duque. A walk-off is fun if you let it.

  3. Last night was great. Thank you for the JuJu that you do so well. I know you're out there. I could feel it last night.


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