Thursday, August 9, 2018

Yankee domination of tough White Sox drops WILD CARD MAGIC NUMBER to...

Hey babe, take a walk on the wild card...


  1. Take a walk on the wild card ... and Hick's hit "the tar out of it." So sayeth The Master. Suzyn clarifies that it went 395 feet. Far and tarless that ball is. We lead 2-0 ... but - of course - so do the fucking Sox.

  2. Uugggrrhhhh, we just had a "belly-to-belly" from the Master. That so creeps me out.

  3. Teams that can only score with homers never win in the post season. Luckily, we're not going to be in the post season this year, so we'll have plenty of time to learn how to hit. If we hire a new hitting coach, that is, and ditch Ma Boone. Yes, I am the Trevi Fountain of negativity today.

  4. Don't look now, but Chapman is fucking up another sure win. Jesus H. Christ.

  5. Walker with 2 homers tonight, when's his plaque?

  6. Missed the game. Was having dinner at Shaw's Crab House.

    Flop Sweat apparently survived.

    I really appreciate duque's homage to Zoilo Almonte. The greatest #45 ever to wear the Yankee pinstripes.

  7. The Yankees are right where they were this moment 40 years ago in 1978.

  8. Rufus, LOVE "Flop Sweat" for Goldilocks Chapman's new name. I hereby nominate it—who will second it?

    13bit, you are in fact being very positive. The NEGATIVE prediction is that we will qualify for another Beatdown in Beantown.

    Real magic number for us? 10. 10 wins to 82. At that point, I'd just as soon see the boys pick up their gloves and go home.

    manx, the only difference is that that 1978 team consisted of men. Some of them psychotic, neurotic, thoroughly annoying men, to be sure. But men.

    Or, in deference to TWW and Cowgirl, women. Women who could do anything, as they so often do.

    Just not pouty, spoiled children like Mr. Sanchez. Just not frightened boys like Sonny Gray. To be perfectly fair, they were "ADULTS."

    This team comes to us courtesy of the bright shiny truck on the corner, known as "Mr. Softee."

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  11. 3x a charm
    Mr softee... perfect!! This team has no guts...they flex on sorry teams(sometimes) and melt faster than ice cream in death valley az whenever they face a decent one. I will remain negative until 5/7 of these things happen:

    Fire cash
    Fire Boone
    Fire Thames
    Fire Larry
    BEAT the Ray's on FRIGGIN bullpen day

  12. I love Mr. Softee & Flop Sweat...managed by Wishee Washee Ma.

    I would love to see all six of your about wishes come true - - but where's the seventh one??

    For # seven, I would like to propose Dump Neil Walker (before he hits another two taters, and gets a five-year contract from Cash-Puss). LB (No J)

  13. AHH! AHHH!!! AAaAaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHaaaaAAHHHHHHHHHHHaaaa-ah-ah-ah-aaaaaaaaAaAaHaHaHaaaAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!

  14. I can't take credit for Flop Sweat. I read it here first last year.

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    Oh, wait...

  16. Joe F., I would settle for the last one: BEAT THE RED SOX!!

  17. Speaking of flop sweat can the yanks just shut him down till the week before the 1game playoff. Gives him time to heal up and enough time to get into game shape. His innings are making me grimmace he's OBVIOUSLY hurting and Boones going scott proctor on em

  18. Re: Mr. Softee - had it a few weeks ago near the handball courts at Coney Island. When I was a kid I used to go with my to Orchard Beach with my Dad and watch him play paddle ball. It always included a Mr. Softee cone. Bought one for my son. Kind of magical actually.

    What was interesting is that the old guys at the court thought I was there as a manager for the kid (because my son is 19) and kept asking for a game. Sort of like the old Cuban guys in Miami who hang around the shuffle board courts.

    Re: The other thread

    LB (no J) -- We played ball too. But as the participants of this blog know - baseball is an all year thing that must be watched and simulated when ever possible. Just bought the Intellivision games package for my Playstation 2 so I could play 8 Bit baseball.

    Everyone else - No love for Bas-Ket?

    Last - They should shut Chapman down for a while. Britton can take over (he will straighten out) It appears that Chapman is hurt. Perhaps he herniated his floppy disk. (Sorry)

    Doug K.


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