Thursday, November 22, 2018

Many Of You Don"t Know " Voodoo."

I spent some time, during my graduate study years, in Haiti...interviewing, " les sorcières docteurs," or witch doctors for those of you who refuse to learn Haitian.

One of the certainties which ( like witch...only not ) stuck with me is;

"Coincidences don't lie."

I woke up this morning in a cold sweat.  It was supposed to be raining in Los Angeles.  But I knew that to be a lie.

What, then, was haunting me?

" Coincidences don't lie !"

I went to may chalkboard and wrote out the name; P-A-X-T-O-N.

Then I wrote out the name : P-A-V-A-N-O.

Look at the similarities:

1.  The first two letters of these names are identical.

2.  Each has a " forbidden letter;"  one has the "X" and one has the "V."

3.  The final two letters ( gasp ) are the inversion of one another.

4.  The one neutral element is a "T" in the first name, and an extra "A" in the second.

5.  Each name has SIX letters!

I can only assume that Cashman knew no Haitian when he made this deal.

We have acquired another Carl Pavano.

The chicken feathers, held over the candle, glowed reddish brown.

The color of doom.


  1. Who needs cybermetrics and all that other statistical nonsense when we have incredibly useful analysis like this!!!!

  2. I agree, Anon. Haitian voodoo, despite its depiction in 1930s movies, Ed Wood movies, and a Wes Craven flick or two, is a useful analytic device when applied to baseball. None of those films show it, of course, since Hollywood types are more interested in the gruesome, the disturbing, and the frightening aspects.

    Although thinking back over the past season, I'm wondering if voodoo didn't somehow play a big role in the Yankees' fortunes. 2018 was certainly gruesome, disturbing, and frightening. And it seems to continue...

  3. Paxton also ends with the same three letters that start "Ton Ton Macoutes".

    We're doomed.

  4. Hilarious, Alphonso!

    John M.: Val Lewton's "I Walked With a Zombie" (1943)—best voodoo movie ever? Wonderfully atmospheric, well-directed.

  5. Hoss, I do believe you're right. That was a classic.

  6. And Canada and Connecticut both start with a C ?!?!?!?!


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