Thursday, July 30, 2015

Did You Miss Me?

What have you all been thinking?

Yanks coming alive in July.  Best record in baseball.  Building a huge lead in the AL East.

No need to deal prospects or our number one pick.  Play our hand.  Save our future chips.

All good.  Except for one thing.

I didn't go away.  I am still watching and lingering about.  I have to do my work.

Just for now, I give you two names; Tanaka and Pineda.

They both end in "a."

I wonder who is the Yanks' starter tonight.

I just wonder.


  1. Hint: it isn't Pineda.....

  2. Not to mention Nova's "arm fatigue."
    Sabathia goes tonight.
    They better score 21 again.
    No, never trade prospects for great starting pitchers. Prospects always turn out to be more valuable right, like Taylor, Montero, Maas, Spencer, Nunez, etc.

  3. Joe de pastry--Maybe if the pre- and post-Gene Michaels GMS didn't SUCK so bad at the draft, you might be able to make the same point without the sophomoric sarcasm. All good to great players were once prospects, too, you know. Want me to list all several thousand?

  4. Nick-Sophomore year in college was the best year of my life. I can't stop trying to relive it. I'm aware that some highly regarded prospects turn into Mantle or Guidry or Jeter. But many more of them don't. In general, I'm glad the Yankees are giving the young guys a chance. For me the big exception is when you need another reliable starter badly and you can get an ace starting pitcher in his prime.


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