Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Don't call it a slump. Don't call it a collapse. Don't even blame China. It's just an overdue market correction

What goes up, must come down.

Take Chris Young, for example.

He is a career .233 hitter. Last year, Young hit .222 between the Mets and Yankees. (He hit .205 until the Mets waived him.) This year, Chris was on fire in April - batting .309 - and then got hot in June. This month, he's hitting .100. His average is now .247... and dropping - presumably to his career expectations.

Listen: This is not a Chris Young slump. This is a Chris Young market correction.

And he's still got a ways to go.

So does Chase Headley. He's is a career .266 hitter - though like Young, his best seasons happened long ago. For the year, Headley's hitting .277 - that's eleven points over his lifetime numbers.

He's still got a ways to fall.

Brett Gardner? Same deal. He made the AL All Star Team. He was unstoppable in the first half. In the month of August, Brett's hitting .203.

A-Rod? The NY media pushed him for the All Star Team. That was when he was hitting .280. Now, he's at .255. If you check his average in recent years, you'd know not to expect much more. This month, he's hitting .145.

Teixeira? He may be Comeback Player of the Year - in part because last year, he hit .216. But in the month of August, he's hitting .179.

At the start of the 2015 season, the Yankees looked like a mediocre team, close to .500. For a while, they soared high in the standings. Now, we're seeing the correction.

Could it be that we popped the champagne too early?


  1. premature popping. classic case.

    what a thorough ass kicking we've received in 7 days. 2 wins -- barely. I should know better than to get excited by a sweep of the Twins.

  2. having a hundred grand shaved off my 401K is easy to take compared to the emotional carnage this team generates. in one case it's only money that can eventually be recovered. where do I go to get this Yankees season back?

    Honestly, when Ryan showed up with a shaven upper lip the other day, I could feel the juju fleeing the Bronx. Our only hope is my mustache, and I eye the razor every morning....

  3. we all hate the bosocks, and for good reasons. however, did they shave their beards in 2013 at the first sign of trouble? No! they nurtured the hideous face-fur all the way to a WS win. The Yanks? First little slump, they shave thereby failing the first test proctored by the juju gods. Only Ryan kept the faith and now we got bupkis. Hell, we don't even have the square root of bupkis. we are cooked.

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