Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Because you need this: 2468 anagrams for "Brian Cashman"

Brain Mach San
Brain Machs An
Brain Chasm An
Brain Cash Man
Brain Can Sham
Brain Can Mash
Brain Can Hams
Brain Scan Ham
Brain Cans HamBarn Manic AshBarn Manic Has
Barn Manics Ha
Barn Manics AhBra Chains ManBra Chinas Man
Bar China MansManna As Birch
Mannas Crab Hi
Mannas Bra Chi

And many more.

(Courtesy of 13bit)


  1. LOL....someone has too much time on their hands!

  2. are we ready for the season to start, or what?


  3. The internet anagram server is a very useful tool. Anyone who disagrees is making a nervy denial and should go off somewhere and drain evenly.

  4. As LBJ said, the Internet Anagram Server is invaluable. You can alter relationships with people using its infinite wisdom. Trust me, potty training this little dude is taking up ALL of my spare time, and I'm doing an awful job of it. He seems to like crapping in the back of my 4Runner. I may have to hire a pro to help me. Maybe there's an ex Yankees batting coach who is versed in the ways of controlled crapping.


  5. Since no one has chimed in, I might as well say that "nervy denial" and "drain evenly" are both anagrams for "Randy Levine". I didn't want anyone to think I was out today having a liquid lunch...


  6. Trust me, potty training this little dude is taking up ALL of my spare time, and I'm doing an awful job of it. He seems to like crapping in the back of my 4Runner.

    I have no silver bullet for you. Every damn dog is different.

    We have had good luck hanging a few sleigh bells on a long string on the handle of the main door the dogs go in and out of. In our case this is the kitchen door to the back yard.

    If he's at all paper trained, put his newspapers in front of the door and, when you see him wandering over to use them, quickly ring the bells, grab his collar, and bring him outside. The point being that you want him to learn to go over and flick the bells with his nose whenever he wants to go outside. This includes just going outside to chase birds and squirrels. The useful thing about the bells on the door is that you can hear them from a fair distance away and the dogs seem to pick it up reasonably quickly. We've had bells on the door for about 20 years now; they all seem to get it.

    Somehow, all the things that happen in your first two years with a dog fade from memory fairly quickly. I honestly don't even remember how I trained my current dog not to poop in the house. She got that part down fairly early; peeing whenever she felt like it took longer to get rid of.

    Good luck with him.

  7. DRAIN EVENLY! Wow. That's what you do with, oh, a tub of lard, for instance. Wow, such a good, strong admonition.

    Anyway, I'm in a one-bedroom in NYC. The bells might not go over well. My last guy, whom I found on I-80 in northern Nevada, was 2 to 3 years old and knew the ways of life. I know this guy will learn, but I just need to get a bit more, to use a word I loathe, "proactive" about training him. Magical thinking has gotten me little in life.

    Thanks for the advice, LBJ, and I appreciate what anybody can tell me. I guess I need to consult the Magic YouTube Oracle soon.


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