Thursday, April 26, 2018

Tonight's NFL draft... you heard it here first

Just so it's on the record, here is what will happen...

With their first pick, the Browns will select the USC quarterback, Sam Darnold.

The Giants will then use their entire allotted time - trying to work deals - and take the running back Saquon Barkley from Penn State.

The Jets will pick a QB - who gives a shit what the Jets do? It'll be a QB. 

And then the Giants will trade Barkley to Cleveland, through some other team, for the Browns' fourth pick and maybe a second-round choice. They will then take Bradley Chubb, the DE bruiser that they really want. 

You heard it here first...


  1. This is the closest I've followed a draft since Eli. I have no idea what the right move is.

    Personally I move down but no lower than 6. Then I take one of the picks I receive and move down again. Doing this over and over like a reverse pyramid.

    My biggest fear is that they will run out of time like Pete Barbutti on "Make Me Laugh". He had a minute to make them laugh and all of his jokes took a minute ten. "and so the nun says..." BZZZZ "Oh you're out of time and the contestant wins $50" Meanwhile a guy with a diaper on his head (Jets GM) gets the number two pick.

    If I had to pick I'd go with any of the top guys except the quarterbacks. But trade down is my favorite.

    Doug K.

  2. Oops, like an actual pyramid. spacial relations (and punctuation) are not strengths.

    Doug K.

  3. But Why select Barkley only to trade him? Why not do the deal first?

    I mean, If Cleveland gets the Giants' pick ( #2) before the selection, there is no risk that Barkley won't be there.

    And you don't put the "kid" through the hell of; " Oh I am thrilled to be a I am also thrilled to be a Brown, etc."

    I guess there is a possibility that Cleveland thinks the " Giants won't draft Barkley " and hope he falls to them without giving up anything.

    I think the Giants are more likely to draft Barkley for themselves. Why? Because I think it would be a huge mistake.

  4. Mini-me passed away this week, ending all hope for a Tyler Austin Powers sequel.

  5. If the Giants draft Chubb, or a QB, the Jets will surely draft a QB, and the Browns will get Barkley without having to give up an extra pick.

    By drafting Barkley, they would force Cleveland to make a deal. And if the Browns don't deal, oh well, we have Barkley.

    As for Barkley's fragile state, who gives a shit?

  6. I don't know from football, but I will say this:

    —Why waste a high pick on a running back?

    —Don't get Darnold, he obviously has some major Neanderthal genes. Just look at that brow. He's got the next Mark Sanchez written all over.

    There, you've been warned. Don't blame me when the next butt fumble happens.

  7. John inexplicably blurted out Mayfield during a broadcast the other day. We can interpret that in one of two ways. Either Baker goes 1 to the Browns or he goes 3 to the Jets

  8. How many Super Bowls a USC QB has won? And teams want to draft Darnold.

  9. 100% correct ranger. He could be graded as the best prospect since Peyton and I still wouldn't touch him. USC QB's and Penn St RB's. You can throw Alabama Cornerbacks onto that list also.

    So Darnold, reminds of Sanchez. The inexperience, the dunderhead mistakes, the college. Bust

    Barkley, not impressed by him as a runner, great when he's in space. He'll be a good player, but probably not a hall of fame runningback.

    Josh Allen, makes Tebow look like Brees.

  10. Toonces must have got some shock therapy last night.

  11. Even better that they got it off of that asshole Rodney.

  12. John described in detail to Suzyn that Didi and Stanton would hit infield singles and then Gary would hit a bomb. Suzyn confirmed it. John CAN predict baseball. Expect Mayfield going in the top 3.

  13. Hope the Browns don't take Gary Sanchez. Great if Giants get him.

  14. John was a prophet today. I like this development.

  15. I, for one, welcome Gary Sanchez's return to NYC spirts talk radio.

  16. I, for one, welcome Gary Sanchez's return to NYC sports talk radio.

  17. OK, I was watching the game but in the 8th I figured I might as well take a shower and shave. I had the radio on, but couldn't hear with the water running. I thought I heard Suzyn say something kind of loudly, but figured, eh.

    I thought they lost. Really. I just hit the computer and saw.

    Now, that's a good team. Can we play the Twins about 80 more times?

  18. Canwecanwecanwecanwecanwe?

    Rufus, I hear ya—I've always hated Rodney, with that stupid arrow. After the homer today, did he pretend to shoot himself with it?

  19. The Master was right. First the win, then the draft. He can predict everything, including baseball.

  20. Yankees with a great win, the Mets with a tremendous loss, I was feeling pretty good about the day. John predicted the first overall pick days before it happened and I was over the moon. Jets draft Darnold and I'm ready to shoot myself. I'm just going to find episodes of Suzyn's clubhouse report to cheer myself up.

  21. Don't know if Fernerdly Rodney skewered hisself, but he should have, a dozen years ago.

    First time in a loonnnnnggggg time that I thought the Yankees would win when they came up in the ninth behind. I hope it is a good omen and not indigestion from eating the black swan's fois gras (it was excellent with the chianti and fava beans).

    Now comes the bad karma from the first west coast trip.

  22. So I'm watching the draft and the Cardinals trade up to get Josh Rosen. And the analysts are taking about how smart he is, and mentioned his grandfather founded the Wharton School of Business and are basically saying, "Jew"

    OK I'm a Jew and I can live with that. But the reason I'm writing this is... The Cardinal's draft day hat, which to be fair, would have gone to whoever they picked and where ever they picked contained the phrase, "Rise up Red Sea"

    And that was just too a)Funny b)Ironic c)Unintentionally Anti-Semitic d) All of the above. And therefore was worth my comment. BTW I'm cool with Barkley. I still wanted them to trade the pick but I'm really just a Yankee fan. And today's win from a game I totally wrote off really portends well.

    Doug K.





  24. I know, it was pretty ridiculous the other day, when they kept asking Rosen if there was any city he would REALLY like to play in.

    It kept reminding me of "Annie Hall": "What about 'Jew York,' huh? Don't you want to go to Jew York?" He called them on it, which was terrific.

    This is not a case of Jewish vs. Gentile, incidentally, but Jewish vs. Neanderthal. Look at that brow on Darnold! Clearly, he has more than the 2 percent of Neanderthal genes that all non-Africans are supposed to have. M. Sanchez II!

  25. And hey, what I tell you about the Mets, ALL-CAPS?

    Their defensive replacement in centerfield can't make the play at the wall. Down they will continue to go.

    As for us...well, who was quoting "The Crisis" the other day? "These are the times that try men's souls—or at least their pitching.

    13 in a row, Angels, Astros, Indians, and Red Sox. Well, this will make or break us!

  26. Paraphrasing a columnist in The Post...."Thor and Jake...then jump in a lake."


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