Thursday, February 22, 2018

From now until April 1, the Yankees will be hitting the flea markets for a Bartolo and a Steve

In the wild jubilation surrounding the arrival of Brandon Drury, there remains speculation about what "Cooperstown" Cashman will do with the remaining $10-$12 million in his Yankee 2018 Spring War Chest. Drury came cheap - not in prospects, but, literally, cheap: He'll earn the MLB minimum, and the Empire owns his tortured soul for the next four years.

So what will Cashman do with all his Mallo Cup coupons? We've discussed the wish list for finding the next Bartolo Colon. Every fan base wants one. Do you realize that it's been seven years (2011) since the Yankees signed Barto off the scrap heap for a measly $900,000? He has twice gone to the All-Star game, and in 2013 finished second in ERA, sixth in the Cy Young vote. Last year, the Braves paid him $12.5 million. Now, that was a signing worth inscription on Cashman's plaque. Unfortunately, we let him go. 

So... first on our fantasy napkin list is a new Bartolo. (Last year we tried ex-Met Jonathon Niese; oh well...)

But next on that list needs to be a firstbaseman, just in case Greg Bird - well, you know... does what Greg Bird does. (Birdy bones are known to snap easily.) Over his six years as a pro, he has played in the equivalent of three and a half seasons. He lost his first years to a knee, then tore his labium, and last year it was the ankle. Last fall, he looked great. But what if he drops a bar of soap on his toe in the shower?

Right now, we would turn to - gulp - backup catcher Austin Romine or the equally injury-prone Tyler Austin. (What is it about Yankees named Austin and Tyler?) The Yanks traded Chase Headley and Garrett Cooper, and said bu-bye to the Toddfather and our own Liddle Rocket Man, Ji-Man Choi. It's been noted that Drury can play 1B, but according to the Internet, he's only played one game there in his MLB career, so... I dunno. As for Judge, Stanton or Red Thunder... I still dunno... Remember how A-Rod and Beltran freaked out there as a Girardian experiment? Old Brigadoon Refsnyder is gone to Team Canada, and Billy McKinney, an "unknown unknown" worthy of Donald Rumsfeld, played 1B in the recent Arizona League. If a Birdian gonad goes pop, the Yankees would be in a free-fall at first base.

Clearly, there's no call to run out and sign Lou Gehrig - no place for him and no money. But the Yankees could use a Steve - as in Pearce - sort of a Bartolo Lite. It's been six years (2012) since Cashman signed Pearce off the scrap heap; he came to bat 30 times for us that year (1 HR, .160 ave.) Since then, the guy has hit 80 MLB homers, barging around the majors, and batted .309 for Tampa Bay in 2016. He's been named AL Player of the Week and in 2014 ranked 9th among AL position players in WAR - so there you go, cyber wonks! We had him. We let him go. No big deal. 

But my guess is that Cashman is trolling the Tiki bars for a Bartolo or a Steve. We're not done until the money's gone. From now until April 1, the flea market is open and underway. Here's an idea: Instead of trading more youngsters, let's buy cheap and see what happens.


  1. I asked this question under another post the other day but no one commented. I concluded it was equally likely that 1) mine was the stupidest comment ever made or 2) it was simply overlooked.

    My question was: Can Ellsbury play first or learn to play first? If he can handle the position defensively, we'd have his bat and his playmaking skills in the lineup ... and we'd have one less extra outfielder. He could even do it as a way to get Bird some rest now and again.

    Does this idea have merit? Or, is this the stupidest comment ever made?

  2. No, in fact, it's very smart. It would instantly make Ellsbury a more valuable chess piece, and it might make him more viable in a trade. I should have mentioned it today. It's a natural progression for aging outfielders, and with his weak arm, why not? It does make sense.

  3. When you said "Steve" I instantly thought Karsay. Then I thought, why would he say that? Aside for that first year it was a huge mistake. I forgot we had a Pearce at one time.

  4. The Els suggestion is a good one. I have question? though. Are there no actual first basemen in their farm? To come up in a pinch. Not one? How is that possible? First base is a real position and there are actual first basemen. why don't we have any. Is it because of our i international spending focus which gets us middle infielders but not corner guys? Do we never draft one out of college? It just seems weird.

    Doug K.

  5. They took a hit when Mike Ford was chosen in the Rule 5 draft. They might get him back at the end of spring training, but I dunno if he's the answer.

    They got a big guy - 6'3, 230 - named Ryan McBroom in the trade for Refsnyder. He's 25, and last year he hit .247 with 16 HRs in Double A.

    After that, you go to Single A with Chris Glittens, and he's too far away to get revved over.

    Not much there.

    Same with catching.

    That incredibly deep system that we keep hearing about has some holes in it.

  6. As any Scotsman can tell you, Mike Ford IS a real prospect, and we will come to rue letting him go Seattle so we could keep that wee bairn of non-hitting catcher on the 40-man.

    But again, I say go with the prospects: try McKinney there! If that doesn't work, go with LBJ's totally excellent suggestion. No doubt, it will be about two innings before Ellsbury injures himself.

    As for Pearce, as I recall Cashman let him go the day after he won a key game down the stretch for us with a great grab at first. Typical.

    So soccer was back with a vengeance today, a big column on the gap between the richer and poorer European clubs.

    That puts us at Soccer 26, Yankees 12 for the year, and all tied up for February at 11.

  7. Brigadoon update...Canada kicked him out, but Ohio has welcomed him. He'll boot grounders and ground out in Cleveland this summer. Maybe. More likely Ref will just barely get a glove on warning track fly balls and hit lasers to the gap in Columbus.

  8. I get excited about this upcoming season. I let my mind wander, then I suddenly remember that Aaron Boone is our manager and every fiber of my being stops twitching and I get a little queasy.

    Tell me I shouldn't worry. That managers actually don't make any difference. Maybe they don't.

  9. Two comments...okay three.

    I have been in the desert for 10 days. I always am in the desert about this time of year. So I am not corrupted by any news, developments or talk show hosts.

    1. Bartolo Colon did have great success, after being purchased off the scrap heap, but none ( or little ) of it was with us. This only proves, that even when Cashman gets lucky , he screws it up.

    2. Maybe we can get Starlin Castro back. This new guy at second makes me want to go back wandering the desert. Yawn.

    3. I agree with Duque that we can say goodby to Andujar. I think Red is gone, too. Playing Jacoby at first is a brilliant idea, but I don't think he passes the height requirement.

    I have now developed great trepidation about this year's team. Boredom at second and third. No fire. Lot's of strikeouts. Can my DVR hold up? There will be Yankee games that go on longer than chili cook-offs in Salome, Arizona.

    What if I have to listen to a player interview?

    Where is my whiskey?

  10. Cashman's answer to first basemen on the cheap and off the scrap heap is right in front of you guys....and he's already in camp!! That's right, Nick Swisher. He's only 37, he didn't play last year so Cash might feel he's all healed and ready to go. Nick could be gotten for a million. I hope this thought didn't make anyone rush out to the liquor store.

  11. Swish as backup 1B and Ellsbury as the new "Manager," which gets him out of the game and, since managers just do what they are sent via radio waves to his dental radio receiver, it doesn't matter. We put Booney in a chicken suit and let him give away free stuff to the impoverished people in the corporate seats. Sorry to be so down on Boone today, but it'll take a lot for him to win MY trust.

  12. Oh ye of little faith!

    I liked Joe G. all right, but by the end of last year he seemed so wound up I thought his head was going to corkscrew off—a not uncommon condition for longtime New York managers/coaches. Boone seems all right.

    I agree Drury was an idiotic idea, but let's screw our courage—or at least our Mickey Mantle bubble gum—to the sticking place. Chances are this is just a precaution.

    I worry most about Red. He has to come out this spring and blow everybody's doors off, while we have to work Ellsbury until he collapses.

    But I like this team. I like this team going into the season better than I've liked any team since maybe 1999.

    I know, I know: the JuJu gods must be appeased! But even just a year ago, whoever thought we'd be in this position?

    Me, I don't need no stinking desert. I'm headed up to Boston to spread mayhem.

  13. I like the desert, too, for what it's worth, and I was on the "let's jettison Girardi" train since about 2014. I also got sick of Torre, right around the Midge game, so I guess I'm somewhat fickle when it comes to Yankee managers. Boone may be fine. Maybe I'm just pre-loading my own negativity before the seasons starts, trying to inoculate myself against the inevitable slings and arrows of April and May. Maybe I just need to get laid. I don't know. YOU KNOW WHAT, THOUGH?

    I GOT A DOG!!!!

    No kidding, I flew down to Texas on a cheap flight and picked up a little street dog that someone had found the day before. Now, I have to either get RCN back or do DirectTV so that I can sit around with the hound - he still needs a name - and watch the Yankees.

    I was thinking of calling him SANTO, OR KING SANTO, OR EL SANTO.

    Am I in need of therapy?

    I love you all.








  15. 13bit,

    You should give the dog a Yankee name. Bucky, Thurman, Gator.

    Or maybe that great Yankee backup firstbaseman, Len Barker.


  16. You should name the dog "Hal".

    If he can't be housebroken and/pukes everywhere and generally makes a mess everywhere he goes, name him "Randy".

  17. Another thought for the dog: He is from Texas. Give him a cowboy name ( not the football team ).

    If I were born again as a cowboy, rode horses, rounded up cattle , drank whiskey and played for the Yankees ( the ideal combination for a life ) I would select the name;

    Chance Adams.

    Call the dog: CHANCE.

  18. I knew I could rely on this crew for good, sober advice. I'll take it all under consideration.


  19. I had a few other thoughts while at lunch. A good dog's name should contain a syllable with a long vowel sound so the name can ring out crystal clear whenever the dog is called.

    Buhner! Here Buhner! C'mere boy!


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