Monday, January 15, 2018

Just so it's said: The NY Giants are a disgrace to humanity

They fired their coach in week 12, yet couldn't manage to hire their first and second choices for head coach.

They benched their quarterback in week 11, yet never even gave his potential replacement a chance to show what he might do.

They are a miserable, inept organization run by a family of super-rich country clubbers, so white-bread WASPy that the Steinbrenners, in comparison, look like Honduran refugees. The Maras aren't fit to clean the toilets at the Yogi Berra Museum & Learning Center, and I shouldn't waste Yankee blog ether ridiculing their misshapen, lizard-like heads. They can't even orchestrate a decent tear-down. 


  1. This observation.....this outburst...cannot pass without response.

    You are 100% correct.

  2. Speak the truth, Duque. Don't hold back. We are listening.

  3. No doubt I'm too objective here, being a Packers fan, and not really caring about football all that much.


    —Aren't they the only New York team besides, well, you-know-who to win a championship in the last 15 years?

    —Aren't the Maras actually Irish Catholics and thus not, technically, WASPs?

    —Don't they have a daughter named Rooney?

    Inquiring minds want to know!

  4. but they do have lizard shaped heads

  5. The Maras lag just a few short steps behind the Dolans as true a Devil People. Now, you have to take everything I say with a lump of salt, as my soul was ruined by the New York Jets for over 40 years. As a child, I witnessed Broadway Joe and thought it would always be that way. I pledged my allegiance to the Jets instead of the Giants and I paid the price. I recently left that gulag - no small thing for me, as I am generally loyal to a fault - and I have heartedly began to root for the Giants, but I have finally abandoned professional football. The NFL has become no difference to me then “pro wrestling.”
    Maybe one day I will start to watch college football again, which reminds me more of the good all days of the AFL, but even college football has developed huge problems. There is only one sport and there is only one team and there is only one general manager and there is only one master. I pledge my fealty to them.

  6. could they PLEASE start playing again in NYC? They embarrass us in NJ. That's how bad it is.

  7. Editor's note to HOSS;

    1. The Maras are Irish Catholic. That is why they loved Tom Coughlin and never fired the worst Special Teams coach in the history of history ( another heavy duty catholic who can't coach ). I can't recall his name. I wiped it from memory to save on xanax. But it will be something like O brien. As a good catholic, he has photos of some higher up doing something down low to someone who shouldn't be doing that. Hence, he remains employed by the Giants. If he endures with the new bottom of the barrel coach, we shall know he is a terrorist.

    2. They did luck into two championships that most NY teams have failed to achieve. The rangers won didn't they?

    3. Rooney, the actress, is an offspring of someone. Yes. I think she is a niece. Not sure about being a daughter. I liked her as the " Girl With the Tattoo" thing. The movie set in Sweden. I would rather have her on my team than OBJ.

    4. I feel like eggs over easy, sausage, hash browns ( hot sauce ) , whole wheat toast and coffee. Meet me at the diner on 53rd and first.

    5. Or , at " The White Dog " in Green Bay.

    You forgot to ask, so I will answer anyway; the Maras are pathetic as owners. I can live with the ( easy ) Gettleman choice as GM, but I am shocked with the dregs we wind up with as coach. Truthfully, I would have kept Spags for another year until the fishing gets better. It seems that about 15 coaches took the knife this season.

  8. I suppose that accounts, too, for why they let Lombardi go. As a part-Irish Catholic, I can attest that there is also a longstanding disdain for other Catholic ethnic groups endemic to our tribe.

    In the Church of the Transfiguration, down in Chinatown, they made Italian and Polish immigrants worship in the basement. Oy.

  9. The Ghost of Yankees PastJanuary 16, 2018 at 12:42 PM

    el duque, how do you really feel?

  10. The Giants are already in the basement, so that's not really a problem.

  11. 13bit, I hear ya. It's very traumatic to cast off your old team.

    I have to confess, I tried to switch to the Mets during the nadir of the Madness of King George in the 1980s. Just couldn't do it, but I wanted to.

    How much loyalty should any fan owe to these owners who just enrich themselves, and treat us like dirt? At least Steinbrenner's was a sort of royal madness, driven by the need to win, and win always, which we Yankees fans can surely relate to.

    I like your slogan. It should become our motto:

    One sport. One team. One general manager. One master.

    (Or is that too close to the thing with all the rings, and the hobbits, and the wizard, and hey, lady!!)

  12. Oh, and by the way:

    No Yankees article, no soccer. Save for wire service copy on how Man U shutout Stoke.

    Oh, Stoke, where is they sting?

    Our tally remains: Soccer 8, Yankees 1.

  13. I don't know... from the time my parents swaddled me and dressed me in my first pair of Sam Huff Underoos I've been a fan of the New York Football Giants.

    I've lived through watching Homer Jones (who could catch anything with his fingertips but sadly noting that hit him between the numbers, Spider Lockheart, and the great Tucker Fredrickson (who always gained three yards and fell down whether going through the pile or in the open field).

    The hard luck years when what's his face our best defensive player thought he could return kicks and was out for the season on the first play. You know the guy.

    Then there were the bad draft picks like when they used first rounder on the world's fastest man only to discover later that he had the world record in the mile and took a full 30 seconds to reach top speed.

    I loved Pete Gololack and still enjoy his stool softener Gogolax "It'll kick the shit out of you."

    I loved their innovations like time they tried to use a foosball guy as a kicker but couldn't spin the 15 foot bar fast enough.

    I love the team. I'm not a football fan. I'm a Giant fan.

    Bottom line: Giant fans are born not made. You like the team yer faddah liked,

    And in all the time that I've been following them... bad, really bad, unfucking believably bad, then good, then awesome, then bad, then mediocre, then lucky good, and now bad again. I never thought to blame the Maras. They always struck me as patrician but not meddlesome (Cough...Dolan Cough...Stienbrenner) So I just can't hate them.

    Sure, every time they lose I cry into my Ernie Koy matching tie and handkerchief set. But I'm right there the next week...

    I'll try harder to hate the Maras. I promise. But I hate the Cowboys more.

    Doug K.

  14. Ha-ha, Ernie Koy,Jr. ! Thanks for bringing back those old names. And Joe Morrison!

    Really, though: Homer Jones was pretty damned good. For years, he and Tarkenton were the only reason to watch the team.

    And don't forget Ron Johnson, an incredibly talented runner/receiver who the Giants naturally decided to Chuck Foreman—that is, run him or pass to him on pretty much every play, until he finally came apart like a cheap rag doll. Teams did that to a lot of guys back then.

    That was a Bud Grant strategy, God love him. Saw a clip of him the other day, running out in minus-6 degree weather, in his shirtsleeves. Seems like a great guy, but never had the sense God gave a goose.

  15. Hartwell Menefee.

    Anybody remember him?


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