Monday, October 26, 2015

Yank fans seeking to relive 2015 need look no further than the Meadowlands

Despite the lack of a pass rush, running game and workable offense, the NY Foosball Giants won yesterday, ascending to the upper plateau of the NFC East. They will likely stay there for a week or two, maybe even through Thanksgiving. Then - poof.

We don't know what will prompt this year's collapse. That's the fun of being a Giants' fan: You never know... how she'll blow!

Of course, we know it will be injuries - the usual Babadook - but Coach For Life Tom Coughlin's warriors usually cook up some spectacular, otherworldly, unprecedented meltdown - a veritable rupture in The Matrix - that involves the referees blowing an obvious call, the kind that has you swearing you'll never watch another NFL game. It will produce the most visually memorable image of the Coughin era - (and keep in mind, his tenure includes two Super Bowl victories): The neon red, glowing, scowling, cheeks burning, eyes-on-fire Coughlin Gremlin Face, begging God to die.

Like the 2015 Yankees - luxuriating through the month of June when the AL East was the worst division in baseball - the Gints are enjoying a sweet October in the NFC East, the Patriot League of the NFL.

The pass rush is the Yankee middle innings bullpen. There is simply nobody there. Yesterday, the Cowboys' quarterback could clip his toenails while waiting for receivers to get open. Fortunately, that QB was Matt Cassell. Had it been Tony Romo - well - it would have been like Danny Burawa pitching to the Blue Jays. So... the Gints won!

The Giants rushing game is Jacoby Ellsbury. It just doesn't run. But, alas, yesterday, the Gints won.

And the coaching staff is Joe Girardi. Yesterday, in the first half, the Giants unveiled an exciting rushing performance by someone who calls himself Orleans Darqua. He literally burst through the Cowboys' defense. The coaches' response? Sit him down! It was vintage Girardi. But - hey - the Gints won.

I bet the Giants chase the Wild Card!

But if you're seeking the Yankee experience, a disclaimer: Yesterday, as Joe Buck and Troy Aikman hyped the World Series on FOX, cameras panned across the Meadowlands. It revealed a sea of Met caps, an expanse that was once all midnight blue. They talked about New York going crazy over the Mets - as others have suggested 2015 will be a season for - gasp - the Jets.

Make no mistake: We are in the Great Yankee Depression. This is no three-year down period. This is a full blown abyss. Help is not coming. No quick trade will save us. Our farm system has bright spots, but we still lag behind most teams. Like the Jersey Giants, our owner makes money, win or lose. The apocalypse is happening. It IS being televised. And in a few weeks, when Eli starts throwing his interceptions, and the refs start throwing their flags... well... we can deja vu it all over again.


  1. From the end of pre-season, I have screamed to various sources and publications that Darkwa is the Giant's best running back.

    He has speed, moves, and more power than one would think. BUt, because, he is not a name with a high draft number and a big contract, he doesn't exist.

    And perfect Giants' football…..he shines so they sit him down.

    When the Gaints got to the 5 yard line of Dallas ( behind the one handed Randle catch and Vereen's run) the smart thing would be to bring in Darkwa and run it at least twice.

    Instead, they throw 1 yard outs to #84 and get a field goal. This McAdoo offense sucks.

    We have horrid coaching when it comes to personnel use and play selection. What else is there?

  2. still waiting for the first snow flurry to watch any NFL games. Baseball and football seasons should not overlap. It's obscene.

  3. really pissed off at the Yankees now. pre-paid for all post-season home games and they go out "one and done". However, Hal still has my money. that's over $800! Really, Yankees? REALLY??!!!

  4. That's seriously unfair. But it does explain why the Steinboys are minting money.

    Back to the's scary how they parallel the Yankees this year in both personnel, the early-to-midseason division lead, and crap coaching philosophy. It's enough to make a guy miss Rocky Thompson.

  5. This expertly explains the sick feeling I had even when they cobbled together a win, urrgg!

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