Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Fear Grows As The BA Drops

Don't look now, but Refsnyder is now looking better defensively than offensively.  That pick and tag he made at second yesterday on an on-target, but low ( short hop ) throw from McCann was great glove work.

Sadly, he is now grounding out regularly to the right side of the infield.  One hoppers.  Often, on first pitch swings.  Not working the count. He missed a huge RBI opportunity yesterday.  He looks unthreatening.  He looks like a pitcher's at bat in the national league.

There are those of you say, " .....well, he'll settle in.  We know he can hit.  Just give him time."  I hope you are right.

But future all stars don't have the same batting average as Stephen Drew.

Nicely settled in at .180 or so.

I fear we have not witnessed the debut of anything more than another body in a baseball suit.

I see the Rob is not in the line-up today.

 Girardi thinks Drew needs some hacks?  Needs to keep his rythym? Is a better offensive threat now than Refsnyder?


  1. Patience is a virtue.

    Yeah, I don't have a lot, either.

  2. The debate is now moot. Ref is sent to Scraton.

  3. The kid needs more than one week to settle in.

    They could have tried to platoon him fo awhile.

    What they have now replacing him in the lineup is not impressive. !!!


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