Saturday, July 14, 2018

Where Did All The Flowers Go.....?

Do you remember when:

1.  The Yankees were never out of a game?

2.  The Yankees would come back late and steal a victory?

3.  A Yankee would get a huge hit late to win a game that appeared lost?

4.  This team would rally until the 27th out was recorded?

5.  No Yankee game was over until it was over?

Believe it or not, those scenarios happened for the Yankees during that 17-2 run, after our .500 start.
The team gave us hope.  Confidence,  Expectations.

We had reason to watch the entire game because the Yankees kept achieving miracles.  Worse;  we got used to it.

We are now back into a .500 kind of performance.   If we are down in the 6th or 7th, we are done.  We score early, but not often.

There is no longer any reason to watch the entire game.  What is on the scoreboard tells it all.  No more great endings.

All is predictable again.


  1. It seems we miss Gleyber T. more than anyone is letting on...

  2. Where have all the flowers gone
    Long time passing
    Where have all the flowers gone
    Long time ago
    Where have all the flowers gone
    Cashman traded every one
    Oh, when will they ever learn
    Oh, when will they ever learn

  3. So, Toronto goes to the bottom of the ninth in Fenway, leading 2-1, and brings in...Tyler Clippard.


    This is one snake-bit season for us.

  4. And...whaddaya know? First two guys hit doubles off the Jay Clipper, and tie the game, Bogaerts hits a grand-slam in the tenth to win it.

    Hey, you gotta give the Sox credit. When they come upon small, helpless broken birds lying by the side of the road, they mercilessly stomp the life out of them.

    We seem intent on nursing them back to life.

  5. when will we ever learn?
    when will we ever learn?

  6. Girardi is still secretly managing, leaving CC in beyond his obvious experation date. The crappy fielding was only the method. It was going to happen, you could feel it.

  7. Those days died when we abandoned our Spanish Victory Women. Bring them back and reap the bounties.

  8. and it's 1, 2, 3, what are we fighting for?

    don't know, don't give a damn, next stop is Vietnam...

  9. walk me out in the morning dew, today.

  10. Pulled it out, which was nice. But yes, that was the second CC start in a row in which Ma went too long with him.

    Still, a win is a win...




  12. The Spanish Victory ladies await. However, they refuse display until the Yankees have won their third straight game. Which, if memory serves, has not happened in a while.

    They are also not so happy that Spain was eliminated from the World Cup.


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