Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Brett Gardner, Man of Letters, not necessarily in any order

Here is Gardy's quote on Jacoby from yesterday:

"I think unless he comes in here and exceeds expectations for five or six or seven years straight, people are always going to be disappointing and wanting more. That’s the way fans are. There’s so much negatively in the world today."

The president could not have said it better.


  1. Thanks caption obvioys... . Included in that negativity is your offensive (no pun intended) numbers

  2. I'd honestly be thrilled with a strong second half in 2019 and then a monster postseason resulting in a WS victory. If he does that? All will be overlooked.

  3. Mr. Gardy: Do you suppose all these unreasonable and negative fans might be partially reacting to the unfathomable money you players pull down? Most of us scrimp and save and invest our entire working lives and still worry about having to eat pet food in old age. In 4 or 5 at bats you earn more money that I do in an entire year. Jacoby earns practically double that while betting jai-alai with Hal down in Florida.

    I like you but don't expect to see too much sympathy coming from me regarding you poor, abused ball players.

  4. TWW, I hear ya. I'm all about redemption, and ready and willing to eat crow on every ballplayer I malign. This is part of how juju works, I think—taking the onus on one's own self.

    But somehow, I don't think we're going to see it.

    KD, I hear you.

    Granted, we fans—myself foremost among them—have no idea how hard this game is, or how difficult it is to keep it going through the long season. Players take all kinds of crap from ignoramuses like me—and much worse ignoramuses who actually throw things at them, curse out their kids, spit at their wives, etc., that should never go on.

    BUT—the problem with the average major-league ballplayer today is that he still insists on acting like he is just a lunchpail guy when he is pulling down Wall Street, master-of-the-universe bucks—and when simply taking your family to the game once a year has become a major expenditure.

    If you're going to take the big bucks, that means being accountable. Gabe Paul used to say something like, "If we wanted 25 choir boys, we would go to the church and get them." Nobody expects these guys to be choir boys—but they do need to show up, every day or night, in reasonable condition to play ball, hustle, not make stupid mental errors, maintain concentration, and realize their livelihood depends on a fan base.

    For instance, would it have killed Ellsbury, through all his long months of inaction, to hire somebody to tweet or e-mail occasional updates?

    "Hey folks, so bummed I'm missing so much of the season, but I'm doing a hundred jumping jacks and two hundred squat thrusts a day, I have another appointment with the doc next Thursday, and I really want to get back but the trainers say don't risk tearing up my whattyacallit for good."

    I know, I know, that would probably spoil some grand Ozymandian scheme, like getting us Shane Robinson to play right field. But still.

  5. On the other hand, HC55, you've never hit a ball out of the infield.

  6. This anon, be he puckered or not, does have a point. yet if he combs his hair exactly right, nobody can see it.

  7. We need to start worrying about if Boston is going to eclipse the 98 team. They're at 80 games (81, 82?) now with most of August and all of Septemeber to win more than 34 games. They'll probably reach that easily. Then we are forced to shit bricks in the postseason.

    We need a black juju intervention on them. We may be cursed forever for placing it on them, but it is a necessity.

  8. That's what I've been raving about!! Anything, anything, to keep them from getting to 125 wins or more!

    If they do that, they'll claim they have the greatest single team ever, and there will be no tolerating them. They still won't—the 1998 team was better—but that won't matter. All those idiots on ESPN and in the press box will go right along with them!

  9. That is, that's ONE of the things I've been raving about!

  10. HC66--you're a pompous, condescending, flatulent jerk.

  11. HC66--a condescending mediocrity. As Mrs. Olson used to say, it's the richest kind!

  12. @HC66 They can win 130 games for all I care, what matters is how you do in October. Ask Seattle in 2001 what happened to them...

  13. Very true, ranger. But that team seemed to be doing it with mirrors. It was a tribute to Lou Piniella—and I thought that one big bat on that squad, Brett Boone, was very likely juicing.

    The Yanks have done plenty of their own juicing, of course—but probably, probably not in the great year, 1998.

    The Sox also have somebody who seems like an obvious juicer, J.D. Martinez. But unlike the 2001 Mariners, who were starting Freddy Garcia and a bunch of stiffs, the Sox have those three Cy guys. That makes them all the scarier in the playoffs.

    Still thinking their bullpen has to give at some point. But then, it hasn't been much taxed, has it?

  14. WinWin, BabyStatBoy HATES it when anybody on this blog is well regarded or loved. It's a classic sign of narcissism and borderline personality disorder. No room for anybody else. Combine that with his florid, cliched prose - which he occasionally deploys when he's trying to mingle among us - and it's pathological. Best to just ignore him. That's what he deserves.

  15. Signs of life tonight. But there's a long way—two innings—to go.

  16. And of course: AHH! AHHH!!! AAaAaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHaaaaAAHHHHHHHHHHHaaaa-ah-ah-ah-aaaaaaaaAaAaHaHaHaaaAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhh


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