Monday, October 8, 2018

A 10-1 humiliation at home...



    With apologies to all-caps.

  2. Where's Steve Hamilton and the Folly Floater when you need him...

  3. Top of Sox order leading off 3d. Shaky Sevy down 1-0 on hill with no one warming in pen. Knew the game was over then.


  4. See you tomorrow guys. As you might well imagine, I need my beauty sleep.

  5. Do you think there’s anything to the rumor that Sevy thought the game started later and wasn’t warmed up enuff?

  6. @KoB...I just read the same thing elsewhere. If that is the case, where the fuck was Rothschild?

  7. My buddy posted that on Facebook, but actually, that’s idiotic, since the trainers must micro manage everything w those guys.

  8. Though, if true, they are BEYOND F IDIOTS!!

  9. Wow, if there is any truth to that rumor, what a seismic managerial fuck up

  10. Where was Rothschild when Sevy was giving up loud outs through two, and Mookie Betts was leading off the 3d? "Hey Boonie, lets get Green and Holder up, go batter to batter here. Sevy's not real sharp and these guys pile runs up quick?" Where the hell was that conversation?

  11. This team has zero passion. I think this is the curse of Paulie.

  12. I have obviously not gone to bed yet. That will change very shortly. I will say this: management has zero imagination and very low intelligence. How else do you explain this repeatedly bad play? Yes, the team has no passion, but that’s partly management’s fault, as well. These beady-eyed, tiny brained nincompoops could not think their way out of a torn condom. No smarts on this team, at the field level or in the front office. No imagination. We suck dinosaur balls.

  13. Ugg. I just tuned in. Early today I was going to post a joke that they'll score 10 and give us two pity runs and Eovaldi will pitch like Verlander. I hate it when I'm right, although I really didn't expect this to happen. It's not worth watching. I'll tune in tomorrow and hope for the best.

  14. Our collective punishment because certain parties offended the baseball gods by hotdogging after HRs. Scold me, Winnie. Make it hurt so good.

  15. This will teach me to be hopeful before any Yankee game, lesson painfully learned!

  16. @Publibus, yes yes yes and YESSSS!!!!!

  17. They're saying on the Yankee website that he did go to the bullpen just ten minutes before game time. They described him as "confused."

    HOW COULD SOMEONE ELSE NOT HAVE NOTICED THIS? Sloppy play, sleepwalking players, sleeping managers and coaches. It's a replay of the "Joe Torre watches, catatonic, as Joba gets eaten by midges" syndrome.

  18. "Joe Torre watches, catatonic, as Joba gets eaten by midges"

    What I'd give for a new approach.


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