Wednesday, March 18, 2015

My New Optimism

Duque is right.  And I tried to be positive in my last post.

I just know I said something positive about someone or something.

So here's the latest, based upon last night's game;

1.  I couldn't watch most of it because Chris Young played, I think, 7 innings.

2.  I did see Pirela's two at bats and he is a, "tough out."  He has a great eye for pitches so, unlike virtually every other Yankee, he doesn't waste swings on balls that wind up in the dirt.  He walked and then tripled.  He can motor.  He also looked smooth on initiating a DP while playing second.  the Yanks will surely abuse him.

3.  Bird, the great prospect slugger and MVP from the Arizona Fall league, fanned on a pitch in the dirt.  With men on base, no less.  So the big bird will be going back to the graveyard.  He also looked dumb and inexperienced on a short chop to first, that resulted in Yankee buffoonery and an error.

4.  Noonan cannot hit.  In the Yanks' last at bat, with Pirela on third, he struck out.  And I predicted the strike out when he approached the plate. I would have bet money on it, sight unseen.  He is nothing.   I fast forwarded through his at bat until I saw all the Bluejays walking toward the dugout, patting each other on the back.

5.  Didi hit a rocket line drive.  Unfortunately, right at someone.  Otherwise, he did not threaten with his bat.  I guess I heard 10 times, from the Yankee announcers, that the Yankees are only looking at Didi for defense.  But I doubt they expected a .125 hitter.

6  By the way, Didi's batting average is currently higher than Gardner's average.  No worries, mate.

7.  Tyler Austin made a catch and blasted a double in his brief appearance.  Nice work.  But for nothing, really.  No one is beating out Beltran or Chris Young ( who did get two hits).

8.  Tex crushed an opposite field HR, finally beating the shift.  But the shift is killing him, McCann and Drew.  Can  you imagine;  Drew?  He also got a single to the opposite field, securing his spot and $5 million contract.

9.  I like this third baseman, not named either Hedley or A-Rod.  Gurez, Guvez, Goo something.  He just looks like a player.  Of course, we won't be seeing him again.

10.  On the downside;  CC was great for 5 batters; Bettances looked like the pre-2014 Bettances.  He was hammered; his curve hung like a grapefruit, and his control was awful.  Maybe it was because he came into the game too early.

11.  Mason Williams hit a sharp grounder between 3rd and short, but he was thrown out by a step.  Because I am now the Yankee optimist, I will say that he is starting to look like an athlete.  And if he is still only 20-21, there is a chance.  Is he still only 20-21?

Most of the pitchers seemed to do all right ( save for the above-mentioned ), but I don't know anything about any of them.

It's going to be a great season.  The Yankees are back!


  1. who are you and what did you do with Alphonso??

  2. I promised Duque I would be upbeat. Don't despair; it won't last.

  3. This perky attitude is unnerving. However, Spring does officially begin tomorrow. And it's going to snow.

    Why does that remind me of the season stretching ahead of us?


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