Thursday, September 6, 2018

Today's Fun Yankees Fact! Amaze Your Friends!

Hey Yankees fans!

Did you know that...

Between them, Billy McKinney and Tyler Austin have more home runs JUST since leaving the Yankees than Neil Walker has had all year???

It's true!

McKinney and Austin:   138 plate appearances, 11 home runs

Neil Walker:                   351 plate appearances,   9 home runs

Tune in again for another amazing fun fact you'll want to know and share!


  1. That is a fun fact.

    Here is one for you specifically. It is from the back of Horrace Clark's 1966 baseball card. It has a little picture of a man hitting one of those "ring a bell" carnival games. "Horrace led the Yankees as a pinch hitter last season"

    It doesn't say at what but I'm guessing BA. It might be on the little bell but my resolution isn't sufficient.

    Here's a less than fun fact that should strike terror in us all: RAB suspended comments permanently today. If the exodus from LoHud to RAB is any indicator we may see an influx of posters here. Let's hope they are friendly.

    Doug K.

  2. I hate the LoHud rabble and the RAB dullards almost as much as I hate Cashman. May their wading, webbed bog-trotting feet rot if they descend upon us. They may all collectively snort my sweaty, unwashed and itchy taint.

  3. Who knows some of them might have interesting things to say. Just ignore the trolls at all costs.

  4. The RAB dullards will be going through serious withdrawal. as dullards, they will find duque and Hoss challenging. most won't be able to grasp our collective pathos. Alfonso and juju will confuse them mightily. but there are several that would fit in here rather well.

    my fear is that they descend upon us in a vile manner which forces duque to end his comments section as well. imagine Buck's puckered to the power of 10. what would I do? I have become addicted to duque and friends. My stupid comments would become posts and nobody wants that!

  5. I am truly saddened to hear that, and I for one welcome our new Ant masters.

    Really, it's too bad, and I think they will be confused. And from what I've seen over there, the main problem is not bitterness, but relentless Pollyanna-ism.

    I think we will shock them with our ceaseless bitterness and cynicism...which to me are just signs of a mature and active mind. They will wonder how come we're not just rooting for the home team.

  6. If they are hesitant, we shall strike them.

    If they are pollyannish, we shall smote them.

    This is where people learn about the yankees.

    This is hard truth, pain and irony.

    This is Duque Country !

    Do not tread lightly.

  7. Alphonso,

    LOL. Well said.

    Doug K.


  8. In all of the excitement of this late-season meandering, I just learned that Shane Robinson (total 49 ABs this season) has been OUTRIGHTED.

    As has the great (?) Ryan Bollinger.

    ...excuse me for just catching up now. This got by me somehow.


    The Binders shall haunt us from behind. Return my prince blue darkness.

  10. For the record, I am not an escapee of RAB or LoHud, despite the fact that I'm a noobie commenter. I fell asleep after Sevy was taken out last night. He's on my fantasy team. I'm fucked.

  11. On the other hand, I did pick up Billy McKinney. His slash line since I've had him: .352/.438/.667 with 9R, 4HR and 11RBI. so maybe there's hope.

  12. If Commander Duque ever wants to go with the registration/moderation paradigm, I'd be happy to moderate. I have ridden herd before on rabid groups of rambunctious geeks online.

  13. I love you guys so so very much. [sniff]

  14. Have you seen this? You’d never catch Susan and The Master engaging in this sort of disgraceful behavior!

  15. Sorry, here’s the link I tried to include, about the Tigers TV announcers:

  16. If there is inappropriate behavior between John and Suzyn, I suspect it will be physical, but not the type in the Tiger's booth.

    John always did prefer younger women.

  17. apoorplayer, just so you know, we believe that our fantasy team is waiting for us somewhere beyond the Andromeda Galaxy, and that, when we die, we will be transported there, and get to run out own Yankees team in our own universe.

    This has, of course, led to several attempts over the years by our little band of brothers to start a thermonuclear war so this will come about as soon as possible. But they have, so far, been talked out of it.


  18. Brian Cashman is a genius. I know because this story says so:

    Confused me a bit. Didn't we once have 3 minor league pitchers with GREAT future prospects -- The Killer B guys? Banuelos, Brackman, Betances? Wasn't this the future of the Yankees' rotation?

    And out of that group, didn't we occasionally wonderful relief pitcher, good for one inning at a time? And two outright disasters?

    Hey -- does this kind of thinking in the past explain why our rotation needs Happ and Lynn to get thru September 2018? Wasn't Cashman at the helm when the B guys were "put together"....? Didn't great stories about our pitching future get written back then (circa 2011-12)......????

    The article linked above equates to doing an end-zone dance on about the 40-yard-line. What's not clear to me: Whether Cashman himself drums up this kind of drivel, while insisting on not being quoted -- or if it is spontaneously generated inside the minds of sportswriters.

  19. Minds of sportswriters? Tehehee! That's funny!

  20. Sportswriters in general seem to be about as observant and effective as our front office and coaching staff.

    Trading McKinney and Ty Guy was a big mistake. A huge mistake.

    And we never brought Sheffield up for a tryout.

    This organization is pathetic.

    As Linda Ellerbee used to say, so it goes.

  21. John,

    I think the plan is to bring Sheffield up as a reliever after the AAA playoffs are done. They are keeping him down there to get more time as a bullpen guy. He will again be a starter in the Spring.

    There is some kind of injury roster move that can be made to put him on the team for the playoffs even though it is after the deadline.

    Doug K.

  22. I don't know how you can all be so critical.

    Now that "The Amazing Eight" staff of Jeff Weaver, Jose Contreras, Humberto Sanchez, Steven Jackson, Ross Ohlendorff, Joba Chamberlain, Phil Hughes, and Javier Vazquez has finally started to come undone due to the inevitable ravages of age, Cashman has kept this team afloat by adroitly slipping in the likes of Brackman, Banuelos, Sonny Gray, and James Kaprielian.

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I for one have grown a little bored with how completely the Yanks' "Surefire Starters" dominate the league, year-in and year-out.

    All those shutouts, all those strikeouts. Bor-ing!

  23. Very funny, Warbler!

    And John M., what never ceases to amaze me is how little most sportswriters seem to know about the games being played right in front of them, everyday—especially when it comes to baseball.

    What's more, when writers appear who DO understand the game—Roger Angell, Bill James, Allen Barra, Steve Goldman, etc.—most of these guys tend to learn nothing from them.

    If sportswriters were, say, doctors, we would not have penicillin.


  24. "If sportswriters were, say, doctors, we would not have penicillin."

    But we'd have endless articles about the cure for cancer being just a few years away.

    Doug K.

  25. Right! And how it is that germs don't really exist, people are just big babies nowadays.


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