Thursday, July 12, 2018

How To Get Through This Mess

As I watched us again being whacked around by the Orioles the day before yesterday, I developed a new brain.

I simply began to regard the Orioles as the likely World Series Champions this season.

That way, we can look with optimism at the possibility of tying the series today, at 2-2.  We can regard two, one run losses as " growing strength " in the Yankee dugout.  We are battling, and almost taking it to them.

We simply don't have the hitters they have.  We are outpowered, and their veterans are more experienced.  More clutch.  We are the ones making the critical error.  But that is understandable.  We are playing the likely World Champions.

We can't hit their pitching when it matters, but no one could hit Koufax or Drysdale, either.  Our manager is doing his best to shuffle our line-up, to achieve the best match-ups.  He manages the pitching staff like a chess master, but we simply don't have the depth that a potential World Series Champion has.  It is to be expected that we lose this series.

We can also point out that we are out managed/  Another rookie, vs. grizzly veteran.  Buck has seen it all and done it all.  He has more tricks up his sleeve.  But our guy is new, fresh and amiable.   He is keeping the morale up in the clubhouse, after some dizzying losses.  But one day, he'll be the grizzled guy beating a young upstart.  He is learning and absorbing lessons like a sponge.  It will pay off.

And the reality is;  we are on the brink of tying it up.  Playing them even, in their house.  These are the factors of growth.  Of a future.

Let's go after them today with a vengeance.  No let up.  Put the pressure on and keep it on.  Yes, these are the orioles.  But let's look at them not with awe, but with eagerness.  These experiences are priceless as we develop a young team.

If we walk away from Baltimore 2-2 it will be a job well done.  If we don't, at least they know we were in town.  They won't want to see us again,

The fact that we are losing ground in the standings is secondary.

We have looked the best team in baseball in the eye, and not backed down.  We may be beaten but we remain unbowed.

Losing to them can, in a distorted kind of way, be seen as a victory.

I am proud of this team.


  1. I was too inebriated to post this in a timely and accurate fashion. But I don't want to lose a day of history, just by having the wrong thumb.

    Duque will never notice, anyway.

  2. Particularly impressed with the poise Sonny Gray and Tyler Wade demonstrated in facing down the likely World Champions. If they accomplish nothing else in their careers, this is something they'll be able to tell their grandkids.

  3. There was an eerie quality to the goings on, wasn't there?

    Will Boone, like Girardi before him, now sit Tyler Wade down for a week?

    Reward him for " breaking out" by idling him?

    Today's line-up will say a lot.

  4. As I learned from watching my son play little league years ago, they are all champions! Participating is hard.

    And, may I add, we are all champions as well. Watching is hard. Sometimes harder than playing. Everyone who posts, comments, or reads "It Is High" deserves a trophy!

    Doug K.

  5. If duque had for sale an IIH participation trophy, I'd buy one and present it to myself, then give a tearful acceptance speech. If I don't honor me, who the hell will?

  6. I'm soooooo proud of all of us, getting customized IIHIIFIIC bobblehead trophies for everyone!

  7. I'm in tears, weeping with pride in our accomplishments. Two-two with the mighty Birds? In their home park? Oh the Wonder, the Joy, the Elation -- my cup runneth over! All our collective cups runneth over!

  8. KD,

    and if not now, when?

    Doug K.

  9. And now that Tyler Wade has finally broken out the bat—and Bird seems to have rediscovered the long ball—the reason for keeping Neil Walker is...?


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