Friday, August 14, 2015

These are the days of miracle and wonder... or else we're chasing the wild card

In her clubhouse report Wednesday night, Suzyn Waldman was ranting like Yosemite Sam about how Yankee hitters had turned Cleveland's rancid rotation into Maddox-Glavine-Smoltz. "It's getting tiresome, tipping our caps every night to the opposing pitcher," she snarled, between spits of imaginary tobacco. You sensed she was ready to go back to the hotel room and beat-up a hooker. This is no time for an Eighth Inning Little Debbie Snack Cake Scoring Report. Another shutout, and she might have gone Billy on a marshmallow salesman.

But she's right. Until last night, this team would make Betty White look good. Moreover, what Suzyn didn't say is what was makes every Yankee fan reach from the Bromo Seltzer: We're sick of watching our "sluggers" pile onto some hapless, Triple A innings-eater, who's doing mop-up in a 10-run blowout. It's great to score the 15th through 21st runs, but if you go 1-for-20 afterwards, there's a special dung heap in hell that is awaiting your Cooperstown plaque.

We play three in Toronto this weekend- with seven more against them in September (plus home and away series against Tampa, Baltimore and Boston.) There's a lot of cricket yet to play. So here are the match-ups.

Tonight: NOVA v PRICE...

I wonder if Joe has learned his Nova lesson: With a game on the line, Ivan magically turns into Javier Vazquez throwing to Johnny Damon. This is a microcosm of Super Nova's super career, which is to say he's Sandy Koufax in the first three innings, and Sandy Duncan in the last three. Clearly, Nova is why we have brought back the Babadook - otherwise known Chris Capuano. Our YES men constantly gin up hope about the new Yankee farm system, but you have to wonder: Was there nobody in Scranton better than Capuano?

As for David Price, well, the Yankees can reaffirm all the ESPN drama jockeys who believe the Jays stole the pennant at the trade deadline - or we can stab Team Canada directly in its Keystone pipeline. There is no reason for a team that has always hit Price so well to suddenly be so utterly dominated by the guy - other than to say he was pitching last weekend on spite and adrenaline. Is it too much to ask the Yankees show a little of both?

Tomorrow: TANAKA v. ESTRADA...

I still wonder how Estrada shut us out for nearly seven innings. If he's that good, well, nothing matters: Toronto is out of our league, and we're chasing a wild card. If he's that good...

As for Tanaka, I'm starting to wonder if in November, we shouldn't send him to Dr. Andrews. Is he tired? (He's never pitched so deep into the well of a season.) Is it the elbow? Over his last three starts (1-2, 4.50), he's been - well - fraying. I always figured the season would end with him clutching his wrist and walking off a mound. Now, not so sure. He's going to keep throwing, because that's what gamers do. But I'm wondering...


Hate to have Severino surfing with the sharks, but it's too late now to pull him out of the water. I'm just glad he's not throwing for Philadelphia. Because in case you missed it, Cole Hamels tweaked his gonad the other day, and he's going to miss at least one start. (And when does a veteran pitcher with a bad groin miss just ONE start?) For all those who wanted the Yankees to empty their system for Hamels - (Severino and Greg Bird would probably both have gone) - chew on that news for a moment: Hamels is out with a barking groin. If we'd traded for him, we'd be starting Chris Capuano this weekend anyway.

As for Hutchinson, he's one of the reasons why Toronto was in second place, despite the scariest hitting lineup in baseball. Let's just pray Suzyn isn't tipping her cap to him Sunday night - or some lippy airline stewardess might end up talking like Geno Smith.


  1. Toronto sucks. No, really. They sucked before Price and Tulo, and for chrissakes, LaTroy Hawkins? Really? That guy is older than A-Rod. And Price and Tulo are not guys who turn around a franchise. Read that again. Price and Tulo are not guys who turn around a franchise. They are not that good. Period.

    The Jays have reeled off 11 straight for the same reason the Yankees were in first by 6 games not too long ago. When all the parts get hot at the same time, any major league team is formidable. Even the Yankees. But it doesn't last. It's a streak. And Toronto is on one hell of a streak.

    Maybe it starts to end this weekend. That would be sweet. Or, maybe not. The thing is, whoever is streaking at the end of September wins the division, probably the league, maybe the Series. That's how it works now. The Yanks have been hot and cold all year, and right now they've gone cold while the Canooks have caught fire. In terms of timing, maybe that's not such a bad thing.

    P.S. Please fire Girardi. Please. Just don't bring back Torre.

  2. The Toronto lineup is the kind of thing the Yankees used to field. Very impressive power. I thought their pitching was too weak to win the division. Prices certainly helps, but they need Dickey, Estrada, and Buehrle to pitch well. And their bullpen is iffy. As flawed as the Yankees are, I think they are still the better team.

  3. but their pitchers got hot. Everybody they're sending out to the mound, starter and reliever, has dropped about a run off their ERA in the last month. You can't predict baseball ... unless you've got good pitching.


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