Friday, September 7, 2018

I Don't Agree With The Yankees...

The front office has finally admitted that " Clint Frazier is likely done for the season..."

Okay.  I agree with that part.

The part I think is lazy, fairy-tale rhetoric reads, " The Yankees are expecting Frazier to make a full recovery."

I do not.

Just as I did not think Judge would be back in three weeks.

 I think Clint Frazier sustained a concussion that will give him recurring symptoms if he remains in baseball.  Anything jarring to his body...including running hard to first base, or sliding into second.....can trigger migraines.

He had nearly two months off after that initial collision with the wall in left field. That is longer than the full NFL concussion protocol, resulting from a player being blind-sided and  steam-rolled by a 280 pound monster.

Yet,  after two months, Clint still could not remember the name of his cat.

Frazier returned and was playing at Baltimore when, while running between second and
third base, " he made contact with Orioles third baseman ( Jace Peterson...a small world, right?)."  This contact brought about post-concussive migraines.

A similar thing happened after yet another extensive re-hab period.

 He dove to catch a pop fly in some minor league game ( a pretty routine requirement for a MLB outfielder ) and triggered another onset of horror and headaches.   His sensitivity to light forced him to remain in dark rooms  and fondle stuffed animals.

It had been a year folks and, after another extensive period of rehabilitation and rest, he was readying to get transferred to Trenton to play some live games.   Just the prospect of heading to Trenton triggered more symptoms.

So he is now, again, in the hands of specialists.  Hopefully, competent ones.

I hate to say this, but Clint should consider broadcasting.  I think he was so unlucky, and so damaged, in that collision with the wall in Yankee stadium, that he will not recover well enough to play this game.  My fear is that he will have several months in the off-season where he feels fine again.  And that will result in over-confidence.

And then he will play and hurt himself again.  Running the risk of lasting debilitation and trauma.

I want to be wrong here.  But the evidence is damning.


  1. Sadly, I concur.

    Hopefully the next specialist he sees tells him the truth so he can stop playing baseball and have a reasonably healthy life. Clearly the blow to his head was much harder than we were led to believe.

    It's small consolation but at least he got to play MLB and proved himself worthy. That's more than a lot of people get to say. I hope he comes to terms with it.

    He has a lot of fans on this site, myself included.

    Doug K.

  2. I, too, fear you are right, Alphonso, and this is the real tragedy. But yes, Clint Frazier has a lot of life ahead of him, and he will always have plenty of fans.

    And, from our straitened baseball view, it is one more reason why, sadly, we must go and give mondo bucks to Bryce Harper.

    Is there any game sadder in its what-might-have-beens than baseball? I'm not sure exactly why that should be.

    It doesn't seem like basketball players get as many career-ending injuries (maybe I just don't follow the game closely enough), and in football, the sport is so obviously brutal that you're no more surprised by terrible injuries than, say, a Roman must have been to see a gladiator get a trident in the thorax.

    With baseball, though, it seems to be a part of the true wistfulness of the sport. These guys, particularly when they're young, seem so appealing, and WE actually feel robbed of seeing them do all they can do.

  3. He’s already gone. I saw him bagging groceries at Trader Joe’s in Clifton.

  4. You are wrong people; that's not how head injuries work. Expect him to resume baseball activity in the Spring.

    Dammit. You all need to be totally wrong about this. I'm not a fuckin' neurologist, but that's not what's supposed to happen. Young healthy people are supposed to heal and then go onto fulfil their potential. Even if it's after Gash-faced Gashman trades them to another team. He deserves a chance for more than a cup of coffee in the Bigs. He is wonderful... he is Red Fucking Thunder... he mustn't end up like Jeff Gray. No one deserves that. Not even a Red Sox.

    Except Pedroia. Fuck him.

  5. I'm not a doctor, but I played one during recess in grade school. I think he will return. When and for how long, I cannot say.

  6. Frazier will be his own worst enemy, and that is what worries me. It will extremely hard for a 24-year-old talented prospect simply to hang up his spikes merely because everyone around him recommends it. We live in an age where all young people believe they will beat all odds despite anything reality may present to them. The pervasive zeitgeist is that we can beat cancer, or Alzheimers, or ALS, concussions, or any other disaster, if we just believe and keep working and keep fighting. I imagine Frazier will never believe his career is over, and will continually make every attempt to get back on the field at whatever risk. And there will always be some independent team somewhere willing to let him try.

  7. 13B, Wayne Cherbet played 11 years in the NFL which is like 400 years in MLB. He over-performed his pre-NFL scouting, consistently playing at a far higher level than anyone thought he would or could. Red Thunder would have to have a Ralph Kiner like career to be a Wayne Cherbet comp.

  8. If he's getting sick before he even plays, then I suspect he is really, really reluctant to come back. And who can blame hum? A lot of people feel we have a certain amount of courage in us, and when it runs out, it runs out. There's no shame to it/

    He might be better off doing something else, rather than confronting trauma again and again. We don't insist that people who get hut by trucks pop right back on the highway.

  9. I know we joke around a lot here...but seriously, I wouldn't want to see Clint as another eventual CTE victim. It might be better for Frazier to just walk away while he still has a functional brain. I feel bad for the guy...

  10. He won't have CTE. That's rarely or never seen in baseball players. CTE isn't just the concussions; it's from hundreds or thousands of head impacts, usually sub-concussive impacts. That being said, living with chronic or persistent post-concussion syndrome sucks. It won't shorten his life, just bring misery for months or years on end.

  11. I too, wonder what Hoss wonders. Why does the dream of baseball pull so strongly?

    Because it was our first dream, also? Because we can only keep the dream alive through them?

    Our personal version of a proxy war?

    We all want a Hollywood ending here.

    And I have no doubt that Red Thunder will be suited up and at spring training. The Yankees will, indeed, say he is 100% lady to go. Red will say the same thing.

    Everyone, including me, wants to be hopeful. Is hopeful.

    But he did cut off his hair.

    And that remains an omen.

    All the best Red. See you in Tampa.

  12. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. This game is lousy with hope.


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