Sunday, March 8, 2015

Good news: Yankee infield looks "really good." Bad news: When compared to last year.

George A. King III - the Post writer with the Times' name - wins the Glass Half Full Award for "Most Optimistic Gammonite" with his rosey outlook piece on the 2015 Yankee infield. George A III says our infrastructure looks far better - defensively - than last year's 84-win team, which finished second in the American League East, only 12-games out.

Of course, it's sort of like saying New Orleans looks better than it did underwater.

Anyway, George A-3 says:

Provided nobody suffers an injury before Opening Day, the Yankees will have a significantly better infield defensively than a year ago.

And he's right, dammit!

Keep in mind, though, that last year the Yankees had:

1. Yangervis Solarte battling Zelous Wheeler, Scott Sizemore and Kelly Johnson at third.

2. Dean Anna, Yangervis, Zelous, Scott, and the population of Gary, Indiana, facing off against the injured Brian Roberts at second.

3. Serious questions whether Derek Jeter could last the season.

4. Not a clue that Mark Teixeira would collapse so completely.

Nope. Write this down, everybody: The Yankee infield is DEFINITELY better than last year.

The rotation, though... uh... (cough)... might be a... um... (cough)... problem. I just don't recall last year expecting to hear the name "Capuano" every fifth day. Oh, well... GO D.

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