Friday, April 27, 2018

Is Everyone Forgetting the NY Sports Team Ju-Ju Reverse Role?

If the Yankees are doing well, the Giants will fail.

And Versa -Vice.

Editors note;  The Mets don't count.  For some reason, New Jersey is considered New York by the Ju-Ju gods, whereas, Queens is Lithuania.

Back to the story;

Yesterday, late, Gary Sanchez gave Yankee fans a thrill for the Tax month of April.  A walk-off, three run, homer, leading to a sweep of our favorite baseball cousins.

By definition, therefore, the Giants blew their season, last night, in the draft.  Nothing new here, but a dramatic media coverup won't help them ( All the mock drafts urged the Giants to draft this running back).  It is like the " baseball guys" who wanted to trade Red Thunder and Torres for a starting pitcher.  Those with a brain knew it would be a terrible error.

The Giants , for those who don't comprehend football, were the second worst team in the NFL last season and, therefore, they earned the #2 pick in the draft.  Previous management would have pissed this pick away on some flashy star who would not help the team at all ( see Odell Beckham ).

It is as though the Yankees need a catcher, but they trade top prospects for a back-up first baseman.

So, yesterday, with the opportunity to draft the best offensive lineman in college, or the best defensive player ( both of which the Giants desperately need), they made the one move that will cause long-term stagnation in mediocrity.  The Giants drafted a running back.

Many years ago, when the Yankees sucked, the New Orleans Saints took a running back with the first pick in the draft ( the forgettable George Rogers ), and that left Lawerence Taylor for the Giants.  LT changed the game, and the future of the Giants, in a most positive way.  George Rogers, basically, gave the Saints five years of mediocrity.

Running backs can't run without blocking.  Maybe in pee-wee football, but not in the NFL.  The Giants have the worst offensive line in the game.  That is why they needed to use the draft to help the team.  They didn't.  Running backs also have a useful life ( when they remain healthy, which is practically never ) of 2-3 years.  A good lineman gives 10+ years of service.

Also , without the ball, the running back paces the sideline.  And with a shoddy defense ( again, a league-leading weakness of this team ), the offense so rarely has the ball, the running back is barely in the game.  And with a crappy defense, the Giants are always behind and have to pass anyway.  They can't pass effectively without blocking, either.  So you see where this is headed.

All the lazy stupid people in the media will rave about this spectacular pick by the Giants.  But is is the one and only thing the Giants could have done yesterday that would be a non-productive, mistake.  One service rated the Giants' pick as a B- which, I think, is a reach.  Even the B- was one of the worst grades I observed. But this was an F.

So this will prove good for the Yankees.  And Gary's walk-off homer is just the beginning.

 But Giants fans need not get excited about the new GM.  He did what the previous failure ( Reese )  would have done.  Bring in another bauble for Eli's jewelry collection, and watch it oxidize.

You can't have it both ways.


  1. Two comments to this entertaining analysis:

    1) This needs to be on the IIH masthead somewhere:

         The Mets don't count. For some reason, New Jersey is considered New York by the
         Ju-Ju gods, whereas, Queens is Lithuania.

    2) If the big blue Giants are represented by the Smurf, does that make the Yanks the chick in the red dress?

  2. Brilliantly put, Alphonso!

    What do these names have in common?

    Tucker Frederickson, Butch Woolfolk, Rodney Hampton.

    All of them were first-round, Giants RB picks. None of them were BAD. All had pretty good little, predictably limited NFL RB careers. But they were no better, and sometimes worse, than, say, Ernie Koy, Joe Morris, Tiki Barber, and Ahmad Bradshaw, all later-round picks.

    The Giants brass was literally talking about Barkley going to Canton after that pick. I hope he does. But good grief!

  3. I'll admit that I don't watch college football pretty much at all and so I couldn't tell you how I feel about the pick from first hand experience. I've never seen him run, catch, or block.

    My understanding of the logic behind the pick, and I am merely regurgitating what ever crap I have been fed from my favorite media trough, is that there are still good O linemen and defensive players available and because our pick in the second round is essentially still number two we could get one easily. Supposedly the the drop off from Barkley to the next great offensive player is greater than the drop off at other positions.

    Then again, last year Reese ignored the O line and we all know how that worked out so I can understand the consternation on all of our parts. At least we know Barkley can rebound.

    Doug K.

  4. Gettleman had a chance to evaluate Davis Webb before the draft. That being said, Barkley was the safest choice he could make. Giants are looking to win sooner than later which is why they are going with Eli before his expiration date, which they feel has not hit yet. And the big reason why they didn't draft a QB in the first round.

    The guy they drafted out of Richmond looks interesting. Let's see if he pans out.


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