Friday, July 10, 2015

The Yankee captain, Brett Gardner, is going to the All-Star Game

Shh. Don't tell anybody. But the Yankees have a captain, and his name is Brett Gardner.

We're not supposed to have a captain. It's too soon. It's like dating your secretary, six months after Matilda dies. It's like going to the kennel for a replacement, without even moving Spotty's water dish. You're supposed to grieve. We're still getting over the fact that, after 20 years, Derek Jeter retired. Every day, we walk the beach and ask, where hath our captain gone? All we see is Didi Gregorious, and Hannah and her talking horse. It's not quite the same.

Last week, when Dellin Betances and Mark Teixiera were named to the All-Star game, we didn't know how to deal with Gardner's snub, other than to assume it was just another anti-Yankee move. He's been our best player all season. Without him, we'd be in fourth, maybe below .500. He's thet guy with the bucket after a walkoff. He's the guy who grew the mustaches of May. He's the guy who let us lose Jacoby Ellsbury and never skip a beat. He's the guy the AL will want coming to bat with critical runs on base. He's the frickin' captain of the frickin' Yankees. Just don't tell anybody.


  1. Good for Brett. As long as he leaves his hat on, he should be a crowd favorite.

  2. Been saying it for months.

  3. Boo. This article is shit.

  4. Austria's Only Baseball FanJuly 10, 2015 at 7:31 PM

    Brett Gardner is the heart and soul of the Yankees and certainly should be made official Captain. Why not start an online petition?

  5. Gardner is having his finest season. He's not even the best OF'er on the team. He's a good player, not great. He's certainly not the Captain, nor is he worthy of the Captaincy. Derek Jeter is the Captain, and will remain so for years to come.

  6. No doubt that Gordy will make a fine captain some day. He meets all the criteria. He is home grown, is clutch at the plate, and goes all out all the time. Last nights dive into first base to beat the throw is a perfect example. He leads by example and is humble about his accomplishments. Even better, he is a family man and a shining example both on and off the field. He is definitely the teams best leader and will be made captain some day, but not today. Too soon


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