Monday, June 5, 2017

Aaron Judge

Aaron Judge,
Wink wink, nudge nudge,
Likes to hit boomers
Off the Rogers Centre Hotel, disrupting nooners.


  1. Off-topic:
    Brigadoon Refsnyder has lower BA, OBP, and SLG
    than Pete Kozma, now playing for Texas.

  2. You're very mean Joe. Can't you just ignore this guys azn man crush? It's a phase, he'll grow out of it.

  3. On-topic:
    I've got a feeling that sometime during the next 3 days the Red Sux will be throwing up and in on Judge, the Yankees will retaliate, and we'll see an old-time Yanks/Sux bench-clearing brawl.

  4. If only The Rodent would be at second base, to suffer a sprained something in the brawl. That would be productive.

    Kozma, humbug. If he had had his head screwed up by Yankees mismanagement, he'd be as bad or worse than Ref. But thankfully for Koz, we'll never know.

  5. Know what I mean? Know what I mean? Say no more! Say no more!

  6. I know nothing. Nooooothing.

    Which is actually quite true (when it pertains to intricate knowledge of a Kozmaïd and man crushes). Especially man crushes of course.

  7. Stop!! This sketch is SILLY! Silly, silly, silly!!

    My pref would be to lay off Ref
    And be on Joey & Chirs, instead
    Chris hit his tater
    Now prepare for the next 70
    Barren at-bats
    Joey has the common sense
    of your average plain mud fence
    (No solar-panels, of course)
    Lb (No J)


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