Tuesday, September 11, 2018

With 18 games left, the Yankees cannot settle for 9-9

The Yankee schedule shows 8 games remaining against bona fide, stock-issued tomato cans: Minnesota (2), Toronto (3) and Baltimore (3). But only the Twins - 3-7 over their last 10 - look like low-hanging sausage on the meatball tree.

Both the miserable Jays and O's - whose manager, old man Buck, in perhaps his final incarnation - hate the Yankees with a passion hotter than a billion suns. Both will pretend these games are the 2018 World Series, and then go back to sleepwalking through the last dregs of September.  

That said, it shouldn't be a Herculean task to win each of these series, (especially since we're already one-up on the Twinkies.) That means going 6-3 against the demoralized cupcakes. Anything less, and Boonie will have some 'splainin' to do in Suzyn's Clubhouse Reports.

After that, we host Boston (3), then finish with a brutal seven in rebel stronghold Tampa (4) and Hell's Ground Zero itself, the sinkhole of Fenway, (3), where our 2018 season collapsed, and where the natives would do anything to sabotage our Wild Card home advantage. Clearly, they will view the final weekend as a tune-up for the playoffs, but not as games in which they should push a starter beyond his pitch count, or play an outfielder who needs a rest. I doubt they'd want to start a bean-ball war or an MMA steel cage match on the eve of their most highly anticipated post-season since their racist fan base got a glimpse of Bob Gibson. We've seen how a fastball can chip a giant's wrist; it would snap Mookie Betts' arm like a Number 2 pencil. If Boston wants to mud-wrestle, they better do it with lineup from Pawtucket.

So... let's say we win the Boston series at home - but then lose 4 of 7 during the final week. (The Rays always play hard against us.) That would put us at 11-7 over the final stretch, and to snatch away our home field advantage, Oakland would have to win 15 of 18. Even with a schedule full of tomato cans - their only tough games should be against the  Rays (3) this weekend - going 15-3 is a tough hill to climb. 

Our eyes are turning to Aaron Judge in the batters' cages, and one of these days, Aroldis Chapman will throw off a flat surface. We need to move incrementally and slowly toward putting out best team on the field in October. But we better beat the patsies. The last thing we need is a string of "must" games in the final week. We cannot settle for .500.


  1. Before thinking about this post, which involves heavy use of mathematics -- I would like each of us to answer a question (no need to post answers here):

    Same time last year (2017): Didja think the NYYs would come within 1 game of going to the W.S.???

    I will come clean off the bat. NO, I did not. It was a pleasant surprise. I would bet Cashmoney and JoeyBinders were surprised, too.

    Therefore: You can't predict baseball, canya?

    (don't answer that, Suzyn....)

  2. Joe, you have a point. I never thunk it, but then, I was still fuming at Binders for playing the mediocre veterans down the stretch instead of the kids who got him in position to make the postseason.

    Judge says he's fine, Boone says he's fine, but Judge also says there's still pain in the wrist. I dunno. Hope the kid doesn't rush it, as much as he may want to.

    I'll say it since nobody else has yet: last night was a demonstration of why we keep Sanchez. 460-foot home runs, three hits overall. That's the guy they thought they had. And that's the guy we need. Hope he shows up for more than one night.

    That said, I think even if Sanchez comes out of it and hits like he did last year, we still encourage kids to hold up signs with ice cream sandwiches on them. In fact, when he hits a dinger, I think everyone should do an Eddie Murphy and yell, "Ice cream!!!"

    That would be fun.

  3. I want to think of Gary as The Kraken and not Fat Sancho. Come back to us Kraken! We've missed you!

    but maybe John is right. call it tough love. we'll all laugh about it later, Gary.

  4. You cannot predict Baseball. But what in the last two months has given you the idea that this team can even go 9-9 down the stretch??

    One good game by Ice Cream Sandwich does not make a playoff surge! All that 460 foot home run tells me about Chubbsy Ubsy is that he's been slacking off all year.



  5. Was it just me, or did anyone else catch the shot of Sanchez seemingly calling out Didi at third for not scoring on his flair single? Something like a WTF gesture (I even thought I saw him mouth that)? Flash and Al seemed at first to be taken aback by it, but then later found a way to excuse it by mentioning that Didi is such a kidder in the dugout that ICS was merely ribbing him. I dunno...the two faces of Sanchez? The Kracken and the asshole?


  6. The problem with "figuring out" Gary Sanchez is easily stated: As a legit major league catcher (if he can make himself into one) -- with the Yankees or any other quality team, he is (at age 25, remember) looking at 8 to 12 years of high-income ballplaying.

    We're talking, what -- $10 million or $15 million a year? Times 12? Even if you multiply the low guess by 8 years -- it's $80 million!!!!! They only tax half of that away, probably. Can a 33-year-old guy, and his extended family, get by on $40 million?


    I'm from a lower middle class background, the Bensonhurst section of BKLYN. I would guess that Sanchez might not have come out of the womb with money coming out his ears (and elsewhere). If you're me, you're thinking -- why the F do you need a manager or coach to motivate you? The Whole Effing Thing is out there, waiting on you!

    Of course, this might be what I was thinking re Ed Whitson in 1985......

  7. Poor Gary. A modern day victim of American society, a society that has told him from grade school on (or whenever his overwhelming athletic talent was discovered) that he could do no wrong and his shit didn't stink. He was cut slack time after time until he really believed that he was special, better than anyone else he knew. All the money just confirmed and fortified his perceptions.

    That mindset continued through the minors right up until he met Binders, who straightened his ass out and (somehow) got him working. we all know what has transpired this season...

  8. We, the sports fan, did this to Gary! Aren't you all ashamed of yourselves?

    Yeah. Me neither..

  9. WELL, WELL, WELL....





  10. JoeFoB. Yes Gary will make a lot of money. All major leaguers do if they hang around long enough. A-Rod made almost $400 milllion in salary alone. But don't fret about that. If the players are being paid that much, the Stienbrenners are making 10 times as much or more. Probably much more. And they are cheaping out on us. Not going above the luxury tax ceiling is a disgusting act of greed. Using our money! All they should care about is championships like their crazy dad.

    Ohhh noooo! I need more and more billions! Who needs another trophy and banner!? We already have so many! They're cluttering up the trophy case! In our magnificent stadium!
    That our fans and NYC bought for us.


  11. If Sanchez gets three hits like yesterday, in every game until the season ends, he will still be fat and lazy.

    But I will like him better.

  12. Agreed, Warbler! If there can be a salary ceiling, there ought to be a floor, as well. Otherwise, all of us in New York and elsewhere are simply funneling money into the bank accounts of already fabulously wealthy owners—NOT paying to keep the game competitive.

  13. I hear ya, Joe FOB, having grown up myself, at times, on what is politely called, "public assistance."

    On the other hand, Sanchez hails from the D.R.. Now, I have no idea—maybe his parents were doctors or professors there, but wiki says they were separated, and so he probably lived in or at least around poverty worse than almost anything in the U.S.

    In this case, it's possible what our Dauntless Leader, Alphonso, has been saying all along applies: you turn these kids' heads by giving them the big bucks at 16. They think they've already died and gone to heaven, and the prospect of making, say, another $75-$100 millions doesn't readily penetrate.

    But who knows? I won't psychoanalyze somebody I've never met—much as that is a fan's calling! For all we know, he's freaked because the roids keep shrinking his gonads, or some gold-digger has got hold of him (something that happened with Mantle), or maybe he is the spawn of Satan (anyone know if he lives in The Dakota?).

    And as for the Didi interaction, maybe D. and G., and some of the other veterans are doing all they can to make sure he fits in, and feels welcome. I would like to believe that.

    But bottom line? No passed balls, three hits, a monster HR. Keep this up, kid, and we'll call the warden and get you a reprieve from Cincinnati!

  14. And Joe FOB, you're right. This is the thing with the added layers of playoffs, which through much of this century has bedeviled the Yankees more than helped them.

    It would only be karmic payback for the Sox to get a reverse 2004—a a year in which they repeatedly blew big games against the Yankees, cheated wildly by having their fully-protected catcher attack A-Rod, and otherwise played like whiny, mouthy little punks all year long...only to win it all when our manager had a petite mal stroke on the bench.

    Last year also featured a seemingly endless, three-month slump—and, hmm, one during which we found out only later that a key player was playing hurt—followed by that glorious run. Who knows? Right now, Indians fans are probably still cursing the alleged cold that brought down Corey Kluber in the playoffs.

    I for one hate the added playoffs. But would I take a streak of great good fortune after all these weeks of pathetic play? In a heartbeat!

  15. apoorplayer,

    Yes I saw Sanchez do that as well. I can't speak to how he was raised but I do remember him blindsiding and rabbit punching someone during a Yankees/Tigers (?) fight.

    I lost a lot of respect for him right there. It goes back to what I wrote earlier about him not hustling which makes him a bad teammate. Imagine if every time he struck out or failed to get a hit (Currently around 82% of the time) his teammates made an exasperated face at him.

    Don't like him. He'd better have a TON of nights like yesterday just for me to subscribe to Alphonso's comment.

    As a side note: I was away for the last couple of days but really liked LBJ's Yogi line and several others from that jam. Funny stuff.

    Also, Joe FOB and Hoss - Yes the extra playoff layers have hurt more than helped. They could have used them during the 80's though when I think (without checking) they would have been a Wild Card at least 5 times.

    Doug K.


  16. I'm afraid I didn't make my point about Motivation all that well. I apologize.

    I'm thinking Sanchez is in danger of being Montero (he's got a heck of a head start on that, don't he?). A quick internet search showed Jesus making $550K in 2017. I can't find his salary in '18. All I found was an April note that he was released by a team in the Mexican league.

    Gary is making $620K this year, apparently. Made $558K last year. Becomes "free" in 2023, I think.

    If he makes himself into the Yankee Hero he could be, when he negotiates (at age 30, in 2023) he could be looking at a boatload of $$$. 4 years @ $15 million plus? They signed Gardner to a 4-year/$12 million per contract 4 years ago, to play LF. Wouldn't you negotiate (and GET) lots more as a catcher with a solid bat and a strong arm?

    Or he could be looking at much, much less, if he continues to poop in the pool.

    ....Or Nada.

    I'm not sure Montero is still making $$$ playing baseball right now. You really CAN play yourself (or eat yourself) out of MLB.

    What happens to Sanchez does not matter to any of us, really. But I would think it would F-ing matter to HIM!

    1. Only 2.35 years into his career and Sanchez has already far surprises Monteros’s entire career


    2. *** surpassed, not ‘surprises’

  17. Joe FOB,

    I believe he is playing in Mexico and stinking it up there as well.

    Doug K.


  18. Tim Farrell | The Star-Ledger

    Jesus Montero, 1B

    Age: 28 (29 on Nov 28).

    Club: Free agent.

    2018 stats: Generales de Durango (Mexican League), .273 average, 110 AB, 14 runs, 30 hits, 4 doubles, 1 triple, 2 HR, 16 RBIs, 14 BB, 33 K, 0 SB, 0 CS, .731 OPS, 27 games.

    Yankees career: 2011.

    Yankees stats: .328 average, 61 AB, 9 runs, 20 hits, 4 doubles, 0 triples, 4 HR, 12 RBIs, 7 BB, 17 K, 0 SB, 0 CS, .996 OPS, 18 games.

    Acquired: Signed with Yankees as amateur free agent on Oct. 17, 2006.

    Departed: Traded by Yankees to Seattle Mariners on Jan. 23, 2012 with RHP Hector Noesi for RHP Michael Pineda and RHP Vicente Campos.

    Fast facts: Yankees’ former touted catching prospect might be done as a player before he turns 30 after being released by his Mexican League club on April 24. … Career .253 hitter with 28 homers and 104 RBIs in 806 AB over five big-league seasons with Yankees and Seattle Mariners (2012-15).

  19. Austria's Only Baseball FanSeptember 11, 2018 at 9:26 PM

    I've had enough Gray skies. Bob Woodward is going to be on Rachael Maddow in a few minutes, which seems far more entertaining. I wonder if Sonny Boy will be dragged out for the 4th... I dread the thought of what will have happened when I tune in again later...

  20. Flaherty: "Just make sure you put it in play"
    Ice Cream Sandwich: OK, I'll ground into 6-4-3!

    MLBtv is playing ads for what looks like a Russian language play in October. At least that's what the alphabet looks like. I find the ad more entertaining than the game.

  21. увидимся позже, товарищи

    1. ‘You do and you’ll clean it up...’

      Tony Soprano

  22. Well, it was fun while it lasted. Sancho reverted to form: DP, key strikeout, and of course a run-scoring passed ball.

    It was, however, a team effort: THREE key DPs! Awful pitching by everyone!

    Though of course, Sonny Gray led the way.

    As to that wild card home field, I think Paul Simon put it best:

    "Slip-slidin' away
    Slip-slidin' away
    You know the nearer your destination
    The more you're slip-stdin' away..."

  23. Austria's Only Baseball FanSeptember 11, 2018 at 11:52 PM

    До свидания, Руфус!

  24. Well looks like the Yanks are doing there part in ending the season 9-9. Captain Obvious Boone with the statement of the night! " We need to do better. We need to develop that killer instinct.

    Na u think.Is your advanced anLytics barely now just computing this fact !!??? I
    Us here at IIHIIFIIC have only been saying that ALL YEAR!!!

    What a Buffoon. This team ain't going know where with Boone at the helm.

  25. Here's some very suggestive evidence that Brian Cashman has been covertly running the war in Afghanistan:


  26. I guess, "We need to stop playing like total fucking retards" is considered unseemly nowadays.

    I remember reading about how Lefty O'Doul—originally a Yankee!—and generally a charming, truly well-rounded guy (he loved to cook) once so lost it as the manager of the San Francisco Seals that he stopped the team bus, jumped out, took out his, shall we say, John Thomas, and waved it around at his team staring from the bus windows, screaming, "I could hit better with my dick than you sons-of-bitches!"

    We could use a little more of that.

  27. Honestly if I was in charge of the Yanks, I'd just rest everyone and get ready to play the A's in Oakland and hope for the best. It's just inevitable. The O's and Rays and probably the Blue Jays and Red Sox are going to play us like it's the World Series so why try hard? We'll end up .500 either way. I'm still going with the Yanks being 3 games back in the Wild Card when all is said and done. I don't buy that the A's are that good, but I feel that the other teams will let the A's win just to piss off the Yanks.

  28. I just read that Pineda is a Twin and on the 60 day dl after a setback while recovering from TJ surgery.

    Amazingly our trade for him makes the Gray trade look good.

    Doug K.


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