Friday, October 5, 2018

Six things not to read on the Yankees v Redsocks series

One thing to watch: The score.


  1. Since I am a lazy bastard and also will be a tad tipsy during the game, why don't we just have a single post and let the game comments flow to eternity? That way nobody will do what I did on Wednesday, which is post comment after comment on a post that everybody had left a half hour ago.

    Of course, that's more likely if you've been downing a few during the pre-game shows. But still.

    Too bad we couldn't rent Ty Austin for this series. Just so someone could ignite a brawl.

  2. It's okay John M. We all go back to see what we missed. I probably posted after you.

  3. I like this new IIH tradition. duque did do live blogging once (when A-Rod returned from his suspension). I don't think he ever tried that again.

  4. I'm for the one-post-fits-all thread for the game.

  5. I will compromise on three three-inning posts so the scrolling doesn't get me dizzy.


  6. Since I am a lazy bastard and also will be a tad tipsy during the game, why don't we just have a single post and let the game comments flow to eternity?

    John M:

    I, too, am a lazy bastard.

    I, too, will be a tad tipsy during the game.

    (well, since I just spent the entire afternoon drinking brandy and smoking cigars on my front porch with friends, perhaps we can remove the words "a tad")

    (perhaps we can also replace the word "tipsy" with "blotto")

    Bottom line: I agree with going with a "single post and let the game comments flow to eternity".

    I'll try to be on point.

    Really looking forward to this.


  7. YES. I bought them in Spain. MonteCristos.

    I said to my guests this afternoon who were skeptical (they happened to be female attorneys), "a good cigar is like a brownie. Just try one."

    They tasted and agreed. All is good.

    (For everyone else, if you don't travel outside the country and can't lay your hands on a Cuban, try a Credo cigar. They're from the Dominican and they're very, very good. I may sneak out during innings 2-3-4 and have another.)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. LBJ, If you're posting here with that on your porch, you have some 'splainin' to do.

  10. Is that one of the Hungadungas? Or McCormick?


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