Saturday, April 4, 2015

It Must Be Me

Everytime I watch, the Yankees do one of their disappearing acts.

Yesterday, CC really settled down after he was boxed for three quick, first inning runs.  Translation;  with the Yankees only able, in general, to score two runs a game, the contest was already over.  Already in the books.  But Joe, Coney and anyone else within range of a microphone filled the air with how CC is really finding himself.

Here is an old adage that applies;  After the horse has departed the barn ( 3 runs first inning ) , it does little good to close the barn door.  wake up assholes;  if he pitches that way, we lose every game he starts.  How he settles into a rhythm doesn't mean dick when we are already in a deep hole.

So I turn my attention to the young guys;

Heathcott;  they just finished telling me how he was awarded some prize for best rookie in Yankee camp.   He made a balls-out attempt to catch a sinking liner ( a step late ) in centerfield, but gloved it on the short-hop, and saved the embarrassment of an inside the park HR.  So he comes to the plate with a pretty gaudy average ( well over .300 ) and I look forward to seeing him crank a pitch into the gap.

He strikes out.  Lamely.

They give all this back and forth about the final battle for a spot;  back-up catcher.  One guy is hitting .203 ( he strikes out ); and the other guy is hitting about .163 ( he strikes out ).  Really.   Who gives a crap about who our back-up catcher is going to be?  They can't hit and team other team ran on them like the F train.

So I am left with people named after animals.  Some guy named Camel?  Or close to it.  He was our best hitter yesterday.

Lastly, my man, Jake Cave got another AB.  He had killed me with disappointment the last at bat of his I watched ( horrible strike out, flailing in the dirt….3 pitches );  so he crushes one, but right at the SS.  Hard out.A base hit wasn't going to put him on the team, but it might have given him some confidence.  Given the Yankee brass some confidence.

 Bob Refsnyder was the one guy who did come through at the plate, but I never got see him make a play at second.  And that is the concern with him;  he fields like Nunez I'm told.  So he is gone anyway, to practice scooping up ground balls in AAA.

Now I have to learn the names of all our bullpen lefties who are less good than Chase Whitley, but beat him out for roster spots anyway.


  1. I saw a guy in Luxemborg - a Luxemborian - I guess, in a Yankee cap yesterday. Surely, he doesn't know.

  2. Is Luxemborg near 161st and river Ave?

  3. Did Hal buy off Alphonso? What's with all the positivity? Hal might have thrown some money around. I hear that he is not cheap.


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