Friday, September 15, 2017

Ooooh...he makes me so MAD!!!

So Garcia is pissed about being lifted before getting the win and Betances is pissed about getting yanked in favor of Chapman. And Girardi says he's not about making players happy, he's out to win because it's not April or May or June or July, and he's glad to have pitchers pissed at him because that means they believe in their stuff.

What to make of this massive pile of bullshit?

In the first place, if Girardi had a few more brains he'd realize that those games in April or May or June or July count just as much as these do. And if he hadn't fucked up so many pitching situations in those months, we'd be cruising to the division title.

In the second place, the idea of Girardi being a big meanie and fine with it goes against numerous bad decisions he's made in order to protect his players' fragile psyches (hi, Arnoldis, how are ya?).

And in the third place, the reason he went to Green instead of letting Garcia get the potential win is because of the match up with the next batter. Binder Boy strikes again.

And in the fourth place, the reason he went to Chapman and took out Betances wasn't the "gut feeling" he claims to have gone with. It was crap statistics of such a small sample size they are absolutely meaningless. Souza, the next batter, was 3 for 9 against Dellin this year, but...wait for it...Souza was 0 for 3 against Chapman.

Really? That's pretty thin gruel (which is all Girardi obviously eats, which is why the skin on his head is pulled so incredibly fucking tight).

The stupid, it burns. How in the world can we get rid of this guy? Calgon bath oil beads are just not working anymore.


  1. Great point about the early games counting too, John M. And Girardi is not my favorite manager, either.

    But I think he's right in these cases.

    How many times has Longoria hurt us in the past? I was just picturing the ball going over the wall, tying up a game in which we weren't hitting much, and Tampa kept bringing in these big, hard-throwing relievers.

    As for Betances, hadn't he just allowed a very long, loud foul?

    In instances like these, I go with Sparky Anderson, who used to say that anybody can take the pitcher out AFTER the tying run is in. So Joe went with caution—good for him!

    And while it's fine for Betances and Garcia, as competitors, to be rankled at first, time to give it up.

    Once you've had a day to settle down from the initial irritation, your response needs to be, "Hey, it's on me for being so inconsistent this year that skip had no confidence in me. I need to do better, and build up that confidence again."

    Somehow, I just can't worry about the ruffled feathers of Jaime Garcia, a man who's made the equivalent of several small nations' GDPs for a career of runaway mediocrity.

  2. ANd this headline just in from CBS:

    "Palladino: On Attitude Alone, Girardi Deserves A New Contract"

    NO NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  3. The correct response from Girardi might be:

    "Dellin, when they hire YOU to be the manager, you get to make decisions. Until then, shut the F up and pitch when the F I tell you to. OK?"

    Can't give that response to Chapman, tho. There are poor, innocent, unprotected garages all over the nation.....

  4. Mayhap I wasn't clear. I'm not defending Garcia or Chapman, or if they have the right to be angry.

    And actually, I can understand why Girardi pulled both of them, although replacing Betances with Chapman is kind of a potential frying pan to fire.

    What does rile me is this info, picked up from an ESPN story on the disgruntled hurlers:

    "Girardi says he's not about making players happy, he's out to win because it's not April or May or June or July, and he's glad to have pitchers pissed at him because that means they believe in their stuff."

    He's full of shit is my point. Lying, stupid reasoning, and total b.s.

    And this is a big reason why I don't like the guy.

  5. I'm with you, John - - even IF Joey Blue-Balls (errrr, -Binders) was right in those two particular instances, he fucked up soooooo many times earlier in the season, no doubt about it, that he deserves a ticket out of NYC, and I am willing to contribute to it.

    Lying and stupid reasoning are only two of the reasons I don't like the guy - - sitting anyone who gets "hot" - - which he's done consistently has irked me for his entire tenure. Also, he's arrogant, and bristles when someone questions his judgment, and often acts as if that's an offense against God.

    Palladino can go to hell!!!! I just want Girardi OUT!! Badly - - after all, that's the way he's managing, all things considered: badly. LB (No J)

  6. Well, Randy Levine was right about one thing....

  7. John M - Your post about Girardi and his use of statistics in his decision making says it all. Joe has no idea what an acceptable sample size is, or the reality that in baseball, it is rarely high enough to project a likely outcome within three standard deviations.

    I mean, what is the highest number of at bats any individual player has ever had against any individual pitcher?

    And how do you factor in age, weather, # of pitches thrown before a particular at bat, etc.? Basically, the entire fabric of statistical probability in baseball is softer than a spiders web to an elephant.

    The use of " statistics" is just a way of diverting attention from the truth, and making it seem " studied."

  8. What the F**k...I dont know how but, Manfred has turn out to be a more GREASY SPINELESS AND WEAK than Selig fining the yankees for something that was NOT even part of the investigation was lame ass....

    CC invites you girly MAN-fred to meet him in CF

  9. I'm with Alphonso an LBJ. Obviously.


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