Saturday, October 21, 2017

Tonight, we must be prepared for the end

Here's the worst part. Come the ninth, with the outcome clear, Joe Buck will launch his usual, "let's-comfort-the-afflicted" funeral benediction for the losers - the most craven compilation of bullshit known to humanity. It makes Trump's botched phone call to that Gold Star mom look like Lou Gehrig's farewell address. As the camera pans through the losing dugout, the Bucket will unleash his golden shower of canned praise - "... nothing to feel sad about... great future... so close... successful year all around..." - to linger in our memories like farts after a Shriner's convention. I believe this is why Elvis shot TVs; he was listening to some Joe Buck-type eulogize his team.

No. I won't do that. If the end comes tonight, as I greatly fear, I say we go out listening to The Master and his Acolyte. Their grief will be real, not a retrofitted Gold Globe acceptance speech, and they won't tell us, wait 'till next year, because John and Suzyn understand the nature of predicting baseball. If Suzyn cries, and my guess is she will, the tears will not be culled from Louie Anderson's 1987 stand-up act.

Tonight, the end may or may not come. But if does, we must be prepared. That means keeping a radio or electronic porthole nearby. Do NOT end 2017 being buttered and basted by the corporate pallbearers at Fox Sports, a network whose only sop to the Yankees was to trot out A-Rod, arguably the most hated player of his generation. 

If we are destined to lose, I implore you - for your own peace of mind - not to go through the winter with the piss aftertaste of ginned-up false sympathy from these human Hallmark cards, who couldn't feel the pain of a Yankee loss if it were wedged up their keesters with a pushbroom. Turn down the TV and turn up the radio, the last bastion of electronic communication in our lives. Yes, radio has become the conduit of hate, lies and dogma - (and Celino & Barnes, the injury attorneys! Dial 888-888-8888!) - but in 2017, it was also the home of the world's greatest enduring love story, (aside from the one between a certain moose and his flying squirrel.) If it ends tonight, if we all go down, do not go down with Joe Buck and his ludicrous tribute to the franchise for which he has always shown contempt. Don't let it end with Buck telling you how good you should feel. There are things worse than death in the world, and the loneliness of lying in a cold coffin with Joe Buck talking about you overhead... nope... I can't think of anything worse. (I've always imagined hearing that REM song, "That's me in the corner, that's me in the spotlight...") If we go out tonight, we don't need a phone call from a politician. Let's go out with Mom and Dad. 


  1. But what the f**ck am I supposed to do to avoid the end.

  2. There was or will be a time when you have listened to the last words you’ll ever hear from Mom and Dad. This may be it. John and Suzyn will probably not be back next year. win this for them lads. Let The Master go out with a win warble. It is only fitting that this should happen. No excuses. No Gosh we did so much better than expected. No we were playing with house money. World Series victory or bust!

  3. This is ending on a walk off passed ball.

  4. TheWinWarblist warbled ...

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggrrrrrrrrRRRRRrrrrggggggggaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Nice post BUT...

    There is NEVER an appropriate time to listen waste of jizz Buck over the master.

    Joe Buck is the answer to the trivia question: Who is a worse announcer than Tim McCarver or Ken Harrelson?

  6. I only listen to The Master so I'm spared all this other bullshit. This cannot end tonight, but I fear the tide has shifted big time, which is a real pity since the Yanks are the more exciting and more complete team.
    Either way, it's been a WILD ride my friends!!!

  7. "There's not going to be a tomorrow"-Joe Buck

  8. To paraphrase the peasant in that Python movie, we're not dead yet. Ballplayers have heart and guts and perseverance, or they don't. We'll see what we have tonight. Fuck Houston. Fuck Altuve. Fuck Buck. Fuck 'em all. We're the goddamn New York Yankees, real Yankees, for the first time in years. This ain't over.

  9. As with the last few games I will not be able to be on the chat so first off...

    Uj! Uj! UJUJUJUJUJUJUJUJUJUJUJUJ!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully that will cover it.

    Secondly, In reading the Daily Beast this AM about the proliferation of cameras and recording devices in our homes I came upon the following...

    "Manufacturers, on their part, assure us their devices are perfectly safe and only listen when prompted. We brush the concerns off and move on with our lives, but not before granting our smart pineapples, (did you know ‘pineapple’ is the code name for Google Home?)access to the smart rice maker, smart vacuum, and smart toothbrush.”

    So I say let's throw off the tyranny of the pineapple. Let's chop it up into little pieces,throw a maraschino cherry on it, and serve it old women playing mahjong. Let's toss it in a blender and douse it with rum and coconut, drink it up, and piss it out! No pineapple tonight or ever. Victory! Uj Uj UJ!

    Doug K.

  10. Does anyone really believe that Sabbathia can carry this off? I think Gray will don his red cape and come to the rescue tonight. Forget about Tanaka--if he's asked to pitch tonight, his elbow will shred and his right forearm will go flying into the stands and hit some eight-year-old. And is anyone else getting sick of watching Aaron Hicks do nothing in this ALCS?

  11. Urban Farmer --- But what the f**ck am I supposed to do to avoid the end.

    Watch the final game on it will immediately go back to Spring Training.

    Doug K.

  12. I never thought I'd see the day where Id wish Micheal k and the Rupert-ites we're broadcasting..Joe buck and the bias FS1/espn are noxious

  13. TheWinWarblist warbled ...

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggrrrrrrrrRRRRRrrrrggggggggaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. TheWinWarblist warbled ...

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggrrrrrrrrRRRRRrrrrggggggggaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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