Thursday, July 12, 2018

How to Parse Fake News

The Manny Machado rumors continue to swirl, but the air is beginning to leak out of them faster than those Thanksgiving Day parade balloons shot up in Broadway Danny Rose/

Take a look at this interesting and worthwhile job of debunking by Mike Rosenstein at something called NJ Advance Media:

According to Mr. Rosenstein, who appears to be a real journalist, as opposed to the idle, lotus-eating speculators most of the sporting press has turned into, one Jon Morosi of MLB first reported this story as saying that the trade hinged on the Yanks including Justus Sheffield.

But Rosenstein quotes Jim Bowden, the former GM and CBS analyst, as saying:

"Well, the one thing we know is they will not put Sheffield in the deal."  Bowden then speculates about other possible guys from the Yanks' system, and hedges:

"The one thing about the New York Yankees that we all have to keep in mind ... if they want Manny Machado, they are better equipped in their farm system to get it done than anybody else. The other thing to keep in mind with their GM, Brian Cashman, if he really wants it done, he always swoops in late, he goes hard, he goes strong and he tries to close the deal. That's usually his formula."

 In other words, we've suddenly moved from actual doing, to what Cashman "usually" does and what the Yankees could do.

Rosenstein then goes on to duly list the other rumors—noting they were first published in the Baltimore Sun:

Both the Red Sox and Yankees have an interest in Machado playing third base, where he won two Gold Glove awards. Boston has Xander Boegarts at short and 21-year-old Rafael Devers at third. New York has Didi Gregorius at short, but might be willing to move rookie third baseman Miguel Andujar, either to first base or in a deal for a starting pitcher.

So both teams might have an interest in plugging Machado into a position...that he has expressly said, over and over, that he no longer wants to play, and insisted on moving from this past year.

My friends, this is not going to happen—at least not like this.

The Sox have very little if anything to trade for Manny, including the dinged-up Devers, now out of the lineup, and anyway they are hotter than the proverbial smoking gun.  The Yanks aren't going to deal pitching when it's pitching they need.

And both teams know they can reassess the whole situation in the free-agent market.

What's much more likely is what Bowden also reports, which is that two NL teams supposedly have serious offers on the table for Manny.  Expect the Orioles to take one of them, after all their rumor-mongering has failed to produce a Yankees/Red Sox counter-offer.

Of course, none of this will keep Coops from making a really stupid deal for a pitcher...


  1. My old Greek grandmother used to say “from your lips to god’s ears.“


  2. Off-Topic -- please forgive me --

    Every time I look at the Yankees' lineup for the game (like tonight's, Fri. vs. BJs) and see Neil Walker's name in it, I hear the kids from the movie "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome" moaning --


    I know that's weird. But it sure as heck fits! Also: I believe it's what has hynotized Boone into playing this guy, and Cashmoney to not DFA him.

    ....they are hearing the same voices chant the name.....this splains what's happening better than that Boone has faith in Walker (thru July 13???) and that Cashmoney thinks he's doing good.

  3. Walker's presence in the Yankee's lineup is proof that we are not destined for greatness this year. Simple as that.


  4. 13bit, I hereby nominate your sentence above, as written, as the new sub-headline for the IIHIIFIIc masthead (i.e., to replace "CASHMAN, YOU SUCK! CASHMAN, YOU SUCK! CASHMAN, YOU SUCK! CASHMAN, YOU SUCK! CASHMAN, YOU SUCK!").

    So moved.

    Do I hear a second?

  5. I still like the CASHMAN, YOU SUCK! header. It’s emphatic, to the point, spirited and punchy. Plus, it has a certain je ne sais quoi that makes my balls tingle every time I see it. Maybe we need to start compiling a list - which would include Walker - of concrete facts which could dispel the idea that 2018 is our year. This could be useful to refer to when we’re hunkered down in our foxholes come September, biting our nails over the single away game wildcard race.

  6. Walker is now turning into a Joe Btfsplk character, who hits into a double-play even when he whacks a line drive down the line.

    Of course, then there was the two-base error, which is more Joe Shlabotnik.

    Shlabotnik or Btfsplk, shlamzel or schlemiel? Which is Neil Walker? You make the call!

  7. shlamzel or schlemiel, in either case he's not going to make our dreams come true


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