Saturday, April 18, 2015

Oh, well, it's just words: A-Rod's disgraceful former future, as predicted by Bill Madden

Over the last three years - the Trashing of A-Rod Era - no one has carried more water for the Yankee ownership than the Daily News' Bill Madden. He is the Gunga Din of sportswriters.

Today, following Alex Rodriguez's two-HR performance last night, saving the Yankees from another horrible defeat, let's take a wonder cruise through some of The Bard of BS's greatest hits.

Here's Gunga's ripper piece from last November.

... nobody expects A-Rod to be able to play next season. But as long as he’s in Yankee pinstripes and part of the team, like it or not, he’s the Yankee brand — the big elephant in the room... I have a suggestion for what the skipper’s first question to the Comeback Kid might be: “Did you really pee on that woman’s wall?”

You can practically feel the gin fumes exploding from his pores. Of course, Madden has been assuring everyone of A-Rod's physical collapse for years. Here's one from July 2013.

It is now a frantic footrace with the MLB drug posse for Alex Rodriguez, who will never play another game for the Yankees but is desperately trying to make sure he doesn’t lose a penny of the $100 million owed him on the last 4½ years of his contract... A-Rod has to know he’s never going to be remotely close to the player he once was,... The sooner he goes away — for good — the better off everyone, including A-Rod, will be.

That year, Madden was on a roll.

... the most hated man in baseball, a man depicted as a serial drug cheat at war with his own team. Rodriguez has hired so many lawyers in his case against baseball that one camp doesn’t know what the other camp is doing. And when it is all over, he is very likely to have spent more money on lawyers than he loses from any suspension, however long it may be.

OK, one final blast from 2013.

“It’s all about him getting his money and not losing it to suspension,” one source close to the situation told the Daily News. “He knows he’s never going to the Hall of Fame. All that’s left for him is to make sure he gets his money — all of it.” One way to do that is for Rodriguez to return to game action, find he can no longer perform up to his standards, then retire before he’s hit with a suspension without pay. 

Two years ago, Subway Squawkers did a great job of chronicling Madden's hate obsession over A-Rod. One gem: Writer Lisa Swan noted that the Daily News' back page blasted A-Rod's "evil plan" - attempting a comeback, and wanting to be paid - on the same day Aaron Hernandez was indicted for murder. 



  1. In fairness, most times it seems as if A-Rod is the only qualified Major League Baseball player on the team.

    We're it not for him, I think we have one or two wins, max.

  2. He is the closest thing we have to a Bomber...although Steven Drew is really making a run at it. *cough*


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