Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Non Player Talking Heads Vs. Talking Head Former Players

So Anxiety is the  space- filler of the day.

Andujar can hit .400, share a record with Babe Ruth for games with multiple extra base hits, field flawlessly, and hit home runs.

  But that isn't enough to shut up certain talking heads from saying, " well it's going to be a huge dilemma, because Drury is beginning to see double again ( a step up from blurred vision ), and he was brought here to be the Yankees starting third baseman."

I even heard one of the prime assholes theorize that Andujar could be sent back to Scranton to " get more at bats, " whilst Drury returns to third.  The logic being that he can't get more at bats with the Yankees.

The former players ( like Cone and O'Neil ) basically say that, as far as the Yankees are concerned, Andujar is now the Yankees third baseman.   Only an idiot could think otherwise.  It is these same useless assholes who would have sat Lou Gehrig down, after he took over first base from Wally Pipp.

Boone I think , is not an idiot.  He may concur with the upcoming dilemma ( when Drury returns, someone has to be taken off the roster ), and pretend that " it is an embarrassment of riches," even when it clearly is not.

Here is an alert; if you love Drury so much, let him try first base.   Send Walker to the South Mexican Dirt Field League.

End of story.

Don't mess with success.

I detest these overpaid assholes with nothing but anxiety producing gibberish to say when things are slow on the field.


  1. Michael Kay is even dumber than Brian Cashman.

    The obvious move would be to release Walker--and Kay, whose eyes look like he's on a blend of quaaludes and benzedrine.

  2. Michael Kay is incapable of going an entire broadcast without delivering a "that is the first time" tidbit of information.

    That's the first time a Yankee third baseman has hit a 2 doubles on a 60 degree day in April since 1953. Who cares you fucking lunkhead.

  3. Yeah, I heard that, too. Pretty absurd. We have to just hope that Andujar and Torres—nice game tonight—keep hitting.

    I do have to disagree about just releasing Walker—now at 69 plate appearances without a dinger. Try to get lottery arms for him.

  4. Walker was going to remain unsigned. Only the Yankees were twitchy enough and rich enough to offer anything meaningful. And any offers the Yankees get for him, after his sterling start to the season, will not be any more meaningful than cannon fodder. These old vets two years past their sell-by seem to be a long-term vice for our erstwhile Cooperstown exec. He can't help himself, and as long as he doesn't insist they play over obvious young talent, I guess we should let him make contributions to the Walker family college fund.

  5. “The next fragrance I have coming out in May, Brian Cashman Body, is so amazing. It is a sculpture, basically, of my body," Cashman shared. "It's really cool. The scent is so good, I'm so proud of it. It smells to me like what I would think golden smells like, even though that's a color and something that's just luminous.”

  6. And anyone see the pineapple the Grandy Man handed Boston tonight?

    Sox rallied to tie the game in the ninth with two out, but Granderson thew Nunez out at the plate for the third out. Then Grandy won it with a walk-off homer off Kimbrel in the bottom of the 10th—first run he's given up this year, I think.

    Jays played five former Yankees tonight. They collected four hits, scored two runs, drove in three more, won the game on the mound, and got the game-winning hit. Thanks, old friends!

  7. But letting Walker remain on the roster weakens the team and all but guarantees that a worthier player--younger, older, whatever--will be shunted aside to make room for him. So why give a shit whether he stays on the team? He'll still get paid--the contract is guaranteed. The only sensible move is giving him the boot. That's reason enough to doubt that Cashman will do it.

  8. HC66--only someone even dumber than you would offer anything for Walker, so we are talking about an impossibility. He's a dead weight on the team, just as you are on this blog.


  9. From what I can see, MINNESOTA would improve with Walker and Drury. Why can't we be generous and help them out a bit?

  10. Walker was Gleybar insurance and Drury was Andujar insurance. Good thing we called Geico. 15 minutes means 15 more wins this season.

  11. The thing about insurance is, you thank your lucky stars when you don't need it. Yanks FO went with the "insurance" players first!!

    as our leader told us, if these two guys had played half decently and stayed healthy they'd still be out there and our future would be wasting their youth in Scranton.

  12. Are we just ignoring the abusive Anon? Fine with me.

    Walker sucks. Sent him anywhere for anything, or just cut the bastard. Let Austin play and see what he can do. Platooning him with a total washout is insane.

    When's Bird coming back?

  13. And too bad about Kay. I remember when he was on the radio side and actually pretty good. Then he got the TV gig and it's been downhill from there. I still miss Jim Kaat.

  14. Bird is supposed to be back in May.

  15. Someone once told me that if you refuse to feed a Troll, they get bored and wander off. I figure it's worth a shot.

  16. Kay is horrible. He doesn't do any "prep" work, merely reads whatever stats the intern's hand him. He so busy with his radio gig that he's not around the ballpark for bp and other pre-game opportunities to find out what's really going on. I am sure going to miss Ken Singleton when he's retired. Kay should be replaced.

  17. By the way--KD and John M. are sock-puppet variants of the same person. It's time to call bullshit on that little song and dance.

  18. Kay was never good. He and Sterling and Waldman are the result of the mafia mentality of Yankee ownership--loyalty and pliability trump competence, at every level. Those three are all unabashed suck-ups, so management insists on inflicting them on the listening/viewing public in an act of overt contempt. Not one Yankee broadcaster would ever be considered for national broadcasting duties, a distressing contrast to the days when superb pros like Allen, Barber, and White manned the booth, all of them regulars on the national networks (White often did playoff games on CBS radio).

    Kay and Sterling spend more time polishing the signature calls--believing they need to inject one into every other sentence--than they do attending to the details of their craft. With Sterling, just be sure you have a computer nearby to check the score and the count--as far as what kind of pitch was thrown, forget about it. Kay, on the other hand, obtrudes with radio calls so he can insert his patented locutions--"track, wall, turning, looking up, see ya''" "going back, still back"; (still back! how fucking ungrammatical is that!); "and the pitch," etc.--oh really, Michael? THE GAME IS ON TV. WE CAN SEE ALL THAT, BUT THANKS for subjecting us to your compulsive spray of inane patter anyway. The most bizarre of his verbal fixations, though, was his insertion of the word "aforementioned" into the obligatory copyright disclaimer--he did this for several years until the legal department evidently instructed him to stop. Michael Kay's motto--let no annoyance go unmined.

    He is also extravagantly stupid and tasteless. Just listen to this unhinged radio rant, equating baseball broadcasting superstitions with Nazism:


    Not to fear, though--he looks as though he's going to disappear into the ether from a heart attack or stroke at any minute. To invert the usual posthumous solemnity: he will not be missed.


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