Sunday, August 16, 2015

No One Is Talking About It

I think Brett Gardiner needs a rest.

He has been hitting, lately, like Stephen Drew.  Not as well, actually.

Brett carried the offense for much of the first half of the year and, legitimately, made the all star team.  Joe is resting other guys to some apparent advantage.

It is time to rest Gardy.

Even his base stealing has gone into the soup ( I know, he stole one yesterday.  But it was all on the pitcher and the pitch).

He has lost his early-season aggressiveness at the plate. Watch his at bats;  he is regularly taking a first pitch fastball right down the center;  then, he either takes a letter high pitch for strike two ( or fouls it off );  and, down 0-2, the pitcher plays with him until he flails at something in the dirt.  Worse; he goes down looking at one of those " close" pitches we were all told to go after when down two strikes.

Early in the season, he was lacing those first pitch fastballs for doubles in the gap.

He has a tired bat, and is a tired man who gives everything he's got.  He needs a few days off.

He'll come back a terror, when we most need him.

Where the hell is Slade Heathcott?


  1. Absolutely, even a day or two could do the trick.

  2. Agree. Including A-Rod. He's looking terrible.
    He should at the very least be dropped down to 5 or 6 in the batting order.

  3. Bring up a bunch of kids, let them play for a few days, see what we've got. The older guys can hang out by the beer cooler and put their feet up.

  4. Hate to say this but starting pitching has hurt the whole team ,but need 2nd baseman ,good send CC to the Bullpen get to new starting pitchers ,we had a 2nd baseman at spring training Yanks Kept Drew .


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