Thursday, December 6, 2018

A Flexible Approach

I have diagrammed the approach to team-building, developed by Hal and the puppet Brian.

Mr. Levine has earlier opined that the Yankees are already better than the Red Sox.

This is why.

The arrows represent the scripts for :

- free agent signings
- player development
- foreign intervention
- contract management
-  managing resources

"  ...where are we going to....don't ask, anymore."


  1. And it’s headfirst into the old shitcan we dive, mouths open, sucking up the glory and howling with glee at our beloved leader. HAL THE PRINCE OF FELCHING DOES NOT WANT YO WIN. You hear that, George? I am calling upon you, in whatever sphere you might be occupying now. Your son doesn’t give a shit. Save us George or get him to release the team to someone who cares. We know you would do that if you could right now.


  2. Please remember: Before the advent of the Steinbrenners, the ownership was led by . . . CBS. I was a frequent visitor to the Stadium in those days. I don't think you want to go back to such an era.

    My admonition is: Be Careful What You Wish For.

    Also, don't bother wishing for Eo. Red Sux signed him, 4yr deal. May he return to that sparkling "form" he demonstrated with NYYs in 2016.....era = 4.78.

  3. We need to start planning the Kickstarter for the Food Stamps Hal banner.

  4. Any news on Red Thunder's fragile wee cranium?

  5. I ALSO went to the stadium during the CBS days. I do NOT want to go back to that, but HAL is not synonymous with GEORGE. We want some rich asshole who WANTS TO WIN.

  6. Like Daniel Snyder, rich owner of the Washington redskins?

    They have thrived in the toilet for a decade, once he purchased them.

    We need a different tactic.

    I am thinking of Gentleman Jack and coke.

    Or para-normal psychology.

    Or just fucking throw in the towel and watch soccer.

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