Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Across the globe, Yankee fans are now staring into their TVs, spewing juju and changing the course of baseball history

The Juju Intervention has begun...



  1. These things take a little time to kick in. Right.

  2. Must. Fight. Inertia. Hang in there. We are having an impact.

  3. Headly very sensitive to juju.

  4. There is some pride brewing.

  5. Hey guys ... it is still Tuesday out here on the west coast (9:07pm). Keep charging the mound; beating inanimate objects and vociferously intervening .... five hours is nothing ..... and I think it is really working!

  6. Ooooops ... uhmmm nevermind.

  7. Another fantastic showing. Ellsbury and Gardner combining for an impressive 0-13. Pretty sure they both had some of their patented "three pitch, don't scratch the baseball" strikeouts. It's enraging to see Gardy swing and miss three times on three fastballs down the middle, but the fact that he does it almost every at bat nowadays is pretty mesmerizing. Tex sucks too, but he at least makes contact. The team's overall amount of suck has reached the usual playoff levels. Oh wait, they don't go to the playoffs anymore, because they suck. I'm pretty sure the guy pitching for the Indians for the final innings threw no more than 23 pitches - OVER 4 INNINGS. Must be fun pitching for this jizzbucket of a team. Go out their and throw around 20+ pitches an inning (if they're lucky and the defense doesn't fuck up, which it does), come back to the dugout to see those douchebags go down 1-2-3 on six pitches. They are so bad right now, I realistically can't see an end to it.

    Football can't come soon enough...Oh wait, I root for the Jets. Just fucking kill me.

  8. Listening to the Master you cannot see the shift. And He almost never mentions it. But somehow I have the impression that chances were squandered by pulling and pulling.

    What is the reason Didi isn't moving up in the batting order?

    I wish I could sleep now, oh how I wish I could sleep, sleep sleep

  9. Answer to Didi in batting order. ::: he doesn't make enough money!!!!


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