Monday, April 6, 2015

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Take me out with the crowd


  1. Frisk my penis and crackerjacks, I don't care if I ever get back.

  2. I guess plastic flasks will be a must.

  3. The fear of a one in a million event has led us to make every event unpleasant. Another good reason not to go to any MLB stadium. I get my fill at airports.

    On a happier note, Gardy gets the first HR of the season. On less happy notes, Tanaka sucked and there is no offense aside from Gardy's blast.

    It's gonna be a long season. Go Mets.

  4. Time to consider surrogates teams to root. I started my research here:

  5. Textbook start to a terrible season, no surprise there, URRGGG, I actually turned off the radio after the 4th inning,,,,,,
    Calgon, take me AWAAAAAAAAAAY!

  6. "Frisk my penis and crackerjacks, I don't care if I ever get back" El Duque, how you can turn a phrase/sentence! Thanks for summing up the season to come with one Opening Day remark.

  7. That was the first and last time I rely upon Mustang to relay the third base coach's signals to me. I know, Mattingly woulda been safe.

  8. Frisk my penis and crackerjacks, John M writes like his brain is on crack


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