Monday, October 8, 2018

With Eovadli, let's recall the words of Auric Goldfinger: Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action. So... what about number four?

The first certified "Yankee killer" I ever knew was a slick Tiger righty named Frank Lary, who otherwise pitched in the shadow of the great Jim Bunning. Lary actually terrorized the greatest Yankee lineup in history, the 1961 team with Mantle and Maris. The guy died last year at age 87. Hearing his name sent P.T.S.D. tremors through me. (R.I.P., sir.) 

There were others: Teddy Higuera with the Brewers, Hoyt Wilhelm with Baltimore, Boston's bullpen lug nut Rich Garces ("El Guapo") and Seattle's King Felix, in his salad days. We could never beat Roy Halladay, but who could? (R.I.P., sir.)

Tonight it's Nathan Eovaldi, a former Yankee, looking to plant his name into my dark and stormy subconscious.  

In the last two months, we haven't touched Eovaldi: three outings, 16 innings, no earned runs, once even flirting with a no-hitter. He went eight innings, then six, then four - on the 161st game of the season. He's why Porcello pitched in game one, why they twice emptied their bullpen, why Redsock fans still smirk into their Sam Adams, even as the blood vessel burst in their noses. They think Eovaldi owns us. Sixteen innings: six hits, thirteen strikeouts.

To get Eovaldi, they cut a deal at the deadline, after losing out to the Yankees on Zach Britton. They traded their 15th ranked prospect, 25-year-old Jalen Beeks, who went 5-0 with Tampa with an ERA of 4.47.

If we can beat Eovaldi tonight, if we can kill the "Yankee killer," Boston could spend 2019 watching Beeks become yet another ascending Rays starter, with nothing to show for him other than a fun weekend sweep in July, a memory that will only fester as they recall 2018. If we can beat Eovaldi tonight... 

I think we can. This is not a guy for the history books. This is not Frank Lary or Doc Halladay. This is a chance to put their backs so tight against the left field wall that paint chips seep into their underwear. This is a chance to leave them wondering if they'll ever get back to Fenway. This is our chance to put every bad memory of 2018 into a box and get ready to close it. 

What is that Goldfinger said? Three times is enemy action? Well, this is the fourth. We know the enemy. We know what he's going to do. It's time to end this "Yankee killer" crapola. Tonight, Sevy. Tomorrow, the kitchen sink. Damn... we can win this thing!


  1. Yankee killers are Yankee killers - until they are not anymore. Didn't we end up sticking up Roy Halladay's ass eventually? That's my sodden memory. Memories are like the rain, though. They come and then they go. I remember stuff that happened and stuff that didn't happen. I'm still trying to get out of town. I may or I may not. I may remember this whole struggle or I may block it out. Wherever I am tonight, though, my heart will be on this blog.

    And, just because it made me happy, I'm going to post this again:

  2. 13bit, I really didn't need that visual. It's disturbing, like the time Bugs Bunny wore lipstick.

    Shitty weather so far today. I hope it clears up to get this game in tonight. If we haven't figured out Eovaldi by now, it's not gonna happen, so I'd rather find out than wait yet another day.

    It's Columbus Day, which has been changed in some places to Indigenous People's day, which seems to cancel each other out. Yet the parade down Fifth Avenue remains. Why? Are Italian-American voters still that important?

    I've been in favor of Leif Erikson Day since I was a kid. This whole Columbus deal seems kind of fishy to me.

  3. And JA Haap our certified Sux killer,,,,,, all we need is one night like that tonight!

  4. Sorry, John. I’ll try to restrain myself in the future. Maybe we can have an “IBS Lady Day” instead of all this horseshit. Every day above ground should be a holiday. I don’t know if the ad agency referred to her as this or whether it was somebody who was reviewing the campaign at the time, but I ran into an article when I was looking for a new photo that referred to her as “Irritibelle.”

  5. I shall not google "IBS lady porn" because ... well, we'll leave it at that. Nathan Eee-ooh-vee tonight. Young Nathan will be facing a very different team than the one he faced in July.

    I think Frank might sing to us tonight.

    So endeth the JuJu.

    1. Winnie, IBS Lady What’s the flavor of the month on this blog at one point. Sadly, we have been reduced to talking about scrotums.

    2. I hate Siri and I hate auto correct. I’m just gonna let it stand

  6. Good morning all! It's a beautiful day in the greater Buffalo area - blue skies, temperature 68 degrees and climbing. I feel good, and feel good about this game. Listening to MLB Radio right now, will listen to the HOU-CLE game on the radio out on the porch, maybe nap during the Dodgers/Braves game (who do we hate more here, the Dodgers or the Sux?), and then settle down for the BIG GAME.

    The Sux are feeling the pressure and falling apart, while we are bringing it together. The kids are getting some mojo and juju back. Sevy has to stay within himself. The crowd will psyche up the team. I am looking for good things from AnDUjar and Torres. Even Stanton may contribute. Eovaldi will be wild and won't be able to handle the pressure. Boston literally has no bullpen.

    I am not used to feeling this confident with this team, especially in the second half. I continue to be wary of their inability to drive in runs without hitting HRs when the situation calls for it. If the home runs dry up, where will this team be? Can Sanchez really keep it going, or did he just hit a couple of mistakes? Will their defense remain sharp? Still a lot of questions there.

    Enjoy the day, whether you're indigenous or Italian. GO YANKS!

  7. Eovaldi fits into a small, but extremely dangerous, subcategory of Yankee killer: the splashy free agent signed who underperformed in New York, and was unceremoniously shit canned, only to later face the Yanks in the postseason. Kenny Rogers' game 3 performance in the 2006 ALDS is the exemplar, but Carl Pavano's effort in game 3 of the 2009 of the ALDS was nearly as disastrous. Eovaldi is their spiritual heir.

  8. Eovaldi reminds me of Sal Fasano. For years I had a recurring dream that starred Sal Fasano.

  9. Pub, wasn't Young Nathan Eee-ooh-vee released after TJ surgery? I do not recall the details but remember it being bittersweet.

    Hi, Bill White!

  10. So I have a question...If the Yanks win tonight, do the Red Sox DARE to start Sale in game 4 in a total act of desperation?

  11. Let's take it one game at a time.

  12. "Gentlemen, when the enemy is committed to a mistake we must not interrupt him too soon."


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