Wednesday, November 28, 2018

"In some ways, baseball seems better positioned than other sports to draw in gamblers because of the deliberate pace, with its built-in breaks between pitches. Those pauses, far less frequent in other sports, could allow fans additional opportunities to place bets during a game. For example, a fan could bet on whether Boston’s Mookie Betts hits a single, double, home run, a groundout or a strikeout in his next at-bat."

I can hear already imagine The Master's new calls...

It is high, it is far, it is... BLACKJACK!

Ballgame over. Yankees cover! THUUUUH YANKEES COVER!

You can't predict baseball, Suzyn, but something tells me CC's next pitch will be a strike. Here it comes. PAPA NEEDS A NEW PAIR A SHOES!

And so it goes.

Yesterday, the Major League Baseball company won a doubleheader. 

1. Its preferred candidate, Cindy Hyde-Whitelady, won election to the U.S. Senate from Mississippi. By sending Miss Cindy to Washington, the owners helped restore an old-fashioned, pearl-clutching, plantation-running oil can to the national interest - plus, they got back their original $5,000 donation - dip money - which they sort of had to request after the goddamm news media - the parts they don't own - reported on it. They were embarrassed by Miss Cindy's sidesplitting jokes about hangings and her smiling photograph while wearing  Confederate gear. So it goes.

(Side note: Neither SF Giants owner Charles Johnson nor his wife Peaches took back their maximum individual contributions of $2,700 each. Rest in Peace: Willie McCovey.)

2. The company announced a deal with MGM Resorts - aka Las Vegas - to allow betting on games, pitches, at bats - hell, if Miguel Andujar double-pumps on a throw to first, maybe they can squeeze in some wagers before he lets go - as a means of improving baseball's  popularity bottom line. 

Commissioner Rob Manifort Manfred told the failing New York Times, translated here:
“Our research is really strong on the idea that sports gaming can be an important source of fan engagement (revenue). We operate in a really competitive environment and we have to take advantage of every opportunity to drive engagement by  (squeeze money out of) our fans.”

So it goes. By the end of the day, MLB should start selling Black Sox jerseys, and plans should be made for Pete Rose's induction into the Hall of Fame. 

After a century of holding the line, MLB should start games not by yelling "Play ball," but, "Gentlemen, place your bets!" 


  1. Off Topic but Thanksgiving is over so it’s time for a Yankee Holiday Album.

    I'm Dreaming of Bill White's Christmas.

    I'm dreaming of Bill White’s Christmas
    Just like the ones we used to know.
    Where the Yanks don’t stumble
    The Red Sox crumble
    And the owner cared less about the dough.

    I’m dreaming of Bill White’s Christmas
    Back with the booth I used to like.
    When Frank Messer bought his wife a trike
    And, of course, with Scooter at the mike.

    I'm dreaming of Bill White’s Christmas
    Just like the ones we used to know.
    With Ron Guidry sliders
    And Bill Lee fighters
    Before Billy Martin hit the snow.

    I’m dreaming of Bill White’s Christmas
    Back with the booth I used to like
    When the off season would get us psyched
    And, of course, with Scooter at the mike.

    Stanton’s Night (O fer night)

    Stanton’s Night.
    O-fer night
    Swing and miss
    There’s no fight
    Low and outside
    He strikes out again
    Doesn’t adjust
    Just swings for the fence
    Mike just let it go by-eye.
    Mike just let it go by.

    Manny M. Is Coming to Town

    You’d better just run
    And no dirty slides
    For 30+ Mil
    You’d best turn the tide
    Manny M. is coming to town.

    Just stay away from ice cream
    And don’t speak to the press
    For the love of G-d
    Avoid the shift
    Or we’ll all get quite depressed.

    Oh, you better just run
    And no dirty slides
    Hit in the clutch
    Restore Yankee Pride
    Manny M. is coming
    AnDUjar is bumming
    Manny M. is coming to town!

    Boonie The Robot Skipper

    Boonie The Robot Skipper
    Is calm no matter how it goes.
    He never shows emotion.
    Chewing gum is all that blows.

    We watched him in the dugout
    Manage sabermetrically
    Not watching the ballgame
    Substitute automatically

    Then one day while in the Bronx
    The pennant on the line.
    Kept AnDUjar on the bench
    Thinking Walker would do fine.
    Boonie the robot skipper
    Failed to change the course that day.
    Still the front office loves him
    We want him to go away.

    Doug K.

  2. NOW I'm feeling the Christmas spirit.

    Seriously, I've been in a funk lately because the sudden death of our cat, Maus, this past summer just kind of hit me as the holidays crept up. I've had no desire to put up the tree, remembering his antics with the ornaments and the way he chased the lights around the floor while I strung them up.

    He was a great cat.

    But, Doug, your excellent carols have made me remember what Christmas is really all about: song parodies involving the Yankees. And I feel better now.

    Thank you for that.

    As an aside, I was fooling around with some carols for aging boomers (like me). But I only got to "O Holy Shit (I think I left the stove on)" and "Silent Night (Hearing aid's fucked)."

    I like these Yankees-themed versions much better.

  3. Sorry to hear about your cat, John. And I agree with Duque about Pete Rose. I never liked the guy, but he deserves better if this is their new bullshit policy.

  4. John,

    Thanks. These were a lot better than my NY Giant themed ones:

    "God Bless Ye David Gettleman "

    "I saw Odell Catching Eli's Balls." (Underneath the mistletoe last night)

    and the always depressing "Where has Eric Flowers Gone (Eli's passing)

    On a more somber note. Sorry to hear about your cat. Like with any major loss it doesn't really get better with time. Just different. Hopefully the joy of the memory will remain.

    Doug K.

  5. Oh and Duque...

    "So it goes. By the end of the day, MLB should start selling Black Sox jerseys, and plans should be made for Pete Rose's induction into the Hall of Fame. "

    Seriously. Somewhere in the ether Arnold Rothstein just got a pardon.

    Plus, if they get into the micro-betting, the temptation for "Throwing an at bat" will be huge. After all, it's just one at bat so it really doesn't matter. Good way to make some cash for your entourage. As undetectable as a missed pilota in Jai Lai.

    Doug K.

  6. Excellently done, Doug!

    I shouldn't mention this but, oh well-I'm going to be producing a modern version of Damn Yankees on Broadway next year. Would you be so kind as to score the music for the play?

  7. Carl,

    If your serious I would love to talk to you. Ask Duque for my email. Tell him I said it was ok.

    Doug K.

  8. Great stuff, Doug K.!!

    And John M., I'm sorry. Yeah, we've had two cats die on us from old age—very sad! I recommend getting a new one as soon as you feel up to it.

  9. Great piece, Duque.

    But you see, MLB had to complete its Triple Crown of battening on human misery.

    Unheatlhy and overpriced food + overpriced beer (and even liquor, now available at the Stadium) + gambling addictions!


    What's next? Why, advertising on the uniforms, I'm guessing. And on the bases, and the outfield grass, and maybe the pitcher's mound.

  10. John M,
    I'm very very sorry to hear about your Maus. I've been through this many many times, and it's always the worst part of being a pet owner. When the time is right, think of giving another little creature a chance at a charmed life in your loving household. All the best my friend!

  11. Doug...I'm just pulling your leg But, if you know anyone with an extra 25 million dollars, put them in touch with me. I bet Duque and Alphonso could come up with it :)


  12. Doug K that is a work of genius

    Just know 3000 miles across the ocean you have a Scotsman laughing at your songs and right now we have precious little to laugh about in this country.

  13. John M sorry about your cat know what it is like a horrible time when a much beloved pet passes away.

    When you are ready there are plenty cats out there who need a good loving home that you can provide

  14. Carl,

    No problem. It was fun to think about though. Glad you liked the songs.

    Doug K.

  15. This is the most asinine thing I've heard in a long time. And I read this blog and all the comments daily.

  16. John M, My sincerest condolonces for your loss. I have been through that, more than once. The last time was the most difficult, because for 18 1/2 years, my life was brightened by my little buddy and constant companion, Tuffy. I still miss him so much, and it has been more than ten years, now, since he passed on. It still hurts to think of him...

    A few months after we lost him, we finally took the plunge and got another cat, Shadow - - a beautiful tuxedo cat. For the first few years we have had him, I wasn't being fair to hiim; he is an altogether different creature than Tuffy/Puff - - and that's the way it SHOULD be. Slowly, though, I came around to having as much feeling for Shadow as I had for Tuff - - and lo and behold, he is returning my affection, and I am so pleased that we did put the effort, time and money into getting to know him.

    I only brought this up to encourage you to go out and find another special (but, of course, different) little friend, and give him/her some love. You NEED a little furry creature sitting on your lap to help you watch the Yanks, I'd bet on it (a buck Shadow jumps down when I swear at Ma Bubble-Gum)... LB (No J)


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