Monday, July 9, 2018

The Give Up Game

To begin with, nobody sweeps double headers anymore.

We have two win game 1, with CC pitching because game 2 starts our Gucci-derived pitcher : Luis Cessa.

The only way we win this game is if the offense scores 15 runs.  And that isn't going to happen with this ( simulated ) game 2 line-up:

1.  Clint Frazier
2.  Tyler Austin
3.  Neal Walker
4.  Kyle Higashioka
5.  Brandon Drury
6.  Greg Bird
7.  Tyler Wade
8.  Austin Romine
9.  Wild card extra player  ( McKinney?)

Do not confuse me with who plays where.

Just know that we cannot win two games, especially the one with Luis Cessa pitching.  It can't happen.  It won't happen.

We will be lucky to win game one.

A must win game.


  1. You're right, Alphonso.

    And it gets worse.

    Baltimore is pitching two virtual unknowns. Just the sort who always beat us. AND, they've spent the last couple weeks playing about as bad a baseball team can play. There's just no way they can keep tumbling like this.

    I am preparing the pineapples.

  2. They won't be quite ripe either, Hoss. Tough and extra spikey, they'll be, yes indeed.

  3. We have Wade, Walker and Drury rounding out the game 1 lineup with Higgy.

    Hoo boy.


  4. I don't know what it's worth, but Yelfry -- the Bawlmore starter in game 2 -- was a Yankees' farmhand. Sent to BOs in exchange for "international money," whatever the F that is.

    He's 24. I hope the Yankees have a file on him somewhere, or institutional memory, so they can club him to death.

    As I live in MASNland, I'm tuned into the Orioles cableTV network. Jim Palmer just made the point that teams that aren't very good (i.e., Bawlmore) miss the cut-off man -- letting Judge take the extra base, and ultimately score.

  5. Just hit the cut-off man. Don't try to do more than you can do. You can't throw out both runners with the same throw.

  6. WinWarb, that was very Heraclitus- like of you. He's the one who said "you can't set food in the same river twice."

  7. set foot, goddamnit, "SET FOOT"


  8. Jesus Christ this fucking team drives me nuts. Losing a game to the Orioles - a team in the midst of a stretch where they are the worst team since the 62 Mets. They are losing to a team that is the worst team in over half a century. This also includes that they lost 3 of 4 AT HOME against this team earlier in the year.

    And CC, Jesus dude. I know he's never pitched well against the Orioles and he's especially shitty in Camden Yards, but could he just maybe tame a team this lifeless? Nope.

  9. Mark my words, they will be in the Wild Card game and they will be wearing the road grays.

  10. You know that lineup was awful, but If Judge and Stanton just played anywhere near their hype they could carry them over the motherfucking Orioles. Fuck those two. And Fuck CC, I can't stand all these talking heads kissing his ass. Do they watch the games? How many times have we seen him blow leads to lowly teams like the Orioles or the Rangers?

  11. That was an embarrassment.

  12. I am so glad I cleaned the gutters instead of watching that game.

  13. 2 on, no out, well of course no runs score. This team is unwatchable. Starting pitching is mediocre, offense stinks. Games won by the bullpen, which has been most since the beginning of June, are not a fun watch. Can't hit with RISP and leave a busload on base. Honestly makes me want to vomit.

  14. Gardy comes through, 3-0, please please please avoid the Double Pineapple!

  15. We literally watch the same game every day. They put somewhere between a few to a bunch of runners on in innings 1-4, but they only get runs from a two run homer. One guy will go 3-4, but that 1 out will be with the bases loaded and the game in the balance.

    The pitching is usually fine early on, unless it's Sonny or German, but somewhere in the middle of the game they give up their runs. Sometimes it's the lead, sometimes it makes an easy game turn into one that has us dreaming of pineapples. From there the bullpen comes in and holds the game within reach (or the lead).

    During the games in which our shoe string rotation has put the team in a hole, the offense will forego the problem of hitting with men on base and go straight to the total inability to put anyone on base. This is due to the fact they used up all of their allotted baserunners in the second inning when they loaded the bases and scored on a wild pitch before 3 straight K's.

  16. I seem to recall a time, long long ago and far away, when we specialized in amazing, comeback wins.

    Oh, yeah. That was earlier this season. And early last year.

    Somehow, with the hot weather, we become absolutely unable to come from behind, even if it's only one run down to the flippin' Orioles.

    Yeah, it was a sucky outing for CC, but he has done so well for us this year. I am simply mystified that, with three innings to go in the opener, all we could manage was one, pinch-hit single.

    At least we will grab the nightcap. And hey, maybe it drove Cessa's value up a mite.

  17. Austria's Only Baseball FanJuly 9, 2018 at 11:08 PM

    Let's see what happens with Tanaka's return tomorrow, and of course we have Sonny Gray to look forward to on Wednesday (hey - at least we know what to expect!).


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