Sunday, September 23, 2018

Why It Will Get Tougher

Take a look sometime at the interleague game results this year.  It looks as though, for the first time ever, I believe, the NL will win the competition.

That's right.  After 21 straight seasons of AL dominance since interleague play began back in 1997, the NL is set to win.

How can that be? I hear you whine.  After all, the AL not only won the All-Star Game again, but has the top 3-4 teams considered favorites to win the World Series.  The best record in the NL belongs to the Chicago Cubs, who only just broke the 90-win mark.


This should tell us something important about this season.  Namely:  most of the American League just wasn't trying this year.

Really, aside from the Yankees, Red Sox, Astros, and Indians, every single team was in one stage or another of tearing down and rebuilding.

That's 11 out of 15 teams that were tanking—a higher percentage of the league that is barely competing even than the 3-4 undercapitalized teams that were perennially non-competitive back in the days of the eight-team league.

That was another reason why this year was so ripe for the taking.  We won't see its like again for some time to come.

Expect Tampa Bay and Oakland to build off their surprisingly good seasons in 2019.  Possibly, the White Sox and Mariners will be able to compete as well.  By 2020, don't be surprised to see the likes of the Twins, Blue Jays, and Angels back in it, and maybe a couple of others.

The Yankees passed a lot of time this year giving us half-assed, distracted efforts against really, really bad teams.  They won't be so bad again.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ob an unrelated note, Cole's scrotum needs to be stuffed up his own rectum.

    Miserable stinking fucker.

  3. Attention all who've drunk the Kool aid following the Yankees wild card clinching win against a terrible team

    Please reference today's game and keep in mind that "The idiot" aka Boone is STILL the manager of this team.

    Meaning: THIS TEAM HAS NO FUCKING SHOT AT WINJING ANYTHING!!! I don't care what smoke Cash and Mr Rogers blow up our asses.

    This teams a joke.

  4. And I'm back in the US and can't be pleasantly tipsy by lunch anymore.


  5. Austria's Only Baseball FanSeptember 23, 2018 at 4:02 PM

    This is turning into another nauseating embarrassment. Bye bye, home field advantage.

  6. Wow, apparently since coming off the DL, ICS is 10 for 62.

  7. Didi out for the season. We faqd

  8. WW, I was also thinking about Cole's scrotum, but I was thinking along the lines of a staple gun and a slammed door. Or maybe a car battery and some jumper cables.

    I was just telling a friend that, had George and Billy been around for this - losing to a team that's 60 GAMES OUT OF FIRST PLACE the night after acting like they had won the Series - they would be ripping major asshole right now. Even these lug heads are drinking the Kool Ade. They should be flailing themselves after every win, talking about how much better they can get.

    Boone, instead of his usual palaver, should be made to stare at the camera with a bar of Palmolive deodorant soap halfway in his mouth and holding up a crudely lettered sign that says "Dope On A Rope. Kick Me."

    The 3D chess master, secure in the knowledge of his permanent employment status, must be on the phone with his doppelgänger, Putin, saying "Please send me the moves an inning earlier during the Wild Card game. We got mixed up a bit."

    And Buck is walking around in a Batman costume, pumping his fist and eating cheeseburgers and beer. We suck.

  9. WW - Didi injured his wrist while sliding into home with the winning run on Saturday. Tore some cartilage in there, had a cortisone shot. May be out for the rest of the season. Even in victory, the Yankees can't catch a break.

    On another note, shall we take further stock of how stupid Boone is? JA Happ is supposedly lined up to pitch the WC game, right? Maybe? So, why not have him throw 107 pitches in 5 innings so he can qualify for the win, only to see AJ Cole (he of the stapled scrotum) blow it immediately. Wins are worthless these days. Throw about 70-80 pitches, and then get him out of there. If he can manage to get a win on 80 pitches, more power to him. If not, too bad. Keep him fresh. Yeah, right.

  10. Cole should have his scrotum stapled to his taint. Or his gooch. Whatever. He has no business pitching in any major league games. What does he have on Boone, anyway? Pee tape? Squat cobbler?

  11. But the question is, why was the awful Cole in there?

    Look the Yankees say they need to win, right? To avoid a cross-country flight to the A's whacky, pitching friendly park where they are 50-31—while we are 42-32 on the road. And then, should we somehow win, to avoid ANOTHER flight, back across the entirety of this great land of ours, to play Boston.

    If this IS really vital, then we should have played to win. Someone better in the sixth for Happ—who, to be honest, was getting hit harder and harder by the hapless Orioles (pun fully intended).

    If this was just a look-see game, to see who might be ready for the playoffs, then why start Happ at all, or why pitch him that long?

    As usual, we mess with Mr. In-Between, and he makes us pay.

  12. And of course, no matter what we were doing, there was no reason to have Neil Walker in there.


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