Saturday, August 25, 2018

The Master: "VOIT IS ADROIT" (and luke who's on first!)

For now, it's impossible to gauge the price of Luke Voit's future collector's edition, keepsake bobble-head on the 2018 Yankees.

For starters, we don't know whether this will turn out to be the Yankee 2018 Super Team of Mega-Destiny, or the 2018 Yankee Chicken Salad Sandwich of Disappointment. (To me, there is nothing more disappointing than a bad chicken salad sandwich, although Greg Bird is on a roll - no pun intended.) What we do know is that, last night, The Master rendered unto humankind his Voit homer-holler: VOIT IS ADROIT (which at first, I thought was, "Voit is a droid," a Star-Warzy theme that would have moved the Legendary Radio Voice of the Yankees, driven by Jeep, into this millennium.)

You don't need me to say what Voit did. His two HRs saved the Empire from a kidney-punch loss to the undeniably worst team in MLB. Without Voit - (aka with Bird) - the Yankees would have lost to a team that a) muffed a foul pop, b) threw a ball into CF, c) overthrew the 1B on a routine grounder and d) stranded 19 baserunners. (As we did, by the way.) The stony look on Buck Showalter's face after a ball dropped between the catcher and 1B - (keep in mind, Buck is one of the supervillains on this site) - if I were a juju god, I still wouldn't do that to the guy. 

But getting back to Voit. He has my voit for Yankee 1B. And today, we might get a glimpse of the full difference between Aaron Boone and Joe Girardi. Voit needs to keep going. Girardi was famous for his binders, which functioned as blinders. It didn't matter if a guy hit two HRs on Friday. Come Saturday, he'd be benched according to the matchups. Today, we play two games. Surely, Voit will start in one. Last night, he did more damage than Bird did in the last two weeks.

By the way, Bird is showing a flash of class and self-awareness. He said this: It sucks to suck. A great line. They say he reached out to Tyler Austin to assure him that his dad's public criticism would not stretch their friendship. Nice. He deserves our respect. I think in a year or two, around age 28, he will be a solid major league 1B. I just doubt it will happen with the Yankees. He has squandered our loyalty. We can't wait forever.

But getting back to the opening premise: What will be Voit's final role on this team? If the Yankees win in 2018, it could be huge. Last night, without Voit, we could have energized the O's into a four-game, rabid, full-court press. With Seattle and Oakland winning, our wild card lead - forget Boston, that's what matters - would be down to 4 in the loss column. Today, we'd probably spit the doubleheader, leaving us to split the series against the patsy of patsies.

Instead of "ADROIT," we would be "ADRIFT."


  1. Voit is adroit! If he continues to exploit, he'll join the inner Yankee dacoit, unlike Bird, who's looks more and more like a trophozoite!

    (Sorry for the outburst.  Don't mind me.  I'll sit here quietly until the first game starts.)

  2. Trophozoite. Nice LBJ.

    "It sucks to suck"®

    So endeth the JuJu.

  3. Here are a couple of potential home run calls for Voit. Just in case John has second thoughts.

    "Vait Voit?"

    "It is high. It is far. It is... GONE! Voit's not prohibited... from running around the bases."

    Doug K.

  4. If the first game has a righty stating, get ready to seeBird flailing again.

    Boone mirrors Joey.

    Sad to say.

    He simply smiles more.

  5. Also Re:Voit if he want's to go all Kevin Mass or Shane Spencer on us for the next 6-8 weeks I'm all for it. In other words...

    "That was a ballottime blast. He's got my Voit!"

    Doug K.


  6. Lineups posted on Voit in game 1. TOE not. Romine resting, too.

  7. Not to second-guess The Master, but maybe he had not yet drunk his prune juice when he came up with the "adroit" call.

    How about:

    "Oy Vey, look at Voit Destroy It?"


    "Luke, I am your father!"


    "Luke-ee luke-ee Luke-ee at that ball go!"


    "Luke Voit is a Juke Joint!"


    "Luke, the force is with you!"

    or, in lieu of a difficult and awful rhyme, a simple

    "Go, Voit, go!"

    OR, EVEN BETTER, there MUST be some bullshit, fake Italian phrase he can come up with, perhaps the response to the Giancarlo mystery that he laid on us.

    Work with me, people.

  8. Aside from the venerable sports equipment company, voit is the past tense of voi in Roumanian, and means "wanted."

    I think that about covers it.

    If Bird was the Bird we've long expected, that was exactly the kind of performance he would provide on a regular basis.

    Bring on McBroom. Let's see what he's got.

  9. 13bit, I vote for "Luke! The Force is with you!"


  10. Following Torres' HR: "Like a good Gleyber, Torres is there."

    I hadn't heard that one before...

  11. I think Like a good Gleyber is one of The Master's very best.

  12. Now. Even Cessa cant screw this up. Right? Right!?

  13. AHH! AHHH!!! Ha-TheDu-haa-CanDooo-ah-haaaaa!!
    AAaAhhaaaa-haha-haaa-hhhhhHHHHHHHHaaaaAAHHHHHHHHHHHaaaa-ah-ah-ah-aaaaaaaaAaAaHaHaHaaaAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!


  14. There was an interesting faux pas by the guy who chats with Suzyn after the games. When Suzyn noted that Sonny Gray was pitching tonight and referenced that he might pitch a no-hitter to give the bullpen further rest after not being used in the first game, the guy (don't know his name) replied that he would give Suzyn "all the money in my wallet if Sonny Gray pitches a no hitter". Suzyn was speechless and sort of stammered, and then he tried to recover by mumbling something about "only sending out positive thoughts".

    No one in the listening audience, however, thought ANYTHING other than what the guy said to begin with.

  15. Happ and Gray, bend over and pray

  16. “Luke, the force is with you” for the win. I hope the Master checks this blog regularly.

  17. Sterling totally blew Voit's HR call...this is more Master like....

    "Cool Hand Luke hits his first home run as Yankee...Voit is Luke-Hot!!!"

  18. "Luke over there, Voit is Adroit."

    I'm beginning to think the Master isn't putting much effort into these anymore

  19. Pickles better keep pitching well because we all can predict doubleheaders...

  20. Sunny's PW nickname is Pickles. Pickles. And look how "Pickles" is pitching. He should be forced to wear Pickles every day he starts. And he should only be allowed to start against the 2018 Baltimore Orioles.

    On another topic, Gleyber is really good at shortstop.

  21. HH! AHHH!!! Aha-PICKLES-PICKLES-PICKLES-ah-haaaaa!!
    AAaAhhaaaa-haha-haaa-hhhhhHHHHHHHHaaaaAAHHHHHHHHHHHaaaa-ah-ah-ah-aaaaaaaaAaAaHaHaHaaaAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!

  22. How about: "That pitch is null and Voit! Luke cashes it in, over the fence!"

    No? All right, back to the drawing board...

  23. FIRST: duque elided the worst part of the Voit call: "Luke here." Sorry, duque--hiding Sterling's stupidity is not an option. He could simply have said, "Luke nukes one" and been done with it.

    SECOND: Let's face it, folks: Torres is a more gifted shortstop than Gregorius, and not by a small margin.

  24. Love it, LBJ!

    I'm so happy, I won't even mention that Slo-Pitch dipped back below the Mendoza Line today.

    Or complain about why it is that Sonny can't be left out to pitch a little longer in a doubleheader, after throwing just 79 pitches.

    Just keep winning, baby!

  25. Let’s hope Luke is no fluke. And no pineapples tonight - that was a pleasant surprise.

    And look at that: Boston lost again. The deficit is down to 6 in the All-Important Loss Column (AILC).

  26. HC66--Gray had not started a game for quite a while. Try throwing ten pitches all out, and your arm will fall off. You should read the science on this--EVERY time a pitcher throws a pitch, he is inflicting micro-injuries on his arm. But you, at your amazing nonstop keyboard, dictate a minimum of 150 pitches a start to qualify for the HC66 Hemingway Testosterone Club. Thanks again for displaying your sovereign ignorance.

  27. @TWW...

    He actually like pickles. Is he pregnant?


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