Thursday, October 25, 2018

This Isn't Even Baseball...It is Funeral Ceremony

We all understand how painful and disgusting it is to watch Boston teams succeed at anything.

But the rest of the world looks forward to a World Series.

Two evenly matched teams battling it out to a game seven thriller.

Leads change, games are won and lost on critical plays at the last moment.

Players stand up to the pressure.

No team is ever out of it.

But this World Series is a funeral, and all we are watching is Boston drive the final nails in the LA coffin:

There is no suspense.  There is no chance for the Dodgers.  Boston is better, notably better, at every phase of the game;

1.  Their pitching is better by 4-1.
2.  They run successfully, stealing bases and putting pressure on the opposing pitcher and defense.
3.  They get key hits, every time, no matter who is at bat.
4.  The shock with huge homers when a shock is needed.
5.  Their defense is flawless.

It doesn't matter how the game begins.  If the Red Sox start with a lead, they win.

If the Dodgers manage to lead by a run, they give it up the next inning.

The Dodgers cannot come back.  They can't do anything.

It is a horror to people who wished to see something exciting.  Like one of the first Ali-Frazier fights. There was actually doubt, and suspense, for a few rounds.

Nothing new is going to happen here.

The Dodgers are going down like the stock market.

It is Black October, all over again.

It is a nightmare for the world.  Who must sit by helpless and hopeless.


  1. painful as this is to admit, that Bosock team plays a fun brand of baseball. They seem to do everything while our guys swing for the fences and then sit down. that team seems built for the postseason, while ours is built only for the regular season. it is frustrating and has lead me to a loathing of our front office, especially Hal and Cashman. I am also jealous of my redsock fan friends but they're good guys, really.

    did you guys see Benintendi leap and snag that fly ball last night? athletic and graceful. made me gag. That image will be on every teenage boy's wall in Boston before this WS is over.

    P.S. my little stock portfolio is hanging in there, mostly because I bought Tesla shares when I started seeing 2 to 4 Model 3 cars per day during my commute. while I'd like to claim profound financial acumen, this is more like a blind squirrel finding a nut. (But I did sense that nut when it hit me in the face.)

  2. Agreed, hard for a baseball fan not to appreciate, admire, and this team. Mookie Betts is a postmodern version of Rickey Henderson. Absolutely dominates a baseball game in a way no mere slugger can, and only a handful of truly great pitchers can. And he leads a well constructed team. Now that Price and Kimbrel are right, the Sox are unbeatable.

    Yanks simply arent't as good, top to bottom, front office to ball boy. Won't be for a long time. Harper and a real stud ace might narrow the gap in the near future. And the Sox will attrit. But right now, the Boston Red Sox are a pleasure (not a joy) to watch.

  3. KD,

    Yes! I could not agree more. Boston is more fun because they are playing the actual game the way it is supposed to be played. I hope Hal takes note. Someone should point out to him that if he's going to spend the money - and he will within limits - he might want to "put a more enjoyable product" out there.

    Re: Benintendi - He didn't even hit the wall!! I thought he was a goner and actually gasped in anticiaption of the crash. That was as nice a catch as you will ever see. As you said, athletic and graceful. Compare to the butchers we've been looking like lately and, if we end up with AnDUjar in left (and I'm not opposed BTW) it will only get worse. Benintendi is going to be wrecking us for years.

    Doug K.

  4. Let's not get carried away to the point of saying nice things about Boston.

    1. Fuck the Red Sox, each and every one of them, and their coaching staff and front office too (clerical staff included) with Brian Cashman's cold frozen corpse and Hank Steinbrenner's disembodied room temerature head.

      Is that better, Duque?

      Fuck the Red Sox. See above.

  5. thanks duque. I need a good slap every now and again.

  6. Fuck the Red Sox, each and every one of them, and their coaching staff and front office too (clerical staff included) with Brian Cashman's cold frozen corpse and Hank Steinbrenner's disembodied room temerature head.

    Is that better, Duque?

    Fuck the Red Sox. See above.

  7. You may use that as the new banner headline if you'd like.

  8. Boston's record in the World Series this millennium: 14-2. The NL can't touch them.

    You have to give the devil his due.

  9. Tell me again how this will reasoned invective is the product of madness.

  10. Hoss, I will give the devil his due with a panini press and the devil's scrotum.

    [nod to scrotums]

  11. WinWarblist promised not to post for the rest of the World Series and now won't shut the fuck up. THAT is the nightmare for the world--a psychopath without a self-censoring mechanism for his/her/its diseased id.

  12. Ah sadly the red Sox are a shining shit pile example of what happenes when you actualy hire a competant coache and teach fundamentals like making contact striking out less playing defense, running(I see you ICS)
    it's amazing what happens.

    Bernie Williams for coach!

  13. Has he ever said he wanted to coach? That would be cool.

    Doug K.

  14. It's fascinating this obsession with the tired taund "puckered" from someone whose confused sex life consists of battering his rectum with plastic phalluses.

    This blog has become a lightning rod for dementia. Just hope that this diseased pile of brain pus never comes close to treating anyone you know for anything.

  15. "Fuck the Red Sox, each and every one of them, and their coaching staff and front office too (clerical staff included) with Brian Cashman's cold frozen corpse and Hank Steinbrenner's disembodied room temerature head."

    This is the mental vomit of someone who is going to end up as a serial killer. You should exercise a bit of discretion about who gets to post on this blog, duque.

  16. Joe F: Bernie for manager (you did mean manager, didn't you?) but ONLY if he can have total control over his staff and in-game strategy and decisions.

    Bernie is my all-time favorite Yankee. I don't want to start hating him....


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