Monday, May 14, 2018

Bursting from its seams, the Yankee roster needs a few tweaked gonads

Yesterday at Scranton, Clint Frazier hit his third homer in 12 games; (he's hitting .362); Brandon Drury had a double, (now .343), and Tyler Wade (up to .219) got a hit, he's ALIVE! (as is Adam Lind - .296) Down in Single-A Tampa, Greg Bird and Billy McKinney enjoyed a Sunday off; in three games, both are 2-for-8. Somewhere, Jacoby Ellsbury had a Calgon Bath Oil Beads experience, projected to return during Trump's second term, not that it matters, because it will require an asteroid strike to make room at the Inn.

For nearly a month, Yankee know-it-alls have pooh-poohed the thought of too many healthy players converging upon the 25-man, insisting that someone will tweak a carrot, creating a opening. That's still the mantra: Don't worry; something will twinge, it always does. You'd think we were scamming Geiko. But soon, maybe this week, the music will stop, and there simply won't be enough chairs.

Before continuing, let's acknowledge the Chicken Little tone of this tortured human cry: O, DEAR! TOO MANY HEALTHY PLAYERS! WHAT WILL WE DO? MWAHHH...! I get it: This is baseball's version of a First World problem. Suddenly, the Yankees are MLB's best team, and everybody who looked in danger of being replaced is now hot as hell.

Over the last seven games, the three Yankees who had been 2018's biggest flops - Brett Gardner, Giancarlo Stanton, Neil Walker - are hitting .348, .391, and .333, respectively. The Yankee who seemed most vulnerable to a Scranton demotion - Miguel Andujar - is hitting .320. Two weeks ago, the Yankiverse agreed that Walker would be waived, or Gardy dropped in the lineup, or the two last bullpen arms - journeymen AJ Cole and David Hale - be disappeared. Now, forget it.

This weekend, Cole and both did their jobs, while Domingo German reminded us how rookie pitchers are known for being erratic, and Sonny Gray - well, don't get me started on Sonny Gray. Still, suddenly, we face a roster crunch. 

I know that some of you still have a nasty streak about Aaron Hicks, whose wondrous early 2017 is now a distant memory. Hicks continues to slog - .215, though he homered this weekend. But he patrols CF well - where neither Gardy nor Frazier is the answer. Considering the Yankee offense, we can survive with a defensive CF. Surely, Hicks will get May and June to show what he can do. 

So, what happens if - gasp! - everyone gets healthy?

1. When he's ready, Greg Bird takes over 1B. That's not in doubt. Tyler Austin will be sent to Scranton or traded for whatever Cashman can get. If a platoon is needed, Walker and Austin Romine can play 1B. That's a done deal. 

2. If he keeps hitting, Frazier might force himself into the crowded outfield, platooning with Gardner or Hicks against lefties. But he won't get many chances. Who would want to start a lefty against us?

3. Drury - geez, I got nothing. Unless Andujar starts booting grounders, how can you send the guy back to Scranton? And Gleyber Torres is going nowhere.

4. Tyler Wade plays in Scranton until an injury or the trade deadline, when he becomes part of a package deal.

5. Adam Lind waits until June 1, when he can opt-out of his contract, though he's playing in his home town, and unless some team has a crying need, he might be happier biding his time, waiting for a shot.

6. McKinney needs to hit his way back to the majors. Gardner is a free agent next winter, so a LH corner outfield slot could be open. He needs to reconquer Triple A - where last year, he hit .306. 

7. Ellsbury? He can pursue a Master's Degree in Russian literature. 

And somewhere, the juju gods surely will send us a tweaked gonad. What is it that they say: Be careful what you ask for? 


  1. Zen Question (or maybe it's just a Lego question): How can we take all these extra parts, assemble them into an interesting trade package, and turn them into a No. 3 starter capable of turning in 13-15 wins?


  2. Not to rain on LBJ's parade, but:

    Isn't what he proposes above EXACTLY what the NYYs thought they were doing when they traded away valuable future parts for . . . Sonny Gray?

  3. It's still not a bad idea. The flaw was in trading for Sonny Gray. Past "metrics" and "stats" and other meaningless shit aside, they should have known what the deal was if they had done some simple numerological, cosmological, astrological, epistemological "analytics" on the guy's psyche. Cashman is a HORRIBLE judge of pitching talent.

    Anyway, you smash the bread, sweep up the crust, toss it out, buy a new loaf, dip the pieces in oil, feed the pigeons, then do it again.

    Am I making myself clear?

  4. It's early yet. I'm not giving up on the gonad injuries.

  5. 13 BIT IS CORRECT....



  6. 13bit, I believe your recipe is exactly the same one George Weiss used.

    The trouble is, while some teams might go for our spare parts, what we want is what everybody wants most. Teams are just loath to give up good starting pitching on a major-league level. Chances are, the best we are going to get for these guys are good-looking Single-A arms, 2-3 years away.

  7. The Yankees come calling and everybody's looking to get fat and happy. Best thing to do is stand pat. Jettison the trash as circumstances dictate. Right now, we look pretty solid.

  8. Parson Tom is right. Somehow, the asking price is always higher for the Yankees—probably because they see us for the suckers we have been for too many years.

    Just look at what the Pirates ended up taking for Gerrit Cole from Houston: Michael Feliz, a 25-year-old middle reliever who didn't even make the Astros' postseason roster; Joe Musgrove, a spot starter and middle reliever who got clubbed like a baby seal by the Yanks and the Dodgers in October; Colin Moran, a first-baseman-third-baseman who hit pretty well in the minors and was a first round pick by the Marlins, but who Houston wasn't counting on for anything; and Jason Martin, a minor-league outfielder who has hit all right, but without much power.

    In return, they wanted the Gleyber, or at least El Matador and Red Thunder.

    No way.

  9. Is this why you guys keep saying that you can't predict baseball?

  10. Why aren't all the philistine hordes harrumphing into view to protest duque's copious recitation of STATS in this post? This post--and the responses to it--clearly vindicate my point that the debate is NOT about using stats vs. not using stats--it's about lazy reliance on outmoded, superannuated stats like batting average rather than more refined tools that reveal much more about a player's capabilities. Duque and most of the regulars out here haven't even graduated to on-base percentage and slugging percentage, much less more evolved tools of analysis. So the next person who baits anyone about the use of "stats" should look at this post from duque and admit that that is a canard--the real debate is over WHICH stats--those that evolved for no good reason more than a century ago, or those that were developed by some of the best minds in the country to push the frontier of insight into what actually helps teams win games--those that are, for those reasons, now the gold standard in every front office in MLB but somehow anathema in this dowdy redoubt of tobacco-spittin' "wisdom."

  11. I never had a problem with your discussion of stats. I like what you say about stats. Good stuff. The insults and whining are fun, too. Stay angry, my friend.

  12. Yeah, I'm old school on stats. But a .300 hitter with 20 HRs is someone I can quickly visualize. The 3.4 WAR? I'm sorry. I don't see him.

  13. If advanced metrics are the be-all and everybody uses them, how do we explain bright Sunny Grey? Or are they likely crutches that are used to explain away bad choices? There’s probably a reality in the multiverse where bright and Sunny lives up to his metric potential. My bet is on C-137 and Cronenberg Sunny.

  14. Advanced stats were never flattering to Sonny Gray. His FIP has always been mediocre and his WAR was really good in only two seasons. Do your homework, KD, before inserting your foot ever deeper into your mouth.

  15. Bullshit, Parson Tom. You earned your moniker by sermonizing to everyone but me on decorum--and I guarantee you that I was always attacked first. You're a nauseating hypocrite and bullshitter.

  16. Duque--but you typically don't even venture into fairly traditional, well-grounded metrics like slugging percentage and on-base percentage and seldom use speed and defense in evaluating players. Batting average tells you nothing about a batter's ability to get on base (overall), his power, his productivity, his speed--in short, just about everything essential in judging a player's worth is absent from batting average. Home runs can be skewed by park factors. RBI is a team stat, not an individual stat--if guys aren't getting on in front of you, you can't drive them in. Same with runs scored--if you get on base but are left stranded, that's not your doing. ERA can be radically skewed by park factors and the team defense behind the pitcher--if you have three outfielders with poor range, lots of balls will fall in for hits, resulting in runs, that would otherwise be routine outs with more capable defenders. And so on ad nauseam. The traditional stats you favor conceal as much as they reveal and so have been superseded by far more precise and revealing metrics among the people who have hundreds of millions of dollars on the line--for good reason.

  17. I accept your argument. But last year, Gary Sanchez was a .270 hitter with 33 HRs and 90 RBIs. That I can understand.

    He was also a 4.1 Offensive WAR. I have only a vague sense of what that means, and I cannot write with any semblance of passion about such numbers. They don't speak to me.

    If Gary homers tomorrow, I will know it's his 11th on the year, because I track that stuff. But I have no sense of how it would affect his Offensive WAR, which is currently 0.9.

    By the way, I do use on-base percentages now and then, but mostly when they are lopsided in one direction - say, Gardy's superhuman ability to draw walks and Didi's former inability (fingers crossed) to do the same.

  18. But duque--in the past couple of seasons you have written posts deprecating Gardner and calling for the team to trade him based solely on his batting average. I responded to those posts by pointing out his high on base percentage and his typically very high defensive ratings (less so on defense this season, alas!) precisely to point out the deficiency of relying mainly on batting average. This season you seem more kindly disposed to Gardy--but you have been on his ass in seasons past, undervaluing him precisely because of your over-reliance on the misleading stat of batting average alone.

  19. Duque--And even on the subject of home runs--if you take them in the aggregate, you need to incorporate park factors to REALLY understand what they mean. DiMaggio once said that he would have hit 70 home runs a year had he played in the old Tiger Stadium--and that sounds reasonable to me. Bill James thinks that Elston Howard would have easily had a Hall of Fame career had he played half his games in a park like Fenway or Tiger Stadium as opposed to the cavernous left-center field of the old Yankee Stadium. And so on. So even a home run is not just a home run, nor is the absence of a home run necessarily a sign of deficiency, even though you would like to make homers the archimedean point of your analysis of baseball offense.

  20. Like all stats these things only represent the past. While I will admit that the past is a useful indicator of future performance, it ain’t perfect. And this is why there’s a market for Viagra, my boy.

  21. KD - Maybe we can get Rick Sanchez to come up with the most advanced metrics in this, or any other universe to solve the problem of Sunny. Cronenberg Sunny might just be the answer.

  22. Retired Stratman gets it.

  23. Baby Statboy - it's not the specifics or the reality, it's your obnoxious personality. While you may or may not be on the spectrum and you may be an aggressive, humorless little boy, what's really uncalled for and inexcusable are your way-over-the-top ad hominem attacks on people here. It's not the issues - it's YOU. I don't know how you never learned to play with others, but I don't care. You're an asshole and you hide behind anonymity. You're lucky Duque is a class act and treating you with respect. I'll never do that.

  24. Puckered!! Yaayyy!! You're here! Atta boy! You finally gave up posting in a two day old thread. Way to keep your head in the game. Or outta your ass. Or something. What's your Head Outta Your Ass percentage now? Oh wait I'm sure you prefer HOYA+. As do I. Love the advanced metrics, I do. Love 'em.

  25. Thanks, Killer Doc. Any fatalities today due to your incompetence?

  26. Someone begins a post with "Baby Statboy," thereby ignoring the entire point of my earlier comments and making a hash of his nauseating sermonizing on the subject of deportment. In this case--in EVERY such case--I am attacked first, and the attackers then whine like two-year-olds when they get back a taste of their own. Fuck 'em. I can take it--they can't. They're not only stupid, they're hypocritical pack animals. This list is infested with such sick fucks.

  27. KD--so now you're shifting your ground. ALL statistics are meaningless, not just the newfangled ones you know nothing about and have therefore ignorantly belittled in most of your previous posts.

    In point of fact, baseball is full of metrics for current performance. And past is prologue--to some extent. You know, based on Ted Williams' first four seasons, that he was going to be a more productive hitter than, say, Jerry Lumpe, based on the latter's first four seasons.

    This is self-evident. But nevertheless incomprehensible to you. Hardly surprising.

  28. Hey Anonymous--you object to anonymity? Yet you most anonymously. Lead by example, tough guy. Post your name and address and phone number in your next comment, and I'll be glad to come shove your teeth down your throat. C'mon, tough guy. You HATE anonymity. Prove it or shut up, asshole.

  29. Is this the abusive anonymous of years past (rumored to be KO) or a new incarnation?

  30. Here's a one-star review--out of a possible five--of Killer Doc Warblist, with his name elided. This is the sterling specimen of humanity we are dealing with here--the ultimate medical quack and incompetent--the kind who costs people their lives:

    Not recommended!
    Self-verified patient of Dr. Warblist
    I gave up going to Dr. Warblist, my husband of 47 yrs. Died of stage 4 lung cancer, never diagnosed, he went to Dr. Warblist every 4 mos. Now my new partner in life started going, every 4 mos. Never diagnosed, just found out stage 4 lung cancer, after seeing him for over 2 yrs. I just left going to him, I believe, he can no longer function as a pulmonary specialist. If you do continue, bring a blank death certificate for him to sign.

  31. He's not truly anonymous. We've named him Buck's Puckered Hemorrhoid. That's better than calling him Cranky-Pants Anon for example. (He seems to like the attention.) But I have a theory that he is the dis-embodied vitriol of Ken Tremendous that has been wandering the InterWebs since FJM shut down in 2008. And as Joe Morgan himself might say:

    "I really haven't seen them play...slidepiece...Dave Concepcion."

  32. Hey, Warblist--maybe I SHOULD post your name and office address so that people won't risk their lives by coming to you. What do you think?

  33. Sounds like the same one, Jim, although he’s sharpened his teeth and shakes his tiny fist more vigorously than before.

  34. Is there really a Dr Warblist out there? I find that hard to believe, Puckered. Truly, I do. How much fever sweat googling and smoking rocks did it take until you found that online review? Why do you think that's me? Please, please, please, please let us in on the ratiocination that lead to your belief that Dr Warblist is me! Pretty please! I gotta hear this, Puckered. C'mon, make my day!

  35. Psychopaths like Warblist and the other "Anon" don't address any of the substantive arguments I made above, because they're too ignorant. Besides, they're not really interested in discussion or productive dialogue--they're just out for blood sport, notwithstanding their feeble professions of indignation about deportment. They're phonies, vicious cowards, frustrated by their illiteracy in the basics of baseball analysis. So they change to subject with personal attacks.

    Warblist, in addition, is third-rate doctor whose incompetence costs people their lives. That's a much more serious subject, but an important bit of context in understanding the feral ugliness of his posts.

  36. I've got that review about the patient you killed with your incompetence. It obviously stirs no remorse, no hint of conscience in you, because you're a sociopath and don't give a shit. As long as the insurance company paid you, you're fine with it.

  37. If you do, I promise in all sincerity to never practice medicine as a pulmonologist. Ever.


    This nugget of grammatical neanderthalism from the doofus who thought he was correcting me on RBIs and turned out to be WRONG. No end to this guy's incompetence. At least his grammatical deficiencies don't kill people.

  39. Oh, man. I LOVE the Rick and Morty references. You guys ROCK!

  40. You don't practice medicine now. You practice profiteering in the guise of a doctor.

  41. KD--sucking up to the herd, cheering on the herd--the definitive herd animal. But not a comment on substance. Yet no doubt he will deliver another sermon on personal abuse any time now.

  42. You know, there probably isn't a doctor alive who hasn't had their hand in the death of a patient. You can do everything correctly and the patient can still die. It doesn't make doctors sociopaths. It makes the work heavy and serious. Some specialties more than others. I will end with this, Puckered: you have the wrong person. And wrong gender too. If you're so wrong about that, how can you be so certain of any statistic?

  43. S'okay KD. You know we love you man!

  44. I don't believe you. I think you're a killer doctor, a mercenary incompetent who is as ignorant of grammar as you are of the fine points of your profession. Fuck off--and then get a life, asshole.

  45. You should chill out with a doobie and binge some Rick and Morty, my man. Best thing on the tube other than the Yanks. Seriously. I think you could use a laugh.


  46. Puckered? Son, being wrong on the internet is no way to go through life.

  47. KD--I think you could use a brain. You're a pathetic mediocrity who revels in the company of other mediocrities. You've never perpetrated a truly witty, interesting, or insightful sentence on this blog. So your purpose here is . . . what?

  48. Hey Killer Doc--you've been provably wrong about RBIs and just about every relevant point of baseball when you haven't been foaming at the mouth like a mad dog. So, as the ancient Greeks used to say--physician, heal thyself.

  49. Puckered, you angry small little little person, "physician, heal thyself" is from the bible. Not the ancient Greeks. So again, being wrong on the internet is no way to go through life. Gonna do some work now. Ciao!

  50. Mr. Buck's Puckered Hemorrhoid, one more thing before I go.

    I will repeat these important facts: A) You are ugly, and B) Your mother dresses you funny.

  51. For foof sake! Can't we get a little help from the foofin' A's !?!!???

  52. A’s just put up a three spot!

  53. Will there be an honorary Black Swan post for Joggie Cano? It wasn't a broken ribbie for Robbie, but a broken bone doncha know?

  54. Ladies and gentlemen and genders of all persuasions: THE YANKS ARE NOW IN FULL POSESSION OF FIRST PLACE IN THE A.L EAST!!!!!

    I would like to humbly thank our west coast farm team. Nice work, boys!

  55. Hey Killer Doc--you are as ignorant of classical literature as you are of medicine and baseball:

    "Similar proverbs can be found in other classical and Jewish literature.

    "Physician, Physician, Heal thine own limp!" can be found in Genesis Rabbah 23:4.[5]

    In lines 473–5 of Prometheus Bound by the Greek playwright Aeschylus, the chorus berate Prometheus, saying that "Like some inferior doctor who's become ill / You're in despair and are unable to discover / By what medicine you yourself can be cured."

    Maybe you want to venture another lecture on RBIs before you kill another patient, asshole?

  56. A few concluding remarks here:

    I have correctly identified Warblist as the Killer Doc reviewed on the Internet. He's playing possum by pretending to be some other doctor. But we know who you are, asshole.

    Second: this Killer Doc is clearly psychopathic and symptomatic of an overall diseased group psychology of fandom in general and this group in particular. I am accused of being harsh in my comments--but take the time to follow the train of the comments. A day or two ago I posted a perfectly decorous and substantive comment about Hicks's calamitous numbers against left-handed pitching. Warblist's first reaction was to inititiate a barrage of personal abuse, screaming at me that people don't use stats on this blog and that I should go to some other blog where they do--but for the inconvenient fact that duque uses stats all the time, as I pointed out about his post above, albeit archaic ones of limited analytical value. ONCE AGAIN Warblist is the one who jumped in with personal abuse in response--unlike duque, who recognized the merit of my observations and engaged constructively--because he is a sane, decent, smart human being, and Warblist, by contrast, is a slavering mad dog who ought to be locked up in concrete cell and subjected to electro-convulsive therapy to address his teeming unresolved angerrs and aggressions at nobody in particular--probably at himself for being a third-rate group-practice medical hack who kills patients with misdiagnoses.

    So all the assembled decorum parsons--save your sermons for the initiators of the acrimony, and read a book or two on advanced baseball analysis to spark a few of your dormant brain cells. I'd be glad to provide some suggestions on request.








  58. Just got back, ALL-CAPS. Did I miss anything?

    Seriously, regarding what you're writing, that sounds very ominous. I thought Drury was hitting pretty well. What makes you think something bad is going on?

  59. No need to write "seriously," HC66--no one finds your posts witty.

  60. Oh, and one more thing, this whole Win Warblist as incompetent physician killer idea. Isn't it more likely that he (or she) took the name from the part of the sidebar that deals with John Sterling's Win Warble? Like El Duque is named after the great Yankee pitcher and HC66 was from an era when the Yankees sucked?

    I don't understand your need to lash out and hurt people even if you do it articulately. Are you winning? To who? Please stop.

    You write about people who don't contribute but your contribution is hate. Give me "pathetic mediocrity" any time over that. (Sorry KD just using the example - you're OK with me - and, I'm sure, everyone else.) Oh, and angry anon - before you point it out yes, I don't punctuate well. Never have. That said, go ahead, knock yourself out.

    Well, I just wanted to weigh in. This is what happens when the Yankees don't play all of their games in a row. Not good to have all this time on our hands.

    Glad they seem to be choosing AnDUjar over Drury. Nice to see we are alone in first.

    Doug K.

  61. Doug K.--you are 100 percent full of shit. All my antagaonists have INITIATED the acrimony with me. I simply give back a taste of the bitter medicine I receive. Your hypocrisy and bad faith is pathetic--you implicitly defend the scurrilous personal attacks of the people whose philistine opposition to sabremetrics is just to your taste. THEY can be as nasty as they please, right, Doug K.? I already predicted this sort of hypocritical bullshit above. Thanks for vindicating my judgment so thoroughly.

  62. Another thing, Doug K.--I did not infer Warblist's real identity from his name but from details of his medical resume that he freely splattered on the list. But his chronic venom is just fine, judging by your implicit endorsement. Your piety is that of the average dull-witted suburban hypocrite who bleats morality while cheating on his taxes and fucking his neighbor's wife--and winking at others who do likewise. Fuck off. You disgust me.

  63. Ah. So, Ozymandias Anon, in the midst of telling us how you never, ever, initiate insult exchanges, you promptly chose to insult me, over a post THAT WASN'T EVEN DIRECTED AT YOU.

    You have also initiated the insults IN EVERY SINGLE EXCHANGE WE HAVE EVER HAD. And you know what? For the most part, I DON'T EVEN DISAGREE WITH YOU!!

    I think most modern statistics are very valid, and a great new way of viewing the game. I have questioned some, though, and was greeted by all sorts of nasty personal replies akin to what I might expect for questioning the virgin birth in front of the pope.

    No, I take that back. The pope would not have replied with any of the absurd, vitriolic, juvenile nonsense with which you assault all of us, day and night.

    I have tried reasoning with you. I have tried being nice to you. I have tried insulting you back. But still you bugger on like the nasty little twerp you are.

    Why our gracious hosts still tolerate you at all on this site is beyond me. But seeing as they do, I will now tell you this: I will never respond to you again, in any way whatsoever. You are dead to me. Your voice has been snuffed out. You are not even some evil background music, not even some ill wind blowing ominously somewhere.


  64. I did not insult you. I made a mild quip. This grievous offense catalyzes you into five hundred words of vile invective and indignation--none of it directed against your fellow assholes who encourage me to consult Dr. Kevorkian, etc. You're full of shit. Your selective indignation gives you away as a con artist. You have no principles, no ethical orientation whatsoever. You're just a ravening pack animal with a battered ego panting for your pound of flesh. You disgust me too--even more than Doug K. Much more. I spit on your writhing sanctimony. And then I piss on it for good measure.

    Duque's dialogue today on the insufficiency of traditional stats was a model of measured grace and intellectual honesty--none of which you have displayed even for one second. Fuck off, asshole.

  65. Oh--and EVERY ONE of your posts to makes a point of addressing me with various insulting epithets and nasty names that you coin for me. EVERY ONE. And you sit there whining like a violated saint? Do you think your little wounded faun act is kidding anyone? You're as nasty and vindictive and shitty as the day is long. You just can't admit it about yourself--and you admire just those qualities in people who share your smug stupidity about baseball analytics. You egg them on--you join in with them in your little pack-attack games. What a jerk you are to be sermonizing out here.

  66. It's not all Murphs and Sullys skipping out on their bar bill at the Cask 'n...some of the assholes in Red Sox Nation went to Harvard.

  67. Someone needs a "safe" space -_-

  68. Puckered Racist Townie Asshole (tm) is just acting out due to the re-naming of Yahwkey Way back to Jersey Street.

    He was hoping for Pumpsie Green Avenue.

  69. Jersey street has a certain ring to it.

  70. Is it possible to get back to baseball?

    Like -- will the (annual) return of Greg Bird mean something?

  71. Joe,

    It will mean that Tyler Austin is optioned to Scranton, at least temporarily.

  72. Doug K, of course I took my screen name from this blog. I love IIHIIFIIC! El Duque is a wonderful creature to give us such a wonderful playground.

  73. I look forward to the fluttering of the Big Bird's return. Just keep the liniment and bandages at the ready.

  74. Don't feed the troll, brothers.

  75. You know what they say. Even a broken squirrel finds a nut twice a day....

    This comment section reads like a Tarantino script.

    A bunch of old white dudes fighting on the internet - is this a Tomi Lahren blog or a Yankees blog?

    1. Addendum: I'm young and black and Love the comment section of any hostile blog esp if Yankees are involved

  76. Shamus, I've never been really sure of what this all is; I just know I love it.

  77. Hey Rufus Psycho Fuckup--have you figured out which teams are in which league yet, Psycho Boy?

    And--to be clear--I CRITICIZED the racism of the Yankees. Your tossing off the term "racist" for no reason is another sign of your mental disorder.

  78. "Old white dudes"--racism and ageism in one neat package--the fruit of asinine identity politics. Nice job, bigot asshole Yankee Shamus.

    1. You’re welcome good sir. Or ma’am.

      Sorry. Not trying to be sexist.

  79. Thanks for checking in, hack. We now know that you don't have a clue about the Castle Connolly best doctor listings, but we do know that you're not in them--that your peers view you as a shitty doctor, along with the families of the patients you've killed with your misdiagnoses. Keep it up, asshole. You also have no idea of the correct rendering of the plural of RBIs, the use of "doctor heal thyself" in ancient literature, the fact that stats are used ALL THE TIME by duque on this blog, etc., etc. You're a walking solecism, a gallumphing incompetent and moron. Your parents must be very proud of you, Killer Doc. We can only hope that some aggrieved family member will sue your ass out of the medical profession and into jail, which will mercifully put the terminus on your psychotic ramblings on this blog.

  80. Welcome Joe F! I hope you find this space welcoming, inclusive and safe. Big game tonight.

  81. Certainly everyone here prefers a walking solecism to a free-swinging, chasing solecism. Brad Pitt taught us that much.

  82. Only one requirement, Joe F: bring your JuJu and practice it proudly, even if it involves non-traditional wearing of pants. We make no judgements. Did you see what we accomplished for Gardner? spectacular, right?

    Don't expect such acrimony on a regular basis, however. duque doesn't much appreciate trolls and discourages their constant tending by his minions. I strive to be a compliant minion and appreciate running with these big dogs. I just don't lift my leg quite as high.

    anyhow, this is a welcome but I think you've been around for a while.

  83. I'll strive to be a studious minion and Juju on...

    As for Cano, The Master says "what do ya know, You just can't predict baseball Suzynn"


  84. I personally prefer a sacrifice bunt solecism. There's a large body of statistics that proves it's the most effective way to get your message across.

  85. Oh my--all the assembled morons are so FASCINATED that someone used the word solecism, which they have encountered before . . . never in their stunted little brains. And they're PROUD that they're morons--like Sterling himself.

  86. Really--half the posters on this blog make the callers to WFAN sound like geniuses--no mean achievement.

    Ellsbury to the Red Sox! Solecism is such a BIG WORD!


  87. Publius in ManhattanMay 15, 2018 at 8:52 PM

    Anonymous should not have come back. Going on and on about his app like a fool, crawling back for less money, but still condescending to everybody. Silly egotistical old fool.


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    I am very grateful for your help in my marriage.


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