Thursday, August 2, 2018

A post while we are being massacred in Boston


Tell me again how this was going to be the weekend we gained ground.


  1. Unsustainable BABIPAugust 2, 2018 at 9:50 PM

    i hate baseball.

  2. Offense has been shit since the first week of June. Pitching is unreliable shit. Advanced Analytics is useless. Never going to catch Boston. I've been saying they'll be playing the Wild Card game in their road grays, let me revise that. They won't be there at all.

  3. For what it’s worth, if there ever was a day for an International JuJu intervention, I’d say tomorrow was that day!

  4. Better yet, how about the intervention of a competent field manager? Or general manager? Or owner? I hate to say it, but for any of the foregoing, you can look to the Red Sox, not the Yankees.

    Kay said on the air tonight that he had asked Cashman before the game why we had not seen Sheffield yet. Cashman said that althought we love Sheffield, blah, blah, there are several guys ahead of him on the depth chart. REALLY? Sonny Gray? Lance Lynn? Luis Cessa? Jim Coates? Warren Oates? Who the fuck is this guy kidding? He's just incompetent and afraid to try out young talent, always groping for a reason not to promote from the farm but instead to assemble as many washed-up thirty-somethings as he can scrape up from the trash piles of other teams. And above all, don't hire a manager who might have the intelligence or independence of spirit to question his inscrutable chaotic player personnel policies. Go for the amiable incompetent; first-rate minds need not apply for fear of rousing the GM's roiling insecurities.

    What an incompetent jerk he is.

  5. If you take away the 4th inning the game ended in a tie.

  6. If you take away Aaron Boone and add a manager who has coached at any level before and knows not to leave a pitcher in to give up six runs without recording an out, the game might also have ended in a tie.

  7. You know, I actually think NOT making the BSOGWCPI game would be best.

    Almost any other way, the narrative becomes: "Hey, what a great job Brian Cashman did with all those injuries, but this team still got into the playoffs!"—all guaranteeing yet another repeat of this year. And 2017.

    Only actually missing the playoffs that one-third of the teams now make could possibly bring about the firings of Coops and Ma that we so desperately desire.

    (And yes, I was all for hiring Ma Boone originally. To quote Steve Martin's Wild and Crazy Guy, I blame myself.)

  8. The hilarious thing is that some Knight of the Press Box described our bullpen today as almost infinitely deep.

    Yep. Sort of like a black hole.

  9. Boston is simply the better team. Better players, better pitchers, better management. Shittier ballpark, but at least it's been there since forever and not torn down, ignominiously.

    Well, we had a few fun months.

  10. Exactly, John M. I thought this from pretty when the new regime came in for Boston, in 2003: for the first time in over 80 years, they actually have a smarter management team. And that's trouble.

    The problem, as in most floundering organizations, starts at the top. Brian Cashman is not a good enough general manager. He should be replaced. He never will be. Prepare for another 10 years of this.


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