Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Loss From The Days of Darkness, When He Briefly Pitched Bravely For Us And, In The Darkest Days Of 1967, Pitched Well. Plus, What A Great Name. Farewell, Monbo.


  1. Haven't thought of that epic name in years. RIP Monbo. We'll hear your name at Old Timer's Day this summer...

  2. If he died robbing a bank, he'd be "former Yankee" Bill Monboquette.

  3. I believe he started the '67or '68 season 5-0. By my 4th grade reckoning, that translated to a season record of something along the lines of 30-0. 20 wins guaranteed. And with Stottlemyre doing his thing and Dooley Womack in the bullpen, we were going to have some fun.

    Well, that didn't quite work out, but the the season was more fun because of Monbo's fast start.


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