Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Cuban Missile Has Laid Down a Challenge: Let's Play!

Aroldis Chapman has challenged everyone to an "Add a Caption" contest.  Look at the photo below (taken in the AL locker room at the MLB All Star Game) and add a fitting caption.

I'll start us off with a few:
  1. El gringo Judge puede unirse a nosotros después de que aprenda el Español.

  2. None of us ever liked Frazier anyway.

  3. Nice shoes, Aroldis.

Have at it everyone...


  1. “I’m broke and I really identify with my fan base. Life is difficult.”

  2. Hey Fidel Bite me.

    Doug K.

  3. I'm so glad Billy Witz from the NYT isn't running the Yankees. He would have us trading for Machado as well as for both Syndergard and deGrom -- in exchange for Judge, Frazier, Andujar and just about everybody else. Let's see, best player to come up with the Yankees since Mattingly, trade 'em.

    The fans in New York are not the problem. It's the Gammonites who fill the atmosphere with poisonous ideas.

  4. That's incredibly silly, even for Billywitz.

    I agree that Judge is probably at his maximum trade value, and that a truly canny GM would deal him for something amazing.

    But we don't have that GM. And I'm not sure there's anything available that would make giving up Judge worthwhile.

    It's certainly not the crapshoot that Legroom and Cinderella would be—especially if it meant throwing in other regulars and/or prospects. And to give up any player for Machado, when you have a great shot at him in the off-season, would be crazy.

  5. Basically, trading in-season for the Yankees is almost certainly a sucker's game—particularly because the team may well be able to pick up Patrick Corbin and Machado off the free-agent market.

    Any deal you're making in-season is going to favor the seller.

    And the fact is, after the promotions of the last couple years, the Yanks' farm system is merely adequate, if that.

    As we just saw, they don't have anyone they trust to come up and play catcher, first base, or even outfield, and their best young pitchers generally seem a year or two away. We should carefully husband those resources.

  6. I miss Gleyber and his smiling face. Please return and banish Neil Walker forever.


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