Sunday, July 8, 2018

I'll Trade Frazier for Borucki

Here is a new kind of idea for Cashman.

Instead of trading our young guys for their old guys, why not trade a rookie for a rookie?

We would do well to trade for the Toronto Blue Jays' young lefty, Borucki.  He dazzled today, and made our line-up very manageable.  I always hate to use the word, impotent.  But that was the case.

Frazier continues to do little, other than show up.   You all know my theory on, " top prospect rookies:"

When they get their shot, they have to flash !

Frazier had a chance, yesterday, with the bases loaded to get a big it, blow the game open, and relieve pressure on our wounded bullpen.  He struck out.

He had a chance today, late in a 1-1 game, to get a big hit and put the Yankees on course to steal a win,  and he struck out.

Any rookie in the world can do this.  Most, in fact, do exactly this.  And those guys become lifetime, part-time players who hit .238 and make a difference " once in a blue moon."  Their career highlights cover about 4 at bats during 8 years.

We need our to[ prospect rookies to do things which help the team win.  Not simply represent another out in a transition to another scoreless inning.

So I am now convinced that the Yankees just have a lot of hype and hope in this player, rather than true talent.  As a comparison, you did not see the same from Judge, Sanchez, Andujar, Torres or even Bird-man, in their rookie appearances.  Not to mention Jordan Montgomery and Domingo German.  They all went out and created " I told you so " moments.  And they did so right away.

Frazier is living on a theory about a quick bat.  He flashed in AAA, but so has Wade.  Neither can hit at this level.  Hopefully, our competitors are not reading this blog, and still think Frazier is the second coming of Jay Buhner.

So put Frazier out there and add, Chance Adams, a draft pick and $100million.

Get the kid that shut us down today.  TRADE  for Borucki !!

Much better him than any of the veterans currently available for egregious rental and failure.

Do you feel me, Brian?


  1. Sorry--this is one of the most ridiculous commentaries ever perpetrated on a baseball blog--if it's intended to be taken seriously, that is.

  2. OK--let's play the game of small-sample hysteria so beloved of Alphonso et al. "Frazier is living on a theory about a quick bat. He flashed in AAA, but so has Wade. Neither can hit at this level."

    Clint Frazier's slash line, 2018, "at this level"--meaning MLB, going into today's game:


    Oh--you mean Clint Frazier can't hit at this level on July 8, 2018, when he drove a ball to the warning track in his first at bat, and later walked ? Is that the nub of your analysis? Then point taken. GREAT POINT!

    In fact, the next time Judge or Stanton or anyone else takes an oh-fer, trade them immediately as well, since that will constitute proof that they cannot hit at this level on a given day either, just like Frazier.

    Are you listening, Brian? Take heart--there's someone out there who's more out of it than you are. Take your cold comfort where you can.

  3. Wow. Alphonso just got humiliated

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm with Hoss on this one. Yankees should be targeting Eovaldi. And with all the hype about scouts being there to check him out at Rays vs. Mets? He throws seven innings of scoreless, one-hit baseball. Dude obviously wants to win. Chase him down. I was against letting him go in the first place, even with the surgery. And if it's a rental for a moment in time, at least we're going for the guy who happens to be doing really well at that time.

    As for ANONYBURN2018 above, yeah, it's a fair point, if put a little dramatically. Frazier has had some good at-bats, and he was hardly the only one who looked lifeless late in the game or in any number of clutch men-on-base situations this year. He wants to contribute and you can see him pressing at the plate. After he left those men on base, he was cursing himself out.

    That could be eyewash to "show he cares" for the cameras/other teams watching, but I think he wants to play on a winning club. Whether he gets to do so, even with the inevitable Yankee injuries, remains to be seen, but I think it's a waste to let him go at this point without even giving him as much of a shot as they've given Tyler Wade, Tyler Austin, and probably seven other bros named Tyler I can't think of right now. If he can hold on until next year, let him fight it out with the McBrooms of the world in Spring Training for Gardner's job.

    Also, side note - Stanton leading the team in hits? Where the hell did that come from?

  6. Thanks, JJ. Unfortunately, the Rays, devilish or not, are probably too smart to let either Eovaldi or Snell go for the magic beans we'd love to give them.

    Would Frazier be worth it? I surely hope they do NOT trade him. I believe that's what Alphonso would prefer, too, but he makes a good point: no matter what we may think, if rookies don't flash they tend to go, particularly with our rather trigger-happy GM.

    Maybe Hicks' injury will stay his hand, though. I mean, who the hell else is he going to put out there?

  7. And yeah, it's nice to see Stanton coming around some—though his play in the field today was frightening; another reason to keep Frazier, we don't want to play him out there in the postseason if we can possibly help it—but his team-leading, 90 hits come with 120 strikeouts. Judge is right behind him, with 89 hits—and another 120 strikeouts.

    I mean, these are ludicrous totals.

    Babe Ruth's average, projected over 162 games, was 86 strikeouts—and 186 hits.

    Mickey Mantle? 115 Ks—and 163 hits.

    Reggie Jackson? 149 Ks, to 148 hits. But that's mostly because of his last 7 years, aged 35-41, when he ran up 772 strikeouts, and only 636 hits.

    I won't even get into comparisons with Joe, Joe DiMaggio, whose projections/averages are just 34 Ks vs. 207 hits, and who famously almost equaled his strikeout total, lifetime, with his home runs. Or Lou Gehrig, who was 59 and 204.

    But hey, how many people are Babe Ruth, or Lou Gehrig? Or even Jackson, the all-time strikeout leader? But there's something wrong when you're already on about a 4:3, K-hit ratio at the ages of Judge and Stanton.


  8. I'm not disputing what Hoss has posted directly above. To add a little perspective on this:

    JUDGE -- 66 walks (3 of those IBBs)

    STANTON -- 37 walks (3 IBBs)

    So these guys have 240 strikeouts between them, and reached base 283 times.

    This doesn't make me feel a lot better. Judge has been reaching 3-and-2 counts a lot, or so I've seen reported on the TeeVee. If he's extending the other team's pitcher -- which is what Gardy sometimes does -- maybe the strikeout total is not as horrible as it looks.

    Maybe. Maybe he'll improve at taking 2-strike pitches and sending them into the stands?

    To put the perspctive in perspective: Mantle struck out 1,710 times in his MLB career -- walked 1,733. BUT: In the first 3 years (51-53), he struck out 275 times, walked 197 times.

    So perhaps there is hope for Judge, at least. Maybe.

  9. Borucki looked good, but I'm going to sit this one out.

  10. If there is an offer of Borucki for Frazier, you all don't take it?

    That would be humiliating.

  11. I hear you, Joe FOB. I remember how ashamed Mantle was about striking out that often, and how it was the all-time, MLB record when he retired.


    Mantle ranks 32nd on the all-time list, and there are another four active players hot on his heels. Hell, Stanton himself is already at 1,260 career Ks, in just 9, injury-wracked seasons.

    Ruth, also the all-time leader when he retired at 1,330—and somewhat embarrassed about that—is now tied for 125th, with Jose Bautista.

    Are any of all these guys buzzing past the likes of Ruth and Mantle producing anything like what they did?

    I know, I know. They also didn't face a new pitcher who threw 100 mph-plus every couple of innings. But I still don't think that would have kept them from hitting to the opposite field or bunting for a new hit every now and again.

  12. Alphonso, Borucki does look intriguing. I don't know enough to say if he can last—he seems kinda skinny—but maybe so.

    I do think it will have to be some such, "under the radar" deal for us to get a pitcher who would be worth someone like Frazier. Someone whose acquisition would have to depend on the rare good judgement and baseball acumen of our GM.


  13. We might need to wait on Borucki until he's old enough to drive himself to the ballpark. Or shave.


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